Aaron Umstead (OLMSTEAD) Abiah Umsted Abraham Umstattd Abraham Umstead Abraham Umstid Abraham Umstedd Abram/Abm/Abrh Umstead Areal Umstead David Umstead Ebenezer Umpstead (OLMSTEAD) Francis Umphsted/Umpsted (OLMSTED) George Umstead Gideon/Gideon Umsted (OLMSTED) |
Harman Umstad Harman Umstat Harman Umsted Henry Umstead Herman Umpstead Herman Umstatt Israel Umpsted/ead (OLMSTEAD) Jacob Ormsted Jacob Umbehand (probably not ours) Jacob Umstad Jacob Umstead Jacob Umsted Jacob Umstid Jedidiah Umphstead (OLMSTEAD) |
John (Jn.o) Umpstead John Umpstead John Umstat John Umstead John Umstattd John Umsted John Unstall/Unstoll Nehemiah Umpsted (OLMSTED) Peter Umsted Richard Umpstead Roger Umsted (OLMSTEAD) Timothy Umsted (OLMSTEAD) Warner Umstead |
Aaron Umstead has been confirmed as an OLMSTEAD, he's not ours. Peter Porter's detachment, General Fellows's (Berkshire Co) brigade, under Brig Gen Stark at Albany, Private, 1778 [Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, page 250]. Aaron also appears in the same source on page 648 as Olmstead and Olmsted, but in a different company.
Areal Umstead, Company 132 Continental Troops, Private [Ancestry.com Revolutionary War Service Records, 1775-83]. I have no clue who he was, and I've seen no image or copy of an actual service record. Areal was a reasonably common name, but not a typical Umstead name. He was probably not of Pennsylvania because there is no card listed with others from the PA State Archives.
David Umsted, Collier's Regiment of North Carolina Militia, Private, 1755-1804 [Index to Revolutionary War Service Records, vol IV, S-Z, transcribed by Virgil D White, The National Publishing Co, Waynesbory, TN, 1995, p2788 - these records were taken from M860.53 of the National Archives. The author suggests readers contact the National Archives for more information from the card than is given in the index; Genealogical Abstracts of Rev War Pension Files, Vol III, Elizabeth Van Trump, 1918]. This David Umpstead served, at least from September to December 1780, in Capt John Johnstone's Co in Col John Collier's Regiment of NC Militia. [Seth Warner]
The above MAY OR MAY NOT BE David Umsted, son of John and Gwenefred/Winefred Evans Umsted, who served in a company of NC Militia commanded by Capt. James Carrington, according to documentation shown below. If he's not the same, we don't know who he was.
David Umsted [N.C. R11801, National
State of North Carolina Orange
County. On this 15th day of August 1844 personally appeared before
the Subscriber a Justice of the Peace in & for said County
George Carrington a soldier of the Revolutionary War and a pensioner
and made oath in due form of law to the following affadavit. That
he was well acquainted with David Umsted a soldier of the Revolutionary
War that he served with the said Umsted for the period of nine
months & that they served under Capt Carrington and that the
said David Umsted lived & died in Orange County & that
Elizabeth Umsted now applying for a pension is the widow of Said
David Umsted. Sworn to & subscribed the day & year first
Test (his mark)
J. N HancockJP George Carrington
State of North Carolina Orange County. On this the 22d day of
February 1845 personally appeared before the subscriber a Justice
of the Peace in & for said county George Carrington aged 94
Years a soldier of the Revolutionary war and a Pensioner and made
oath in due form of Law to the following affadavit.
That he was well acquainted with David Umstead, a soldier of the
Revolutionary war that he served with the said Umstead for the
period of nine months, and that they served under Capt. Carrington
and that they marched from Hillsborough to Deep River and there
remained for the space of five or six months and that they marched
from Deep River to Charleston South Carolina & from thence
to Stonons(?) and from there back to Hillsborough from where they
first started and the said David Umstead lived & died in the
County of Orange and that Elizabeth Umstead, now applying for
a pension, is the widow of the said David Umstead. Sworn to
& subscribed the day and year first written.
Wit (his mark)
John A McMannen George Carrington
In order to obtain the benefits of the third Section of an act
of Congress of July 4th 1836 State of North Carolina Orange County.
On the 17th day of February 1845 personally appeared before me
the Subscriber an acting Justice of the Peace in & for Sd
county Elizabeth Umsted a resident of Orange County aged 86 years
who being duly sworn according to law & oath on her oath make
the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the
provisions made by the Act of Congress passed July 4th 1836. The
she is the widow of David Umstead who was a soldier in the Revolutionary
War and to the best of her recollection was a private in the Militia
but to what regiment he was attached She Cannot recollect, but
thinks a man by the name of Lytle was the Colonel and that the
Captain's name was Carrington. She further declares that She Cannot
recolect the particular period When her husband enterd the Service
but She further declares that her husband was drafted or taken
from her after her Marriage to him and served a term of nine months
and that he marched from Hillsborough N.C. to Deep River and there
remained for a considerable time and from thence he Marched to
Charlestown (S.C.) and from thence to Hillsborough N.C. and that
he was at other place which She cannot recolect. She further declares
that she has no documentary evidence in Support of her Claim.
