In many cases, the spelling seen in a census index or in other kinds of indexed or extracted records is not the same as the spelling in the actual record.
Looking at this list, anything's possible, and unless one searches every conceivable variant or misspelling, one is likely to miss finding a crucial record. Look at Umbstactt below. This is the spelling in a census index - I only found it because I used Soundex while searching on another variant. The d in the dt at the end is not connected in the original handwritten version and it does look like ctt to someone who doesn't know that the name is Umbstatt. I found an Umpstatt in a MD census image while just going through all images in the county - if he's indexed at all, I sure can't find him. The people who read the censuses to create the indexes were not necessarily familiar with the names, the handwriting varies from elegant to atrocious, and there are splotches and blotches galore. What's an UM to do?
I have more info on most of these, although I've not always seen primary records. Email me if you find something that interests you. If you've run into other variant spellings that I've missed, please tell me - record type, details, and source, and, if you've seen the original record, whether or not the spellings agree.
ULMSTADT, Johannes - CD 354 Rupp,
p 161 - arrived in the snow "Charlotte" 1743
ULMSTEAD - Lots of records in various locations with this spelling.
Some ours and some OLMsteads (NY, CT, etc), depending on where
they are found.
ULMSTEAD - Frederick Co, MD, YEAR?, went to Seneca Co, OH (source
ULMSTEAD, ELI - 1850 Seneca County OH 466 Clinton Township Federal
Population Schedule OH 1850 Federal Census Index OHS6a2983062
+ OHS9a9601366.
ULMSTEAD, JOHN E. 1850 Seneca County OH 466 Clinton Township Federal
Population Schedule OH 1850 Federal Census Index OHS6a2983064
+ OHS9a9601372
PENN, RUPP, p82 - this is NOT to be taken as evidence of Ums IN
PA before 1685.
ULMSTED - NY and CT Census various years. These are most likely
OLMsteads. Aaron ULMSTED, 1790, NY Wash Granville, 1790 US Federal
Census, ANC
ULMSTEDs in Frederick Co, MD 1798 are ours. CD 208 "Maryland
Genealogical Society Bulleton, Vol 1-38, No 1, Winter, 1997, p53
mentions Ulmsted's Inheritance, Federal Tax, District 1.
ULSTAD - Clearly a Scandanavian name - found in ND and MN Census
1880 and 1885. Not UMs
UMBEHAND, Jacob, 1790, PA Dauphin, 1790 US Federal Census - PROBABLY
NOT AN UM, but the spelling on the original image could perhaps
have been misread.
UMBS - Seen in 1920 WI Census + other areas, Civil War Pension
Records. A Jacob Umbs in 1920 census was born in Germany. 1910
PA Census Phila
UMBSTACTT - 1850 OH Census per index - but the actual spelling
is Umbstadt - Margaret, Richland Co, Madison Twp.
UMBSTAT - Rupp, Israel Daniel - Hans Peter, Peter and Johannes
spelled this way - WFT CD 354 Immigrants
UMBSTATT - See Nicholas Original
Records on this site - this is an old
spelling ca 1685 Germany
UMBSTEAD - 1840 and 1850 OH Census - Jonas and Mary, Columbiana
Co, Perry Twp
UMBSTEN - 1840 MI Census, Wayne Co, Brownstown Twp
UMBSTET - WFT CD 193 Strassburger Genealogy, Hans Peter (1685)
and a Noah (year and identity unknown) shown with this spelling.
UMESTEAD - 1910 Miracode Index PA BERKS Enum Dist 0008
UMETAD - Probable misreading of Umstad - PA Archives, 6th Series,
Ums in PA Militia Units
UMFESTED - 1870 PA Census
UMISTEAD - "Register of Deaths for Chester County,"
volumes 1-3 (1893-1907), located at the Chester County Archives
UMPCHANT - 1790 PA Census Philadelphia, Jacob (Butcher) UMPCHANT,
PA Phila Phila, 1790 US Federal Census, ANC
UMPHICKER - 1830 PA Census Berks Co
UMPHIND, Jacob, 1790, PA Northampton Forks, 1790 US Federal Census
- no others found with this spelling, some Umphints in 1910. The
spelling on the census image could have been misread, but not
necessarily an UM.
