This is a listing of POSSIBLE variant UM spellings, as well as KNOWN MISSPELLINGS and SIMILAR-SOUNDING SURNAMES that are definitely NOT UMs. Further information specific to each name will be added as it becomes available. Many of the names beginning with U are likely to be either UM variant spellings or known misspellings seen in various old records, with the possible exception of those ending in -er which, as of this time, have not been proven to connect to our UMs.
Those listed in red are known or probable Ums, listed in blue ought to be looked into, listed in black unlikely or definitely not UMs.
This list is also meant to be a way for members of non-UM families to find us and help us identify them and hopefully to obtain contact information to them.
It's important to remember that census-takers and record-makers were often notoriously bad spellers. Add to this that the early UMs were GERMANS and they did not necessarily know how to spell or even pronounce their names in English, plus they spoke with heavy accents on top of it. This does NOT mean that they were illiterate. Many of the early records were handwritten in old German script, which is difficult to read to begin with, and worse, they often scribbled or left off endings. Some created variant spellings just to be different or to be distinguishable from cousins with the same first names or other branches of the family.
Census indexes frequently contain errors when compared to the actual census images. I will add any I find as I run across them. (See also Census Recap as it develops elsewhere on this site).
Note: WFT CD 354 Immigrants data is NOT always from actual immigration records, but can be from whatever early records were found on a person. In many cases, it's from other published sources such as Rupp, Hull, Tepper, etc.
If you know of other possible variant spellings or know of any actual UM whose name has been misspelled a certain way in a specific record, please let me know.
If you can claim any of
these, and especially if you know for sure they are NOT UMs, please
contact me so that we can direct YOUR family members to YOU.
Airmstead - a record seen in VA 1757-1817, source unknown - see Armistead
Allstaedt - NY, Manhattan marriage 1876
Alstadt, Alstat (Alstal) - PA Philadelphia 1760's WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Alstatt- PA, Philadelphia, 1729, WFT CD 354 Immigrants (Strassburger
p 24)
Almsted, Almstead, Almstaedt, Almstedt - contact Lorraine
Almsted [email protected]
My beef is with the 1870 St. Louis, MO census. The taker wrote
"Almstedt" with an "open A" so that the transcriber
recorded "Olinstend." I think the N.O. Landing (11/1857)
calls it "Ahnstedt". Charlie Almstedt 8/09.
Amestd - TN Gibson Co 1860 Census - POSSIBLY
bad handwriting or a misspelling of UM. (Gloria Walker)
Amstad - LA, New Orleans 1855 - WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Amstatt - WFT CD 354 Immigrants 1817 in America
Amstatz - WFT CD 354 Immigrants LA, New Orleans 1846, 1852 (see
Amstad above)
Amstead, Amstedt - MA 1787 and 1881 LDS FHL 250299 and 250293
Amstedt - PA, Phila 1749 - WFT CD 354 Immigrants (Rupp p 209)
- arrived 25 Sept 1749 ship Speedwell, foreigners from
Wirtemberg, Alsace and Hanau).
Amsted - PA, Philadelphia 1810 - WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Amstett - WFT CD 354 Immigrants LA, New Orleans 1856
Angstadt [email protected]
George Angstadt, father of Peter, came out of Zutzendorf/Gumbrechtshoffen
area, Alsace, PER BOB ANGSTADT. Some records found PA Berks Co
1762 and 1865. Numerous references on WFT CD354 Immigrants.