She furthr declares that according to a family record Kept by
her Sd husband that she was Married to the Said David Umsted in
the Winter of 1779 that the Said family Recd will show when her
husband Died and that She has remained a Widow since that period,
as will more fully appear from refference to the proof hereunto
annexed. She further declares in consequence of old age and bodily
infirmity that She cannot appear in open Court to make this declaration.
Sworn to and Subscribed the day and year first written.
Witness (her mark)
John A. McMannan JP Elizabeth Umsted
State of North Carolina Orange County. I do hereby certify that
I am personally acquainted with Elizabeth Umstead who has made
the foregoing Declaration and that She is in all respects entitled
to full faith and Credit and I further certify in consequence
of old age and bodily infirmity that She is unable to appear in
Court to make the before Mentioned declaration.
Sworn under My hand and Seal this the 22nd day of February 1845.
John A. McMannen
State of North Carolina Orange County. Court of Pleas & Quarterly
Sessions February Term 1845.
I hereby certify that the proceedings in the above Declaration
have been submitted to and approved by the Court which held its
session in the town of Hillsboro and County of Orange on the 4th
Monday of February 1845.
J. Taylor
Seth Warner adds:
The suggestion that David Umstead may have served two terms is
a good one, but his widow, in applying for a pension in 1844,
mentioned only one enlistment, which occurred after her marriage
in the winter of 1779. According to her, he served nine months,
and marched from Hillsborough, NC to Deep River, remained there
for a considerable period of time, from there marched to Charleston
S.C., and from there back to Hillsborough. She also stated she
believed that the captain of his militia unit was Carrington.
Her testimony was supported by 94-year-old George Carrington,
who served in the same unit. George Carrington was a close neightbor,
as he and David lived in the same tax district of Orange Co. In
his application for a pension, George stated that the captain
of his unit was his brother James Carrington. From David's widow's
testimony, it appears that the service did not take place before
Eleanor Mayfarth adds: The pension
application of Elizabeth was denied apparently because no concrete
proof of the marriage of David and Elizabeth could be found. A
letter to Dr. Faris from Richard Baxter Umstead 25 Jan 1974 states,"I
found the original marriage record in the Oxford County Courthouse...unfortunately,
neither Elizabeth nor her friends thought to check the Granville
County Records. (Oxford Co. was formed from Granville Co.)
[Correspondence File of Dr. David Faris, given to us by his
Ebenezer Umpstead is listed in THE AMERICAN GENEALOGICAL - BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX to American Genealogical, Biographical, and Local History Materials, Vol 128, The Godfrey Memorial Library, Middletown, CT: 175-Vt-Rev. War Rolls, Ct: 819. Probably an Olmstead.
Francis Umphsted/Umpsted is probably an OLMSTED. Cook's Regiment of Connecticut Militia [Index to Revolutionary War Service Records,vol IV, S-Z, transcribed by Virgil D White, The National Publishing Co, Waynesbory, TN, 1995]
George Umstead, Lieutenancy:
Cumberland Co, PA, Captain Peeples 1st (?) Battalion, 8th Class
Private, Inactive Duty - Militia, 1779. Nonattendance Return 24
May 1779. [PA State Archives online Revolutionary War Military
Abstract Card File]
George Umstead, Private 8th Class, "Muster Rolls Relating
To The Associators and Militia Of The County Of Cumberland,"
"A Class Roll of Captn. Alexdr. Peeples Company of Militia
for the First Battn. of Cumberland County Commanded by Colln.
James Dunlop. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Volume
VI, page 135, 136, repeated page 57, 58]
"In August, 1783, George Umstead, of Hopewell Township, Cumberland
Co, sold his farm in West Pennboro Township, same county, to James
Mitchell, of Fannet Township." [Egle's Notes and Queries
xvi, page 2]
Gideon/Gideon Umsted is an OLMSTED, not ours. Abbot's Regiment of VT Militia, [Index to Revolutionary War Service Records,"" vol IV, S-Z, transcribed by Virgil D White, The National Publishing Co, Waynesbory, TN, 1995]
*Harman Umsted, Lieutenancy: Philadelphia Co, PA,
1st Battalion, Capt Isaac Sahler's Company, 8th Class, Inactive Duty
- Militia, 1777, General Class Return, 1777 [PA
State Archives online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card
Harman Umsted , Eighth Class, Captain Dull's Company
of Militia of the 1st Battalion of Philada County commanded
by Col. Daniel Heester, Esqr. Casper Dull, Captn. for the
1778. "First Battalion Philadelphia County Militia."
[The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Volume 1, page 622, 623,
repeated pages 654, 655] Additional reference: p 59 Mortgage
Book 11, Montgomery Co, PA. [Mary Letha Hoover DAR app Jan,
1966] Also listed Jacob
Umsted in Second Class.