UMPHIS - 1840 NC Census Rutherford Co
UMPHSLER - 1850 IL Census, actual spelling is probably Umphater
or possibly Umphaler.
UMPHSTEAD - Granville Co, NC marriage recs 1787, Rev
War Records (Jedidiah - he's an OLMSTEAD
from NY), 1840 OH Census
UMPHSTED - Rev War Service
Records (Olmstead). 1850 IA Census definitely
UMPOSTOT - 1830 VA Census - Umstot/Umstott variant
UMPSED - 1850 MI Census
UMPSET -1840 NY Census
UMPSHIRE - 1810 PA and 1850 MD Census
UMPSTAD - 1850 OH Census
UMPSTADDT - Some trees showing this spelling in Kindred Konnections.
1850 MD Census
UMPSTADT - 1860 WV Census
UMPSTADTT - 1850 IA Census
UMPSTALLED - 1850 MD Census
UMPSTATD - KindredKonnections/
UMPSTATT - 1800 MD Census
UMPSTEAD - Found all over the place, some definitely Ums, others
probably OLMsteads or other, depending on the location, Revolutionary War Service Records.
UMPSTED - Found all over the place, some definitely Ums, others
probably OLMsteads or other, depending on the location, Revolutionary War Service Records.
UMPSTIAD - PA Archives, 6th Series, PA Militia Units
UMPSTID - 1850 IA Census
UMPSTOL - 1810 VA, 1860 WV and IA Census
UMPSTOT - Variant of Umstot/Umstott found VA Census
UMPSTOTT - Variant of Umstot/Umstott found VA, WV, OH Census
UMRADT - Strassburger - 1743 arrived on ship Charlotta, CD 354
UMRANDT - Seen in Kindred Connections/
UMRTEAD - William (really an Um) 1870 Census, Derry, Montour Co,
PA (corrected)
UMS - 1830 PA Census Pike Co (believe it or not)
UMSATT - WFT CD 195 MD Marriages and 004 Marriage Index
UMSCHAD - 1880 TX Census Bexar Co (probable Umscheid variant)
UMSHAD - 1920 TX Census Bexar Co (probable Umscheid variant)
UMSHAID - 1880 TX Census Bexar Co (probable Umscheid variant)
UMSHIED - 1880 TX Census Bexar Co (probable Umsheid variant)
UMSCHEID - Lots around, probably not UMs, but possible misspelling
of some UMs, depending on location.
UMSED - 1850 OH Census
UMSHEAD - MD marriage record (possibly an Umsheid variant)
UMSHED - 1860 PA Census Philadelphia
UMSHEDE - 1840 PA Census Westmoreland Co
UMSHEER - 1860 IN Census
UNSHOFFSTALL - 1860 PA Dauphin Co
UMSHOT - 1840 OH Census
UMSON - FHL 13694 and WFT CD354 Immigrants 1851 San Francisco
- probably not Ums
UMSONST - Seen in Kindred Connections/
UMSOTTER - 1850 KY Census
UMSLADT - WFT CD133 Revolutionary Patriots, MD and DE, 1775-1783
and Maryland Settlers & Soldiers, Volume II, Marriage Records
UMSTAAT - Seen in Kindred Connections/ + a message
board query; The Palatine Immigrant, 1999 (see Hans Peter Bibliography)
UMSTAB - 1840 CT Vensus
UMSTACE - 1870 LA Census
UMSTAD - Common early UM spelling, seen in various records
UMSTADDT - 1850 IN and 1860 MO Census; Civil War Pension Index
UMSTADE - 1840 VA Census
UMSTADT - Can generally be believed to be UMs, but in some cases
may be an OLMstead or other variant, depending on the location.
UMSTADT - Joh. Valtin (Valentine) and Jacob arrived 1732 on "Johnson
of London," WFT CD 354 Immigrants, multiple sources
UMSTADTT - WFT Vol 11 and CD 234 Marr Index MO
UMSTAED - WFT Volumes 21 and 26 (probably just bad spelling)
UMSTAEO - Seen in Phone Book CD - the real name IS UMSTEAD per
those I've contacted
UMSTAET - WFT CDs 196 SE PA Birth Index and 130 PA German Church
UMSTALL - 1820 DC, 1840 MD, 1850 MO Census, Hampshire Co VA Personal
Property list
UMSTANT - PA Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, Franklin Co
Will Books, Vol D-E, 1826-1853; US Census 1910, Martinsville,
Clark Co, Illinois,
UMSTARD - WFT CDs 229, 002, 208 (Nicholas Umstard), and 235, 1920
NC Census Durham Co, TN Gibson Co Marriages (mid 1800s).
