This is a collection of miscellaneous Umstead and variant information found in books and periodicals. These people are not necessarily all UMs!!! This will always be a work in progress, so please check back from time to time. I have copies of pertinent pages of most. If you have items to add, please let me know.
Dunn, Dr Mary, INDEX TO PENNSYLVANIA'S COLONIAL RECORDS SERIES, Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc: listed are UMSTADT, Johan Valtin 3:454 and UMSTAT, Jacob 9:241.
Irish, Donna R, PENNSYLVANIA GERMAN MARRIAGES - Marriages and Marriage Evidence in Pennsylvania German Churchs, Genealogical Publishing Company, Baltimore, 1982, lists a number of marriages under spellings UMSTEAD, UMSTATT, UMSTADT, UMSTAD, UMSTÄTT, UMSTED, UMSTETT, and UMSTEARD. Included are Germantown Reformed Church 1753-1856, First Reformed Church Philadelphia 1748-1831, Schwartzwald Reformed Church 1781-1811, New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church 1731-1832, Whitpain Reformed Church 1764-1834, Faulkner Swamp Lutheran Church 1745-1886, and TOHICKON REFORMED CHURCH 1745-1869. I find it interesting that in the mid-1700's, 75 years or so after the arrival of Hans Peter UM, so many of his descendants were Reformed or Lutheran, which are pretty much the same thing in Germany. This, combined with Evangelical (Lutheran) records found in Kriegsheim, would make it seem unlikely that the early UMs were primarily Mennonites.
Kay, John L, and Smith, Chester M, Jr, PENNSYLVANIA POSTAL HISTORY, Quarterman Publications, Inc, Lawrence, MA, p 556: "Umstead's 1856-59 (Ber)"
McCrea, Kenneth D, PhD, PENNSYLVANIA LAND APPLICATIONS, Vol 1: East Side Applications, 1765-1769, Pennsylvania Chapter Palatines to America, Strasburg, PA, McCrea Research, Inc, 2002.
Number ES-3111, Applicant Rundle, Richard, of Philadalphia, merchant, date 16 FEB 1768, Orig. Place Union, Berks, Acres 50. Neighbors, Notes, Etc: John UMSTED/John Steiner, original found. Note that John UMSTED is a neighbor, not the applicant.
Number ES-47, Applicant OMENSETTER,
John, date 5 AUG 1765, Orig. Place Cocalico, Lancaster, Acres
50. Neighbors, Notes, Etc: Erasmus Rosenberg, Original: see ES-35
Number ES-35, Applicant May, Thomas, date 5 Aug 1765, Orig. Place
Berks, Later Place Robeson, Berks, Acres 200, Survey D-568. Neighbors,
Notes, Etc: George Sowers/Peter Bear/Peter Swisher/Phillip Hoyle/Gaines
Dickenson. Original dated 10 APR 1767. Also ES-35a-72
Number ES-35A on same page which it goes on Number ES-40. Apparently
more info is available from ES-40 thru ES-72. I can go back and
get the additional pages if needed.
Vol 2: New Purchase Applications, 1769-1773, Genealogical Society
of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, McCrea Research, Inc, 2003
Number NP-1255, Applicant John UMSTED,
date 3 APR 1769, Later Place Buffalo, Union, Acres 300, Survey(s)
A-5-92, C-94-108, A-5-93, C-94-107, A-31-97, C-180-42, D-2-38.
Neighbors, Notes, Etc: (r12 Feb 1834)David Heinly/(r12 FEB 1834)John
Heinly(r13FEB1839)William Robinson &wife/(r6 Mar 1840)Jacob
Young/[see caveat] Original: Signed
Caveat: App# NP-1255, Ser (Vol) Page PA (3) 2:56, date of caveat
3 JAN 1793, Applicant John UMSTEAD. Others named: James Forster (son of John Forster,
deceased)/John Forsyth/William McClay, Esq.
Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, The, Vol XXXVII, No 1, 1991, "Abstracts of Feme Covert Declarations for Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1832-1848," Laurie A. Rofini and Barbara L. Weir, Abstracted by Caitlin Skippon, page 33. Listed are John and Harriet UMSTED (husband and wife), decedent Lewis Evans 1842, date Apr 1844, residence Warwick, occupation farmer. The term "feme covert," according to this article, is legalese for a married woman, and in PA, prior to 1848, a married woman could only receive money from land sales, etc, thru her husband. There are more I have more details on "Feme Covert" from the article if needed.
Pennsylvania Genealogical Magazine, The, Vol 41, No 1, Spring/Summer, 1999, "Tombstone Inscriptions St. Peter's Roman Catholic Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania." Listed are Henry UNNERSTADT died Dec 11, 1885, age 66 yrs, Theresa UNNERSTADT died Feb 19, 1888, age 63 yrs, Anna UNNERSTADT, February 27, 1857 - March 1, 1895, and Clara UNNERSTADT, died age 50 (no dates), sister of Henry UNNERSTADT, Sr. These are probably not UMs by virtue of their being Roman Catholic, but I'm including them because they are buried in Philadelphia. The cemetery is located at Belgrade and Tioga Streets, Philadelphia.
White, Virgil D (abstracted by), GENEALOGICAL ABSTRACTS OF REVOLUTIONARY WAR PENSION FILES, Volume III: N-Z, The National Historical Publishing Company, Waynesboro, TN, 1992. OLMSTEADS and OLMSTEDS listed, CT, VT, MA, NY, and Continental lines. Specifics available upon request.
"UMSTED, David, NC Line, Elizabeth, R10801, sol m Elizabeth Green 8 Feb 1779 & sol d in Sep 1804, wid appl 5 Apr 1844 Orange Co NC aged 86, sol lived in Orange Co NC at enl, one Daniel Green made aff'dt 24 Apr 1844 in Orange Co NC & was at sol's & wife's wedding but no kindship given, family data: John Umsted m Wineford Evans 19 Jun 1754 & their son David (the Rev sol) was b 12 Jun 1755 & their other children shown were; Ann b in Sep 1757, Mary b 19 Apr 1760, Jane b 6 Mar 1762, Jacob b 18 Dec 1763, Richard b in Mar 1766 & John b 30 Apr 1744, sol's children shown were; Daniel b 9 Sep 1781 & Elisha b 30 Jun 1794, the son Elisha Umsted made aff'dt 7 May 1844 in Orange Co NC"
White, Virgil D (transcribed by), INDEX TO REVOLUTIONARY
WAR SERVICE RECORDS, Vol IV: S-Z, The National Historical Publishing
Company, Waynesboro, TN, 1995.
lots of them, listed in various CT, NH, NY, VT, and MA. Specifics
available upon request. All appear to be OLMs. Notable is "OLMSTED or OLMSTED, Joseph, srv as 2nd
Lt in Stevens' Corps of Arty in Cont Troops,"
same as Abraham UMSTATTD below. Timothy,
however, if he's the same Timothy listed in GENEALOGICAL ABSTRACTS
by the same author (above), was from New Hampshire and is therefore
probably an OLM.
"UMPHSTEAD, Jedidiah,
srv in Wester's Regt of NY Mil" - an OLM
"UMPHSTED, Francis, srv as Pvt
in Cook's Regt of CT Mil" - an OLM
"UMPSTEAD, David, srv as Pvt
in Collier's Regt of NC Mil" - ours
"UMPSTED, Francis or as Francis
UMPHSTED ... "(same as above)
"UMPSTED, Israel, srv as Pvt
in Maj John Brown's Detch of Mil from NH, VT & MA" -
an OLM
"UMPSTED, Nehemiah or as Nehemiah
OLMSTED, srv as Pvt in Van Schaick's NY Bttn" - an OLM
"UMSTATTD, Abraham, srv in Stevens' Corps of Arty in Cont Troops"
One of our "orphan" Abrahams of Maryland
"UMSTATTD, Abra'm, svc as Pvt
under the Commisary Gen'l in the Military Stores Dept" -
probably same as above
"UMSTATTD, John, srv as Pvt
in 2nd NJ Bttn" - ours
"UMSTED, Abiah or as Abraham
UMSTEAD, srv in 1st Reg of Cont Troops
from PA"
"UMSTED, Gedeon, srv in Abbot's
Regt of VT Mil" - an OLM
"UMSTED, Timothy, srv in 19th
Regt of Cont Troops" - also listed as OLMSTEAD
- an OLM.