Harman Umstad, Lieutenancy: Philadelphia Co, PA,
5th Battalion, 5th Company, Captain John Harple 8th Class, Inactive Duty - Militia, 1789, 18-19 Aug
1780 Court of Appeal 5th-8th Classes, 5th Bn [PA State
Archives online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File]
Herman Umstad, 8th Class, "Fifth Battalion
Philadelphia County Militia." "Return of the 5th
Company of Captain John
Harples of the Upper District of Skippack. Also listed is Jacob Umstad, 2nd Class. [The Pennsylvania
Archives, Series 6, Volume 1, pages 830, 831] Other familiar
names: Custerd, Allenbach, Kulp, Pannebacker, Detweiler, Dull,
Tyson, Fronfeld, Vanfossin, Umdegraff, Huntzicker, John Horning,
Herman Umstot, "Fifth Battalion Philadelphia
County Militia," "A Return of Capt. John Herples Cumpeny For The Year 1781 May the
24th [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Volume 1, page 840].
Shown also is Jacob Umstot.
Herman Umstad, 8th Class, "Fifth Battalion
Philadelphia County Militia," "The Class Role of Captain
John Harples Company 5th Battalion Philad's County Militia for
the Year 1781. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series
6, Volume 1, page 848, 849]. Also listed is Jacob Umstad,
2nd Class.
Herman Umstad, same basic info "Fifth Battalion
Philadelphia Company Militia," [The Pennsylvania Archives,
Series 6, Volume I, page 867-868] also lists Jacob Umstad.
Herman Umstad, of Skippack,
Captain John Harple's Company, Second Class. "Muster
Rolls And Papers Relating To The Associators and Militia Of The
City And County Of Philadelphia [Pennsylvania Archives, Series
2, Volume XIV, page 20] Listed on page 19 is Jacob Umstad,
8th Class. Other familiar names: Custerd, Allenbach, Detweiller,
Tyson, Pannebecker, Pool, Dull, Fronefield, Kolp, Updegraff, Horning,
Harman Umsteat, "Return of Non-Associators For
Skippack Township," "Muster Rolls and Papers Relating
To The Associators And Militia Of The City And County Of Philadelphia,"
[The Pennsylvaina Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, page 39]
Also appearing on this list are Jacob Umsteat and
Henry Umsteat, Jr. Other familiar names: Cassel, Tyson,
Kustert, Pannebaker, Freed, Kulp, Updegrove, Ditwiler, Jacob Markley,
Pawling, Gotshalk, and Huntsicker.
Harman Umstate, Class 8, "Montgomery County
Third Battalion," "A True Return Don by me. Jno Harple, Capt. Montgomery County, ss: Personally came before
me the subscriber one of the Justices &c Captain John Harple
of the 3d Battalion of Militia
of the county of Montgomery
& solemnly declared & affirmed that the within return
of the fifth company in the aforesaid Battallion
which he a present coman is a true one according to the best of
his knowledge. John Harple, Capt. Affirmed before me this 2d June
1785, Michall Muhlenberg. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series
6, Volume III, page 653] Also on the list is Jacob Armstate, Class 2. Other familiar names: Custerd, Dedweiler,
Tyson Fronfealds, Hundseker, Kolp, Rittenhaus.
Harman Umstat, Lieutenancy: Philadelphia Co, PA, 6th
Battalion, 2nd Company, Captain Benjamin Brooke, 7th
Class, Inactive Duty - Militia, 1777-1780, Classes Book for the
6th Bn (1777-1780) [PA State Archives online Revolutionary
War Military Abstract Card File]
Herman Umstatt, Lieutenancy: Philadelphia Co, PA, 4th
Battalion, 8th Company, Captain Isaiah Davis, 7th class,
Inactive Duty - Militia 1788, "Pleads of having been unwell
when calld. And hath a
large helpless family,
is to pay, five sixth" Court of appeal 5th-8th Classes, 4th
Bn, begun 21 Aug 1788 [PA State Archives online Revolutionary
War Military Abstract Card File]
Herman Umsted, "Return of Non-associators for
the township of Limerick," (1779). Also listed: Benjamin Brooke, John Koplin, John Panabaker, Nicholas Custard,
John Hefelfinger, Rambo, Nicholas Snyder. The section is headed
"Non-Associators - 1779," with the comment: "It
is doubtful if these persons were all non-associators. It is more
than probable the lists are those of assessment for the townships
named, although the papers are endorsed 'Return of Non-Associators."
By referring to the rolls of associators for that year [1779],
many names will be there foud which appear on these rolls."
["Muster Rolls and Papers Relating To The Associators And
Militia Of The City And County Of Philadelphia," The Pennsylvania
Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, pages 24-25]
Hermann Umstad, 7th Class, 4th Battalion, 3rd Company,
Montgomery Co (PA) Militia, Captain Matthew Brooke, Limerick, May 20th, 1785. Colonel Petter Richerds, "Montgomery County Fourth Battalion," [The
Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Volume III, page 657, 662, 653].
Listed also, in 2nd Class, is John
Harman Umsted, "Montgomery County Battalions
Not Stated," "A list containing the names of all the
male white inhabitants of the township of Limerick between
the ages of eighteen and fifty three capable of bearing arms for
the year 1786 Pr Matthew Brook, Capt. [The Pennsylvania Archives,
Series 6, Volume III, page 724, 725]. John Umsted
also listed.