UMSTARDT - WFT CDs 450 and 224
UMSTART - MD marriage record
UMSTAT - Commonly seen for Hans Peter. 1830 and 1920 OH Census,
Civil War Pension Records, 1782 Early Census Index VA
UMSTATE - PA Archives, 6th Series, Ums in PA Militia Units, and
WFT CD209 PA Wills
UMSTATT - Probably all Ums, found in PA, WV, MD, KY, OH, immigrants
and old German records, altho Umstadt used in Germany later.
- Marriages and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churchs,
Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1982
UMSTATTD -Probably all UMs - found in KY, IN, IL, AR, MD, Revolutionary War Records.
UMSTEAD - Revolutionary
War Service Records.
UMSTEADT - 1920 PA Census
UMSTEARD - Irish, Donna R, PA GERMAN MARRIAGES - Marriages
and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churchs, Genealogical
Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1982
UMSTEAS - Phone Book CD misspelling - probably UMs
UMSTEAT - PA Archives Series 2 Vol XIV and Series 3 Vol XVI; Indian
Creek Reformed Church Cemetery, Telford, PA
UMSTEATTD -William Lloyd Umsteattd is said to have died in Andersonville
Prison in the Civil War (unsourced)
UMSTED - Revolutionary
War Service Records.
UMSTEDD - WFT CD 18 Family Queries
UMSTEDT - 1830 OH Census
UMSTEED - WFT CD 207 Family Histories Massachusetts (probably
OLMstead), MD Vital Records
UMSTEEL - 1850 VT Census, 1870 OH Census
UMSTEET - 1850 OH Census, 1870 MO Census
UMSTER - 1860 and 1870 PA Census, marriage index NC, MD, or VA
UMSTERAD - 1798 Frederick Co, MD Probate Administration Records
UMSTETS - PA Genealogical Magazine CD213 spelling on Hans Peter
UMSTETT - NY Baptism 1803; WFT CD 130 German Church Records; Hans
Peter's 1706 sale of land to van Bebber
UMSTETTD - WFT CD 234 and Vol 21, MO Marriages 1851-1900
UMSTGAT - Justice of the Peace examples from "The Ledger
of Owen Evans" transcribed by Judith A. H. Myers, pp. 217-243,
Bulletin of the Historical Society, Montgomery Co, Vol 30, Fall
1996, #3. "1742 June 19: Catharin Kellio unto Henry Umstgat
- 9 years to have 2 sotes of apparal one to be new if she doth
well she is to have a little wheel."
UMSTIAS - 1850 PA Census - should be ours
UMSTID - 1830 OH, 1835 Berks Co PA Will Book, 1811 Berks Co marriage
UMSTIED - WFT CD 356 Germans to America
UMSTIEL - Canadian Genealogy Index
UMSTODT - 1920 OH and 1860 MO Census
UMSTOL - 1898 IL marriage record, 1840 OH Census
UMSTOLL - 1870 VA and WV Census
UMSTON - 1807 OH, 1850 IN and ME Census
UMSTODT, UMSTODDT - 1822 Muskingum, Ohio Marriage Records 1774-1993
UMSTOT - Typical UM variant found OH, VA, WV
UMSTOTE - MD Vital Records, probably a misreading of Umstott on
an old handwritten record
UMSTOTT - Typical UM variant found OH, VA, WV
UMTEAD - Bad spelling or typo in WFT Vol 21
UMTINSTOCK - WFT CD320 Census Index Selected States/Counties
UNGSTAD - 1840 and 1870 PA Census, Berks Co - these two should
be ours.