ANGUESTAT, Peter, 1768, PA Berks Robinson, Proprietary Return
Berks 1768, 50 ac, PA Archives 3:XVIII 151
ANGSTED, Peter, 1768, PA Berks ?twp?,
Proprietary Return Berks 1768, 15 shillings, PA Archives 3:XVIII
ANGSTADT, Jno, 1780, PA Berks Rockland, Return and Assessment
Berks 1780, PA Archives 3:XVIII 406 (also Anstadt)
Ansiot - LA 1719 - Tepper, New World Immigrants,
p 511 from France, ship The Duke of Noailles, sailed 16
Sep 1719
Anstad - NJ Sussex 1774 WFT CD 310
Anstadt - Germany before 1665, 1685-1737, LDS online
Anstadt, Jno and Adam, b'smith, PA Berks Rockland, Return and
Assessment Berks 1780, PA Archives 3:XVIII 403
Anstaet - PA (Phila?) 1790 WFT CD 354 Immigrants (wife Graef)
Anstaett - America 1846-1854 WFT CD 590 and 354. TX 1866; LA,
New Orleans, 1868-1898 WFT CD 354
Anstand - 1761WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Anstat - NJ Sussex 1774 WFT CD310 and on tax list, NC Randolph
1790 WFT CD 311 1790 U.S. Census
Anstatt - 1744-1851 various references on WFT CD 354 Immigrants,
including many in PA. See also Amstedt above. PA Philadelphia
Co 1747 WFT CD 310 Census Index: Colonial America
ANSTATT, Johann Georg, 1747, PA Phila Phila CD310
Anstead - PA, Somerset 1844, WFT CD 354 Immigrants 1675. Also
Barbados 1675, and English convice, same source.
Ansted - America 1675 WFT CD 590
Anstedt - NY, NY 1866 WFT CD 354 Immigrants (multiple references)
Anstett - many refereences on WFT CD 354 Immigrants, see also
Amstedt. PA Allegheny 1828 and 1838, PA Philadelphia 1876, same
Anstott - LA, New Orleans 1857 WFT CD 354; MD Frederick 1718-1778
(b Bad Duerkheim, Pfalz, Germany) LDS Online.
Anstotz - America 1851-1859 WFT CD 354 Immigrants.
Amestd, Aousted - TN Gibson Co Census 1860
- Many weird spellings on this census that may or may not be UMs.
(Gloria Walker).
Armestead, Armested - VA 1636-1783 WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Armistead, Armstead -
Most listings are not ours. Some are VT soldiers.
WFT CD 354 and 590 Immigrants lists them in VA, LA, GA, MD, NC
(see below), Smith Co, TN, NY, CO, CA, MS. LDS listigs show lots
of them as well.
Armstead, Ann 1740 and Hannah 1759, immigrants in bondage, WFT
CD 354
Armstead - 1860 Rowan Co, NC census (ours).
Armistead - NC Northampton, Bertie, Warren, and Tyrell Counties
1790 WFT CD 311 1790 U.S. Census.
Armstead - NC Orange Co 1757-1815 - spelling
of UM wife of William Veazey shown as Armstead in early records,
per Ann VZ Davis.
Armstad - PA Phila 1790 U.S. Census WFT CD 311 1790 U.S. Census
(p 217). LDS also has listings.
Armstate - PA 1785 - PA Archives 6th Series, Vol #3 lists Jacob Armstate along with Harman Umstate in 5th Co, 3rd Batt, Capt Harple. See Revolutionary War UMs.
Armstlfd - PA, Philadelphia 1832 WFT CD354 Immigrants
Armstid - VA 1672 WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Note: I have not included info on
the various A...ers. They were around, tho.
Baumstädt. Joseph - PA, Philadelphia, Germantown -
before 1710, Hull, William I, WILLIAM PENN AND THE DUTCH QUAKER
MIGRATION TO PENNSYLVANIA, Swarthmore College Monographs on Quaker
History, Number Two, 1935, page 412, Appendix C, various people
known to be in Germantown between 1693-1709. Joseph is shown as
having been in Germantown before 1710.
Bumstead, Bumsted - MA, NY, IL, CA, MD (1775), Toronto, 1892, WFT CD 354 + 590 Immigrants, 310 + 311 Census
Bumstedd - Barbados 1635-35 WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Bumstede/Bumstide, Dorothy - PA, Philadelphia 1713, WFT CD 354
(not to be confused with IRISH Quaker Arrivals) 1682-1750. A list
of certificates of removal. NOT AN UM.
Bunstead, Elizabeth - PA, Philadelphia 1736 - Married Joseph Durborrow 8 JUL 1736
Dubstadt - PA, Somerset Co, Berlin 1839 - "Church Records
of Berlin, Somerset Co, PA". Marriages by Charles REES, pastor
of the Congregation in Berlin, Pennsylvania
John GEDE to Catherine DUBSTADT, Mar 21, 1839, p. 164
Estadt - NJ 1850's - they appear to have come from Germany mid-1850's and settled in New Jersey.