Herman Umpstead, Lieutenancy: Berks Co, PA,
5th Battalion, 2nd Company (Lewis), Inactive Duty - Militia CT'Mar Men,
1777, Enrolled as of 17 May 1777 [PA State Archives online
Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File] Private, 2nd
Co., 5th Battn., Berks County, 1777; Private, 5th Battn., Philadelphia,
1781; PA Militia [http://www.amrev.org/htdocs/html/fm/Centennialreg/ANCU.shtml]
Herman Umpstead, Court Martial Man, "Muster Rolls Relating
To The Associators And Militia Of he County Of Berks," 1st
Company, Thomas Parry, Captain, George Ax, Ensign, John Umpstead,
and John Wanger, both Court Martial Men, all with a date of May
17, 1777. On the same page, 2nd company, William Lewis, Captain,
Adam Beard, First Lieutenant, Richard Millard, Second Lieutenant.
[The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Vol V, page 214]
Also listed: John Umpstead-Berks Co, PA, 5th Battalion, 1st Company (Parry), Inactive Duty-Militia CT'Mar Men
Herman Umpstead, Berks County Militia, 1777, Fifth
Battalion, Second Company, May 17, 1777, "Muster Rolls and
Papers Relating To The Associators And Militia Of The City And
County Of Philadelphia," [Pennsylvania Archives, Series
2, Volume XIV, pages 257, 270, 271]. John also listed as above.
Harman Umctad, "Montgomery County Battalions
Not Stated," "A return of all the names and surnames
of all male white persons between the ages of eighteen & fifty-three
years capable of bearing arms belonging to Perkiomen & Skippack Township commanded by Barnabas Kepner, Captn.
1786. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Volume III,
page 731]. Also on the list is Jacob Umstad.
Henry Umstead, Lieutanancy: Philadelphia Co, PA,
1st Battalion, Capt Isaac Sahler's Company, 7th Class, Inactive Duty
- Militia, 1777, General Class Return, 1777 [PA State Archives
online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File]
Henry Umsteat, Jr, "Return of Non-Associators For
Skippack Township," "Muster Rolls and Papers Relating
To The Associators And Militia Of The City And County Of Philadelphia,"
[The Pennsylvaina Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, page 39]
Also appearing on this list are Jacob Umsteat and
Harman Umsteat. Other familiar names: Cassel, Tyson,
Kustert, Pannebaker, Freed, Kulp, Updegrove, Ditwiler, Jacob Markley,
Pawling, Gotshalk, and Huntsicker.
Israel Umpsted, is an OLMSTED, not ours. Major John Brown's Detachment of Militia from NH, VT & MA, Private. [Index to Revolutionary War Service Records,"" vol IV, S-Z, transcribed by Virgil D White, The National Publishing Co, Waynesbory, TN, 1995] Israel Umpstead is also listed in THE AMERICAN GENEALOGICAL - BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX to American Genealogical, Biographical, and Local History Materials, Vol 128, The Godfrey Memorial Library, Middletown, CT: 175-Vt-Rev. Rolls, Vt: 658, 833.
Jacob Umsted, Lieutenancy: Philadelphia Co, PA, 1st Battalion, Capt Isaac Sahler's Company, 2nd class, Inactive Duty - Militia, 1777, General Class Return, 1777 [PA State Archives online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File]
Jacob Umsteat "Return of Non-Associators For
Skippack Township," "Muster Rolls and Papers Relating
To The Associators And Militia Of The City And County Of Philadelphia," [The Pennsylvaina Archives, Series 2, Volume
XIV, page 39] Also appearing on this list are Henry
Umsteat, Jr and Harman Umsteat. Other familiar names: Cassel, Tyson,
Kustert, Pannebaker, Freed, Kulp, Updegrove, Ditwiler, Jacob Markley,
Pawling, Gotshalk, and Huntsicker.
Jacob Umstad, "Montgomery County
Battalions Not Stated," "A return of all the names and
surnames of all male white persons between the ages of eighteen
& fifty-three years capable of bearing arms belonging to Perkiomen & Skippack Township commanded by Barnabas Kepner, Captn. 1786. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series
6, Volume III, page 731]. Also on the list is Harman Umctad. Other familiar names: Custar, Detweiler, Fronfeld,
Tyson, Dull, Pannebaker, Kilp, Hunsicker, Updengrave, Rittenhouse,
Jacob Umstad, Lieutenancy: Philadelphia Co, PA,
5th Battalion, 5th Company, Capt John Harple, 2nd
class, Inactive Duty - Militia, 1781, "Pleads of being unwell this wile past and has weakly
parents to take care of.
Is to pay three fourths" Appeal Book 1st-4th classes, 5th
Bn. 2-3 Oct 1781" PA State Archives online Revolutionary
War Military Abstract Card File]
Jacob Umsted, Second Class, Captain Dull's
Company of Militia of the 1st Battalion of Philada County commanded
by Col. Daniel Heester, Esqr. Casper Dull, Captn. for the
1778. "First Battalion Philadelphia County Militia."
[The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Volume 1, page 622, 623,
repeated pages 654, 655, repeated page 616 - Jacob only]]
Additional reference: p 59 Mortgage Book 11, Montgomery Co, PA.
[Mary Letha Hoover DAR app Jan, 1966] Also listed Harman Umsted in Eighth Class, except for listing on page 616, which
only included the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th classes.