White, Virgil D (transcribed by), INDEX TO VOLUNTEER SOLDIERS
1784-1811, The National Historical Publishing Company, Waynesboro,
TN, 1987. No UMs, but ARMISTEAD and
ARMSTEAD are shown in Virginia regiments.
William and Mary College Quarterly Historical Magazine,
Vol. 3, No. 4. (Apr., 1895), pp. 271-273. VIRGINIA NAMES SPELT
"Albion's Seed, Four British Folkways in America." Section
under "Speechways:" names were changed in Virginia,
including, "Armistead" which was pronounced "Um'
sta-ed". (Elizabeth Periman).
John Armistead Biography and John Armistead War of 1812 Bounty
Land Application added to the Walton Oglethorpe Co GA Archives
26 April 2002. See:
I have a photocopy of a page from presumably a book called NEWSPAPER ABSTRACTS OF FREDERICK COUNTY (Maryland), page 58 from "The Republican Gazette & General Advertiser" in an entry dated 4 April 1818 shows: "We have observed a publication in the Westminster Observer of the 13th [inst] stating the circumstance of the death of a certain William M'CREA, near Taney-town. We beg leave to report that the widow of the deceased is an amiable women and has reared a numerous offspring of amiable children. William M'CREA was found hanging by the neck, not in the orchard but at the house on a pin above the back door, nor on the Saturdaynight previous to the [?] instant, but on Monday morning the 9th instant. He was sober no intoxicated. The whole of the statement in the Westchester Observer is false. Jury Inquest: Jos. Sim. SMITH, acting coroner; jurors: ... Nich. UMSTEAD ... "
On the same sheet as above, 2 May
1818, "ABRAHAM HUMSTOTT, Montgomery Co., offers reward for
apprentice to the black-smith business, Alexander PAGE, 17-18
of age."
See Abraham of
Maryland Timeline.
John Umstead Charcoal Burner of Chester Co (1850 and earlier).
MONTGOMERY COUNTY, PA by James Y Heckler, 1895, republished by
Harry C Adams, Bedminster, PA, printed in Krefeld Immigrants Vol
20 #1, page 17:
Jacob Umstead, 7 children, 100 acres, 50 cleared
Henry Umstead, 5 children, 200 acres, 60 cleared
Herman Umstead, 5 children, 150 acres, 50 cleared.
Same basic information found in Publications of the Genealogical
Society of Pennsylvania, December 1898, "Landholders
of Pennsylvania County," (later Montgomery County), undated.
I don't have a copy of this, someone just told me about it. The
source document may be from before Philadelphia County became
Montgomery County. I have a copy (thanks, Barbara Wentz) of the
HISTORY OF SKIPPACK in which it states that "no occupation
is assigned to farmers," from which we can determine that
all three UMS were farmers.
IMPORTANT: we've not been able to reconcile
the actual number of children with the above numbers, and earlier
researchers appear to have "hung" incorrect children
on them in order to try to do so. There may have been minor nieces
or nephews, servants, younger siblings or grandchildren included
in the number of children. IT WOULD BE GREAT IF WE COULD LOCATE
1782 Peter Umstat, Continental Census, Hampshire County, VA, Township 07 00, page 26, Database: VA Early Census Index. Found on with this source information: Jackson, Ron V., Accelerated Indexing Systems, comp.. Virginia Census, 1607-1890 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999. Original data: Compiled and digitized by Mr. Jackson and AIS from microfilmed schedules of the U.S. Federal Decennial Census, territorial/state censuses, and/or census substitutes.