UNGSTADT - WFT CD130 New Hanover Lutheran Church Records (PA)
UNGSTATT - Berks Co PA Estate Records Ungstatt/Angstadt
UNIPSTED - 1840 IN Census Index - spelled Umpsted on actual census
UNISTEAD - "Register of Deaths for Chester County,"
volumes 1-3 (1893-1907), located at the Chester County Archives
UNISTIA - index error on John Umstead
UNISTOT - OH marriage records
UNPSTEAD - 1820 MD Census, 1910 PA Phila
UNPSTED - Massachusetts Soldiers & Sailors Vol 16 - probably
UNSALD - 1883 Erie Co, PA Naturalizations
UNSALDT - MD Probate Records WFT CD206
UNSALT - MD Probate Records WFT CD206
UNSETT - 1850 OH Census
UNSHAD - 1840 NC Granville Co Census page 113. William listed
as UNshad in ( Index, but it's clearly Umstead on
the image.
UNSLAUT - Morris Co NJ Tax lists 1801-1809 - same individuals
listed various years as
UNST - 1800 PA Census Dauphin Co, 1860 MO Census, 1860 NY Census
UNSTAAT - WFT CD 286 1870 Eastern PA Census
UNSTABT - Morris Co NJ Tax lists 1811-1819 - same persons listed
UNSTAD - 1850 PA Census (prob ours), 1850 NY Census 1870 PA, 1974
MI, 1979 + 1982 MN, 1990 MO, Henry Unstad B NORWAY, others obviously
UNSTADDT - 1850 KY Census - see also Umstaddt
UNSTALL - "Washington County, PA Frontier Rangers 1781-1782"
UNSTALLED - 1830 KY Census
UNSTAN - PA SS death records - no other listings found for this
spelling, so possible misspelling or misreading of Unstad
UNSTARD - 1830 IN Census
UNSTAT - INDEX only on WFT CD 209, probably misspelling of Jacob
Umstat who witnessed a will
UNSTAT, Valentin, 1709 in England. WFT CD 354 Immigrants - various
lists of Germans from the Palatinate.
UNSTATT - Mason Co, KY marriage records, 1870 KY Census, WFT CDs
130, 319, 196.
UNSTATTD - Kentucky Death Index 1911-present
UMSTATTED - Washington DC marriage record
UMSTAUD - Maryland Marriage Index
UNSTAUL - Morris Co NJ Tax lists 1801-1819 - same persons listed
some years as UNSTADT, UNSLAUT, UNSTOUT, or UNSTABT. At one time
Unstaul was listed in's index, but none listed now
as of April 2010.
UNSTEAD - Lots of them around, some probably ours, some probably
OLMsteads, depending on location.
UNSTED - There is an UNsted family in the UK (England) with whom
I'm in contact, but very few of their people came to the US.
UNSTED - They are all over the place, some are ours, some probably
OLMsteads, depending on location. One of ours, "Lovina"
in 1870 Tishomingo Co, MS census
UNSTID - 1850 IN AIS Mortality Index
UNSTIDE - 1850 PA Census
UNSTOD - Transcribed as F I Shrauger and Anna UNSTOD in Michigan
County Marriages, 1822-1940
UNSTODT - Query in Everton's Nov/Dec 1996
UNSTOT - 1790 NC and 1920 IL Census
UNSTOUT - Morris Co NJ Tax lists 1801-1819 - same persons listed
UNTHANK - 1743 Springfield, Bucks Co, PA listing on Rootsweb
UPSTEAD - Hance Peter Upstead in Hull's WILLIAM PENN AND THE DUTCH
PERKIOMEN REGION VOL XII; 1850 IL, NY, and PA Census; 1870 NY
Census; Hance Peter Upstead in "The First Tax List for the
Province of Pennsylvania and the Three Lower Counties," 1693
(in Krefeld Immigrants 2002)
URASTAD - 1790 Census - Harman UMSTAD, Montgomery Co, PA - I sent
correction to 4/2010
URSTAD - 1860 IL Census - probably not UM
URSTADT - 1883 NY birth record, 1870 NJ, MI, and NY Census, 1920
NY Census, and two known immigrants from Germany.
USTED - Varying records - two born Norway, those in NY may be
OLMsteads, two in 1850 PA Census/Philadelphia area, one Civil
War pension filed IL. A gravestone of a known UM MIGHT have this
spelling, but that may just be due to deterioration.
VMSTEAD - index error on John Umstead.
Following are other variant spelling POSSIBILITIES for which NO records have been found so far. I've included them because I've looked for them. There are probably others I've not thought of. It's apparent that the UMs and other families with similar names were very creative with their spellings, as were those who wrote their records.
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