Jacob Umstad, 2nd Class, "Fifth Battalion
Philadelphia County Militia." "Return of the 5th
Company of Captain John
Harples of the Upper District of Skippack. Also listed is Herman
Umstad, 8th Class. [The
Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Volume 1, pages 830, 831]
Other familiar names: Custerd, Allenbach, Kulp, Pannebacker, Detweiler,
Dull, Tyson, Fronfeld, Vanfossin, Umdegraff, Huntzicker, John
Horning, Pawling.
Jacob Umstot, "Fifth Battalion Philadelphia
County Militia," "A Return of Capt. John Herples Cumpeny For The Year 1781 May the
24th [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 6, Volume 1, page 840].
Shown also is Herman Umstot.
Jacob Umstad, 2nd Class, "Fifth Battalion
Philadelphia County Militia," "The Class Role of Captain
John Harples Company 5th Battalion Philad's County Militia for
the Year 1781. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series
6, Volume 1, page 848, 849]. Also listed is Herman Umstad,
8th Class.
Jacob Umstad, same basic info "Fifth Battalion
Philadelphia Company Militia," [The Pennsylvania Archives,
Series 6, Volume I, page 867-868] also lists Herman Umstad.
Jacob Armstate, Class 2,
"Montgomery County Third Battalion," "A True Return
Don by me. Jno Harple, Capt. Montgomery County, ss: Personally
came before me the subscriber one of the Justices &c Captain
John Harple of the 3d Battalion of Militia of the county
of Montgomery & solemnly declared & affirmed that the
within return of the fifth company in the aforesaid Battallion
which he a present coman is a true one according to the best of
his knowledge. John Harple, Capt. Affirmed before me this 2d June
1785, Michall Muhlenberg. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series
6, Volume III, page 653] Also on the list is Harman Umstate,
Class 8. Other familiar names: Custerd, Dedweiler, Tyson Fronfealds,
Hundseker, Kolp, Rittenhaus. Captain John Harple's Company in
Colonel Daniel Heister's Pennsylvania Regiment [unsourced]
Jacob Umstad, of Skippack, Captain John Harple's Company, Second Class. "Muster Rolls And Papers
Relating To The Associators and Militia Of The City And County
Of Philadelphia [Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV,
page 19] Listed on page 20 is Herman
Umstad, 8th Class. Other
familiar names: Custerd, Allenbach, Detweiller, Tyson, Pannebecker,
Pool, Dull, Fronefield, Kolp, Updegraff, Horning, Pawling.
Jacob Umstead, Lieutenancy: Berks Co, PA, 5th Battalion, 1st Company, Captain
George Oxx, Private, Inactive Duty - Militia, 1777-1778,
Muster Fines £ 19.10.10, Berks Co Fine Book p46 [PA State
Archives online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File]
Jacob Umsted, Lieutenancy, Berks Co, PA , 3rd Battalion, 6 Company, Capt George
Ax Inactive Duty -
Militia , 1780, Absent
1 muster day Apr-May,
Absent 1 field day, (absent)
4 muster days Oct-Nov, Absentee return for the period Ap 17-May15; Oct
9-Nov 22, 1780, No
Muster Fines shown [PA State Archives online Revolutionary
War Military Abstract Card File]
Jacob Umstead, Lieutenancy: Berks Co, PA, 3rd Battalion,
3rd Company, Capt George
Ax, Private, Inactive Duty - Militia, 1781-1782, Fine Book,
p41(?) for the period 1781-1782, Muster Fines £ (unreadable)
[PA State Archives online Revolutionary War Military Abstract
Card File]
Jacob Umstid, Lieutenancy: Berks Co, PA, 3rd Battalion,
6 Company, Capt George
Ax, Inactive Duty -
Militia, 1782, Absent, 1 field day, 4 muster days, 1782.
Absentee return for the period Oct 7-Nov 22, 1782 [PA State
Archives online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File]
Oxx and Ax probably
same man. Compare with John below, especially units and absent
Jacob Umbehand,
Private 5th Class, "Second
Battalion Lancaster County Militia," "Muster Roll of
the 5th, 6th, & 7th Class of the 2d Battalion Lancaster County
Militia on a Touer of Duty to Buck's County," Captain John
Moore, 1781. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Volume III,
page 133 - 135]. Jacob Umbehand shows up in the 1790 Census,
Dauphin Co, PA. Dauphin Co. is next to Lancaster Co. I have viewed
the original census image, and it's clearly Umbehand. There is
a family of Unbehands in Berks Co in 1850, again clearly Unbehand.
There is no reason to believe that this Jacob is an Umstead.
Jedidiah Umphstead is an OLMSTEAD, not ours. Webster's Regt of New York Militia [Index to Revolutionary War Service Records, vol IV, S-Z, transcribed by Virgil D White, The National Publishing Co, Waynesbory, TN, 1995]
(Dr) Umstead, SURGEON, 2nd Company,
Second Battalion, Berks Co Militia, May
17, 1777. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 5, Vol V, page
175, "Muster Rolls Relating To The Associators And Militia
Of he County Of Berks,"]. Shown also: Thomas Kerlin, Surgeon's Mate,
and Daniel Udree, Colonel. At the end of the section, on page 180,
it states: "A return of the days that Captain Peter Smith of the
Second Company in Greenwich Twp [Berks Co] was in service in the
Second Battalion of Berks County Militia commanded by Daniel Udre,
Esq, Colonel. Anno Domini 1779."