Hampstead, Hampsted - CT, MD, PA (Northumberland Co 1790),
NY, 311, 354, 590
Hamstead - TN, Sevier 1886 - m M M Cate 19 Oct 1886 Sevier TN
FHL 969966; MD 1719 WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Hamsted - TN, Sevier m Mariah T Hodges Sevier TN FHL 969967; CT
1881 - Christening 10 jan 1881 New London CT FHL 4305
Hamsted, Hasted, Hausted - TN Gibson Co
1860 CENSUS (as it looks per Gloria Walker). POSSIBLY some are
Hamstread/Hamstred/Humsted, Elizabeth - PA, Montgomery, Lower
Providence 1765, MCHS Sketches Vol IV p 220, married Arnold Francis,
son of Thomas Francis; 1763 WFT 193 from PA Archives, Vol. IX
Marriage Records of St. Michael's & Zion Ch., Philadelphia
- Dec 29, 1763 Arnold Francis and Elizabeth Humsted (Hamstred
in Lic.) wid.
Harmstadt, Anna Maria - PA, Philadelphia Co, 1793, WFT
CD 166 PA Marriages Prior to 1810: "The following persons
who had come from Europe were married before they set out for
the Genesee country:" Albion Cox m. Maria Anna Harmstadt
on Sept. 19, 1793. by Rev Winckhaus (who died on Oct. 3, 1793.)
1st Reformed Church, Phila Co.
Hempstead, Hempsted - CT, MI, CA, AL, Quebec, WFT CD 354,
590 Immigrants, 310, 311 Census
Hempstead - a Christian Hempstead appears
in the 1790 Montgomery Co, Maryland census - WFT CD 311; also
a William in Maryland in 1663 per CD 354 Immigrants. William (assuming
the same, maybe not) is also shown as Hempsteed as well as a Mary
and a "Jone" in Maryland in 1673.
Hempsteeds also shown in VA and CT,
WFT CD 354 Immigrants and 310 Census. One misspelling on CD 310
Hempstedt - IA 1847 WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Hempstone, Townley MD, Montgomery Co in 1790 WFT CD 311 Census
Hemptead - NY 1790 - WFT CD 311 Census
Hemstad - ND 1918 WFT CD 354 Immigrants; LDS CDs show lots as
Hemstead - VA 1652 WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Hemstead. Trouble for Nothing, 120 acres. MO Linganore and Sugar
Loaf Hundred, p. 4 + 22. MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 from Maryland
Archives on US GenWeb.
CO William Hemstead. MO Linganore and Sugar Loaf Hundred, p. 9.
MSA S 1161-8-1 1/4/5/51 from Maryland Archives on US GenWeb
Hemstead, G.W. FL, Suwanee Co, 1880, LDS (per Eleanor Mayfarth) - 1880 Census Suwanee Co FL page number unreadable-close to end. Not on index.. Ages not as accurate as 1885 FL State Census-G W Hemstead 50 b NC par b NC Mary E 30 b GA par b NC John W 9 George W 7 Annie 6 Lucian 4 Charles 3 Mary L 1 children all b FL
Hemstead, Benjamin - NC, Bertie 1790 -WFT CD 311 Census
Hemstead - VA, CT, NJ, Toronto, WFT CD 354, 590 Immigrants
Hermstadt, Martin, Nicholas - PA,
Philadelphia, 1772, WFT CD 193 - PA Archives, Vol. IX, Mar 18,
1772 Martin Hermstadt, widr, and Anna Stafford, Apr 17, 1775 Nicholaus
Hermstadt and Catharina Haupt, Marriage Records of St. Michael's
& Zion Ch., Philadelphia
Hohstad - MO 1850 WFT CD 317 Census
Hohstadt - OH 1840 WFT CD 316 Census (WFT Index shows lots of
Holstead, Edward, NC, Pasquotank 1790, WFT CD 311 Census
Holstead, Jese, NC, Currituck, 1790, WFT CD 311 Census
Holstead, John, 1775-1783 "Revolutionary War Refugees from
Canada and Nova Scotia" National Genealogical Society Quarterly
59:4, 1971, page 270
Holstead, Holsted, Holsteed - NJ; 1651, 1667, and 1672 VA; NY;
- WFT 354 Immigrants, 311 Census
Hompsted, William, Jacob, PA 1850, WFT CD 305 Census
Hufstad, Peter, PA, Montgomery Co,
1786 - Peter Hufstad listed (Montgomery Co) as 2nd class under
Capt. Michael Gaugler's Co. 1786, - PA Archives, 6th Ser. Vol
3, p. 669.