John (Dr) Umstead, SURGEON, "Muster Rools And Papers Relating To The Associators
And Militia of The City and County Of Philadelphia), same info
as above, [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV,
page 261]
Additional Information:
In 1784, John Umstead was heir of John Luttrell, late husband
of John Umstead's wife Susannah (Hart). John Luttrell was in the
Revolution, wrote his will when Susannah was pregnant. [Orange
Co, North Carolina will - 1829 - WB E/182]
John Umstead was a surgeon in war 2nd Company, 5th Regiment, Berks Co Militia. After the war he was given a land
grant of 3500 acres in Orange Co, North Carolina and moved there.
(William Oliver Umstead, unsourced).
John Umstead, Lieutenancy: Berks Co, PA, 5th Battalion, 1st Company, Captain
George Ax, Private,
Inactive Duty - Militia, 1777-1778, Berks Co Fine Book p46, dated
1777-1778, Muster Fines £ 18 [PA State Archives online
Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File]
John Umstead, Berks Co, PA, 5th Battalion, Captain
Ox's Company, 1777-1779, others:
Abraham Brower, John Dehevon, Abraham Wanger [www.rootsweb.com/~paberks]
John Umsted, Lieutenancy: Berks Co,
PA, 3rd Battalion, 6
Company, Captain George Ax, Inactive
Duty - Militia, 1780, Absent
4 muster days, Oct-Nov. Absentee return for the period Ap 17-May
15; Oct 9-Nov 22, 1780 [PA State Archives online Revolutionary
War Military Abstract Card File]
John Umstead, Lieutenancy: Berks Co, PA, 3rd Battalion,
Captain George Ax, Private, Inactive Duty - Militia, 1780,
Fine Book, p11 for the period of 1780 - Acct. of Val. Eckert,
Cnty. ?t. Muster Fines £ 1.1.0 (hard to read, it may be
a lower case l or l.t or 1.t) [PA State Archives online Revolutionary
War Military Abstract Card File]
Ox and Ax Probably same
man. Compare with Jacob above, especially units and absent days.
John Umsted Berks Co, PA 4th Battalion, 1st Company, Captain Conrad
Geist Private Inactive Duty - Militia 1777-1778
Berks Co Fine Book p34. Muster Fines £ 3.2.5 PA State Archives
online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File
John Umpstead Berks Co, PA
5th Battalion, 1st Company (Parry) Inactive Duty - Militia CT'Mar
Men 1777 Enrolled as of May 17, 1777 PA State Archives online
Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File
The Pennsylvania Archives, Series
5, Vol V, page 214, "Muster Rolls Relating To The Associators
And Militia Of he County Of Berks," 1st
Company, Thomas Parry, Captain, George Ax, Ensign, John Umpstead, and John Wanger, both Court
Martial Men, all with a date of May 17, 1777. On the same page,
2nd company, William Lewis, Captain, Adam Beard, First Lieutenant, Richard Millard,
Second Lieutenant, and Herman Umpstead, Court Martial Man. On
page 213, under 4th Battalion, we find Colonel Joseph Heister, and
Captains Conrad Geist and George Ax.
Also listed is Herman Umpstead-Berks Co, PA, 5th Battalion, 2nd Company (Lewis), Inactive Duty-Militia CT'Mar Men
John Umpsted, Berks County Militia, 1777, Fifth
Battalion, Second Company, May 17, 1777, "Muster Rolls and
Papers Relating To The Associators And Militia Of The City And
County Of Philadelphia," [Pennsylvania Archives, Series
2, Volume XIV, pages 257, 270, 271]. Herman also listed as
John Umstad, 2nd Class, 4th Battalion, 3rd Company,
Montgomery Co (PA) Militia, Captain Matthew Brooke,
Limerick, May 20th, 1785. Colonel Petter Richerds, "Montgomery
County Fourth Battalion," [The Pennsylvania Archives,
Series 6, Volume III, page 657, 662, 653]. Listed also, in
8th Class, is Hermann Umstad.
John Umsted, "Montgomery County Battalions
Not Stated," "A list containing the names of all the
male white inhabitants of the township of Limerick between
the ages of eighteen and fifty three capable of bearing arms for
the year 1786 Pr Matthew Brook, Capt. [The Pennsylvania Archives,
Series 6, Volume III, page 724, 725]. Harman Umsted
also listed.
John Umstat, Philadelphia
Co, PA 6th Battalion, 2nd
Company, Captain Benjamin Brooke, 3rd class Inactive Duty - Militia
1777-1780 "Found a man. Classes Book for the 6th Bn 1777-1780" [PA State Archives online Revolutionary War
Military Abstract Card File]
John Umstead, Philadelphia
Co, PA 6th Battalion, 2nd
Company, Captain Benjamin
Brooke, 3rd class Inactive
Duty - Militia 1778 "Over Age as by his Oat has Appeared."
Court of Appeal, 2 Feb 1778" (Oat apparently should be Oath)
[PA State Archives online Revolutionary War Military Abstract
Card File]
John (Jn.o) Umpstead, Philadelphia
Co, PA 6th Battalion, 7th
Company, Captain William Nelson, 7th class 1780 "Pleads he sustained
great loses by the army a large family & etc to pay 1000 Dol
Estate his Fathers." Appeal Book 1,2,7 & 8th classes,
6th Bn. 20 Aug 1780 [PA State Archives online Revolutionary
War Military Abstract Card File]
John Umstead, 7th Class, 6th Battalion,
7th Company, Captain William Neilson, "7th
Company, Middle District N.
Providence." "Sixth
Battalion, Philadelphia County Militia." [The Pennsylvania
Archives, Series 6, Volume I, page 899, 900, repeated page 911,
912]. Other familiar names: Buckwalter, Ashenfeller, Vanderslice,
Thomas Francis, Michael Horning. Richard Umpstead
in 8th Company, same Battalion, under Captain Arnold Francis,
page 912.
John Umstat, 7th Class, "Montgomery County
Battalions Not Stated," "A return of all the male whit
inhabtens residing within the midle districk of New Providence Township
Montgomery County between the ages of Eighteen and Fifty-three
years capable of bearing arms for the yeare 1785 May the
9th." Captain William Nelson. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series
6, Volume III, page 699, 700]. Also listed Jones (Jonas) Umstat,
JACOB GOOD, John Coplin, and other names listed
John Umstate, 7th Class, "Montgomery County
Battalions Not Stated," "A return of the male white
inhabitants of the midle districk of New Provid Township Montgomery
County May ye 1786 Pr Matthew Brook, Captain. [The Pennsylvania Archives,
Series 6, Volume III, page 722, 723, 724] Jonas Umstat and Jacob Good also listed again.
Bulletin of the Historical
Society of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, Volume 1, Number 6,
April, 1939: Providences Part in Provisioning the
Camp at Valley Forge, by Rev. J. G. Francis, A.B., B.D.
P. 263-264: MEAT:
"There is a tradition, undoubtedly authentic, that Washingtons
slaughter house was on the farm of John Umstead, the third farm
on the east side up from the Perkiomen creek. John Umstead, like
Michael Horning, was a private in Captain Neilsons
company from middle New Providence. His son, Jonas Umstead, succeeded
to the ownership of this farm, and after Jonas, his son, Rev.
John H. Umstead, founder and bishop of the Brethren church at
Green Tree. Milton I. Davis, son-in-law of Rev. John H., occupied
and owned the farm for a generation. The son-in-law of Mr. Davis,
Frank Eavenson, in like capacity, till his recent death, occupied
the place." - Info submitted by Barbara Wentz
John Unstall/Unstoll, Washington
Co, PA Militia, Private,
1784 "Certificate 821 Total £ 5.5.0, issued 4 Nov 1784.
Register Vol a, p36. Militia Loan of 1 Apr 1784 & 30 Mar 1785,
"Public Debt, Records of the Comptroller General at D.P.R."
[PA State Archives online Revolutionary War Military Abstract
Card File]
John Unstall/Unstoll, Washington Co, PA, Captain Ezekial
Ross's Company of Frontier Rangers. Capt Ross was from
Bethehem Twp in Washington Co, PA. [Washington Co, PA Frontier
Rangers 1781-1781 and Westmoreland County in the American Revolution,
both by Paul W Myers]
John Unstall, Private. Reference Number 3-23-203
(One can contact the PA Archives in Harrisburg for further information
on John Unstall using this reference number.)
John Unstall, Private, "Battalions Not Stated
Westmoreland County," Captain Ross' Company, Captain Ezekiel
Ross, wounded on the Expedition. [Pennsylvania State Archives,
Series 6, Vol II, page 399]
John Unstall, Washington Co, "List of Soldiers
Who Served As Rangers On The Frontiers 1778-1783. [Pennsylvania
State Archives, Series 3, Vol XXIII, page 203]. Also
John Onstall, Washington Co, page 205, and John Anslatt, Washington Co, page 207. These came from a volume of
payments made to individuals for services chiefly on the Frontiers
as Rangers, between 1778 and 1783. "As the majority of names
appear more than once upon the list, this is owing to the fact
that they were paid for different tours of duty." No years
or Company designation was specified. The same three names appear
as Privates, Washington Co, on "List of Soldiers Of The Revolution
Who Received Pay For Their Services," [Pennsylvania State
Archives, Series 5, Vol IV, pages 699, 722, and 731]
John Unstall, Private, Washington Co Militia, "Soldiers
Who Received Depreciation Pay As Per Cancelled Certificates On
File In The Division Of Public Records, [The Pennslyvaina Archives,
Series 5, Volume IV, pages 389, 415, 424] showing also John
Anstatt and John Onstall, Privates.
John Nonstade, Washington County, Certificate 17188,
£ 22.15.0, Certificate issued (Cancelled Cert.) 7 Sept 1790,
Militia Loan of 1 Apr 1784 & 30 Mar 1785, "Public Debt,"
Records of the Comptroller General at D.P. R. [PA State Archives
online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File]
In 1785, John Unstol listed in Nottingham Twp (formed 1781),
which is in Washington Co, a "Single Freemen." [unsourced]Tax
Lists of Washington Co., PA 1784-85 & 1793.