Humsread - Maryland Genealogical
Society Bulletin, Volume 15 Number 4, November, 1974 , page
226, states: UMSTEAD (HUMSREAD), Abraham, Mont. Co, Md. census
1790 - 1800 - 1810; Enoch and Nicholas in Fred. Co., Md. 1790
Census [R-29]. (I found no images online under this spelling).
Shown as an alternate spelling (in parentheses) for Abraham Umstead
of Montgomery Co, MD
Humstat, John - Egle, William Henry, Early Pennsylvania Land
Records, Minutes of the Board of Property of the Province of Pennsylvania,
Minute Book H, pp. 652-3
Humstead, Humsted - PA Archives, 3rd Series, Vol. II, p. 727,
Humsted, John, Do [Warrant]; 1719. This is our Johannes Umstat.
[Found by Barbara Wentz]
Humstead, Jacob, PA 1748 + 1758, WFT CD 209 - PA Wills, Jacob
witnessed Rambo (1758) and Castleberry (1747/48) wills. Probably
our Jacob, Rambo an allied family.
Humstead, Humsted - 1674 VA, NJ -
WFT 354 Immigrants, 310 Census (Rent Rolls), FHL 140331
Humsted, Catharine - PA, Phila, 1750
- WFT CD 172 - marriage license issued by Gov James Hamilton,
July 1750.
Humsted - see also Hamstread above.
Humstott - "Newspaper Abstracts of Frederick County" (MD) in The Republican Gazette & General Advertiser, page 59: "Abraham HUMSTOTT, Montgomery Co., offers reward for apprentice to the black-smith business, Alexander PAGE, 17-18 years of age." 2 May 1818. See Abes of Maryland.
Husted, Hustid - MA, NY, NJ, CT, 1640 VA - WFT CD 354 Immigrants, 310 + 311 Census, plus lots of them in WFT tree CDs.
Husted, Peter - PA, Philadelphia, 1755, WFT CD 209 PA Wills - Peter witnessed will of Christian Yengling.
Note: I have not included info on
the various H...ers. They were around, tho.
Menstead - A Nicholas Menstead witnessed
the will of Adam Black in Frederick Co, MD 11 May 1818 - found
at This is
PROBABLY Nicholas, son of our Nicholas of MD.
Mumstadt - NY, 1892 Manhattan death cert #23674
NEWSTEAD-L H Newstead misreading index Louis/Lewis H Umstead
Olmstadt/Olmsted - PA, 1664 or before, Rupp, HISTORY OF
BERKS AND LEBANON COUNTIES PENN, p82, 250. This is NOT to be taken
as evidence of Ums IN PA before 1685 at this time.
OLMSTEAD - see new site
Olmestede, Olmstad, Olmstadt, Olmstedd, Olmstede, and other
variant spellings of OLMstead, OLMsted, etc
OLMSTEAD Gideon, PA Phila Southwark, 1790 US Federal Census -
NOT AN UM - shown as Sea Capt with one male 16+ (himself) and
two females. He apparently was living in Philadelphia.
Contact Walt Steesy - [email protected]
Omensetter - see also UMENSETTER
Omensetter, Elizabeth - PA, Philadelphia, 1784 - married Geo Berckenbeil,
German Ref Ch, Phila 19 Aug 1784 per Rec Pa Marr Prior to 1810
Vol 1.
Omstad/Unstat, Veldin NY 1709, age 22 -
WFT CD 354 Immigrants - Possibly from Holland, possibly via England;
as Unstat: WFT 238, 170 Imm to New World CD FROM TEPPER, Imm to
the Middle Colonies; Breithard, Gail "The Lost Palatine."