I believe it's reasonable that these are all references to the
same man, that spelling variations are a result of different spellings
on pay records of different dates. Or maybe not.
John Unstall/Unstoll has not been connected to parents and may
not even be an UM.
John Unstall is also listed in Captain Ezekiel Ross's Company,
in "Muster Rolls And Papers Relating To The Associators And
Militia Of The City And County Of Philadelphia," [The
Pennsylvania Archives, Series 2, Volume XIV, page 704]. There
has been nothing else in any of the information on John Unstall
found to date that would indicate he had anything to do with Philadelphia
County. That said, if he was one of ours, he had to have come
from somewhere.
See Unstadt and other possibilities in UM variants note that there is no return link to this page.
John Umstead, Company
57 NJ, Private [Ancestry.com
Revolutionary Service Records]
John Umstead/Umstattd, New Jersey 2nd NJ Battalion, Private
[Index to Revolutionary War Service Records, vol IV, S-Z, transcribed
by Virgil D White, The National Publishing Co, Waynesbory, TN,
Jones (Jonas) Umstat, 4th Class, "Montgomery County
Battalions Not Stated," "A return of all the male whit
inhabtens residing within the midle districk of New Providence Township
Montgomery County between the ages of Eighteen and Fifty-three
years capable of bearing arms for the yeare 1785 May the
9th." Captain William Nelson. [The Pennsylvania Archives, Series
6, Volume III, page 699, 700]. Also listed John Umstat.
See John above for additional familiar names.
Jonas Umstat, 4th Class, "Montgomery County
Battalions Not Stated," "A return of the male white
inhabitants of the midle districk of New Provid Township Montgomery
County May ye 1786 Pr Matthew Brook, Captain. [The Pennsylvania Archives,
Series 6, Volume III, page 722, 723, 724] John Umstate
also listed again.
Nehemiah Umpsted /OLMSTED, New York Van Schaick's NY Battalion Private, not ours. [Index to Revolutionary War Service Records, vol IV, S-Z, transcribed by Virgil D White, The National Publishing Co, Waynesbory, TN, 1995]
Peter Umsted Berks
Co, PA 3rd Battalion, 6
Company, Captain George
Ax, Inactive Duty - Militia
1783. Absent 1 field day, 1783. Absentee return for the
period April-May, 1783. Dated Aug 11, 1784 [PA State Archives
online Revolutionary War Military Abstract Card File]
Apropos, probably,
of absolutely nothing, under Col William Thompson's Battalion
of Riflemen, Captain Abraham Miller's Company, second Captain listed Charles
Craig, we find NOUSTED,
Peter. No applicable dates
shown, but it appears to be 1775. This caught my eye because,
directly below this listing, is that of Captain George Nagel's
Company, in which Abraham
Umstedd served. These men
under Miller and Craig, however, enlisted in Northampton Co, whereas Nagel's men were from Berks County. [The
Pennsylvania Archives, Serics 5, Volume II, page 37].
Additional listing Series 2, Volume X, page 34, shows same, plus
on page 338, "The Continental Line, First Pennsylvania.
July 1, 1776 - November 3, 1783," shows Peter NONSTED in Captain Charles Craig's company, with a date of November
24, 1776, Newark. Note: No Military Abstract Card found
at PA State Archives online.
Richard Umpstead, Philadelphia
Co, PA 6th Battalion, 8th
Company, Captain Arnold Francis, 1st class Inactive Duty - Militia
1780 "Says he had a sore leg when call'd to pay 800
Dol" Appeal Book 1,2,7 & 8th Classes, 6th Bn. 20 Aug
1780. [PA State Archives online Revolutionary War Military
Abstract Card File]
Richard Umpstead, 1st Class, 6th Battalion,
8th Company, Captain Arnold Francis. "Sixth
Battalion Philadelphia County Militia" [The Pennsylvania
Archives, Series 6, Volume 1, page 912, info repeated page 915]
Page 915 info adds "8th Compy. Lower NewProvidence
Capt. Francis.
Roger Umsted is listed in THE AMERICAN GENEALOGICAL - BIOGRAPHICAL INDEX to American Genealogical, Biographical, and Local History Materials, Vol 128, The Godfrey Memorial Library, Middletown, CT: 175? Rev. War Rolls, Ct: 8:19. Probably an Olmstead.
Timothy Umsted/OLMSTEAD, Continental Troops, 19th Regiment [Index to Revolutionary
War Service Records, vol IV, S-Z, transcribed by Virgil D White,
The National Publishing Co, Waynesbory, TN, 1995]. Also listed as OLMSTEAD.
Probably the same Timothy, shown as being from New Hampshire,
listed in GENEALOGICAL ABSTRACTS by the same author. Timothy does
not appear in the PA State Archives Online Revolutionary Abstract
Card File, so was presumably not from Pennsylvania. He was most likely an Olmstead.
Warner Umstead, Berks
Co, PA 5th Batallion, 2nd
Company, Captain John Harris, Private, Inactive Duty - Militia,
1777-1778 Berks Co, Fine Book p27, Dated 1777-1778, Muster Fines
£ 0.7.6 [PA State Archives online Revolutionary War Military
Abstract Card File]