There is, I suppose, some possibility that this may be our unidentified
immigrant Johann Veltin Umstatt who arrived in 1732. He was an
adult at that time, so a birth date of 1687 is not impossible.
Omstadt, Eave - PA, Schipack (Skippack),
1710 - WFT CD 166; Omstadt, Eval - PA, Bucks, Bensalem, 1710 -
WFT CD 196.
Omstadt, John - 1967
PERSONS NATURALIZED IN THE PROVINCE OF PENNSYLVANIA 1740 - 1773, Excerpted and Reprinted from Pennsylvania
Archives, Series 2, Volume II, for Clearfield Company, by Genealogical
Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1968. We believe this to be our
Johannes Umstat. WFT CD 354 Immigrants. Note that the spelling
is the same as Eve above, which adds more likelihood to this being
our Johannes.
Omstott - CA 1854 - WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Omstut,Omstutz, Omstuts - OH, Wayne Co, 1826 - WFT CD 354 Immigrants
Ongst, John, in Worchester Twp, Philadelphia
Co, PA in 1769, with 100 acres. PA Archives 3:XIV, p 31 - a number
of our allied families nearby!
Onstadt, Valentine, 1737, PA Chester, Warrantees of Land Chester
Co 1733-1858, 100 ac, Feb 13, 1737, PAR 3:XXIV 91 - see also John
Valtin Umstadt and Valentine Umstadt in Philadelphia in 1732 (in
Onstot, Onstott - they are everywhere in censuses.
Onstot/Onstott, - KY, Mason Co - David m Katherine Gibson 1832,
Solomon m Mary Ann Fugate 1828.
Ormste(a)d - Abraham in Revolutionary War (PA Archives), possibly ours misspelled. An Abraham Ormsted appears in the American Genealogical-Biographical Index (AGBI) Vol 128, page 74. This work is housed in Connecticut and contains no references to Umstead. Others in VT, CT, possibly OLMstead variants.
Ottstadt, Henry - PA, York Co - PA ORIGINAL LAND RECORDS
YORK CO, Windsor & Lower Windsor Twps, p 170
Plumstead, Plumsted - Appear in Watring, Anna Miller, EARLY QUAKER
Ranstead, Ransted - Appear in Watring, Anna Miller, EARLY QUAKER
The U Variants
The UM-ers (probably not UMs)
- this would include other -ers, i.e. Amstater. I am not bothering
with specifice on them, they aren't our UMs outside of, perhaps,
the occasional weirdity.
Umensetter - Hanns UMENSETTER was born about 1645 and worked
as a miller in Heimsheim, Germany. His grandson Johann Michael
emigrated in 1751 to America, per Matthias Kobuß of Germany
9/06. See passenger list at
Michel Umensetter and Jacob Umensetter, ship "Duke of Wirtenberg,"
Rotterdam, qualified October 16 1751. Both Michel and Jacob appear
in census 1751 Philadelphia Township, Philadelphia Co, PA. 1759
Johannes Umensetter, was in Pennsylvania. Multiple sources.
Umstadler - 1848, Norfolk, VA CD 354 Immigrants
Umstadter, George A, 1832 Baltimore, CD 354 Immigrants
Umstaender, Umstander, Peter, 1881, Illinois, CD 354 Immigrants
Umstaetter, Josef, 1910, Baltimore, MD, CD 354 Immigrants
Umstander -see Umstaender, Peter above
Umstaetter, Daniel, 1844, MS, CD 354 Immigrants
Omstad/Unstat, Veldin - see Omstad above
VMSTEAD - index error
on John Umstead.
Wimpsted, Hannah - PA, Berks Co,
1776 - sponsor at baptism of Jacob, son of Helena/Eleanor UM and
John Kerlin.
Winpotall - The Census Index on
lists Abraham Umpstatt as Abraham WINPOTALL in Montgomery Co,
Maryland 1800. It is clearly Umpstatt on the image. UPDATE: as
of April 2010, this is indexed correctly.
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© Cris Hueneke 2000 Last Updated March 2009