1782 Census, Hampshire County, VA, list of Abraham Johnson, according to an email 1999 from Elizabeth Periman (deceased): Peter Umstat - 8 white souls, no blacks, 1 dwelling, 2 other buildings
1737 ONSTADT, Valentine, PA, Warrantees of Land Chester Co 1733-1858, 100 ac, Feb 13, 1737, PAR 3:XXIV 91
1767 John UMSTED, PA Berks Union, Proprietary Return Berks
1767, 170 ac PAR 3:XVIII 61
1768 ANGUESTAT, Peter, PA Berks Robinson, Proprietary Return Berks
1768, 50 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 151 - PROBABLY Angstat, but I'd like
to see orig script
1768 Herman UMSTED, PA Berks Robinson, Proprietary Return Berks
1768, 200 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 151
1768 ANGSTED, Peter, PA Berks ?twp?, Proprietary Return Berks
1768, 15 shillings PROBABLY ANGSTAT, PAR 3:XVIII 153 (listed just
before Union, possibly Robeson)
1768 John UMSTED, PA Berks Union, Proprietary Return Berks 1768,
300 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 154
1769 John UMSTAT, mill, PA PHILA Skip/Perk, Proprietary
Tax, 70 ac, PAR 3:XIV, 74
1769 Jacob UMSTAT, PA Phila Skip/Perk, Proprietary Tax, 166 ac,
PAR 3:XIV 64
1769 Henry UMSTAT, PA Phila Skip/Perk, Proprietary Tax, 300 ac,
PAR 3:XIV 64
1769 Peter UMSTAT, PA Phila Limerick, Proprietary Tax, 300 ac,
PAR 3:XIV 52
1769 Herman UMSTAT, PA Phila Limerick, Proprietary Tax, 200 ac,
PAR 3:XIV 52
1769 John UMSTAT, PA Phila Providence, Proprietary Tax, 160 ac,
PAR 3:XIV 75
1769 John, UMSTAT, Jr, PA Phila Providence, Proprietary Tax, 160
ac, PAR 3:XIV 75
1774 John UMSTADT, PA, Warrantees of Land Westmoreland Co 1773-1892, 200 ac, June 22, 1774, PAR 3:XXVI 518
1779 John UMSTEAD, PA Berks Union, Register Property Berks
Raising Supplies 1779, 340 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 294
1779 Herman UMSTEAD, PA Berks Robeson, Register Property Berks
Raising Supplies 1779, 200 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 282
1780 Worner UMSTED, PA Berks Robeson, Return and Assessment Berks
1780 (Womer in index), PA 3:XVIII 412
1780 Jacob UMSTEAD, PA Berks Union, Return and Assessment Berks
1780, single freeman, PAR 3:XVIII 424
1780 John UMSTEAD, PA Berks Union, Return and Assessment Berks
1780, 240 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 423
1781 Herman UMSTEAD, PA Berks Robeson, Return and Assessment
Berks 1780, 200 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 411
1781 John UMSTEAD, PA Berks Union, Return and Assessment Berks
1781, 240 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 551
1781 Jacob UMSTEAD, PA Berks Union, Return and Assessment Berks
1781, 100 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 551
1781 Herman UMSTEAD, PA Berks Robeson, Return and Assessment Berks
1781, 200 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 520
1781 Werner Umstadt, PA Berks Robeson, Return and Assessment Berks
1781, single freeman PAR 3:XVIII 521
1784 John UMSTEAD, s, PA Berks Union, Return and Assessment
Berks 1784, 240 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 683 (s=? son? Sr? single?)
1784 Jacob Umstead, PA Berks Union, Return and Assessment Berks
1784, 100 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 683
1784 Jacob Umstead, PA Berks Union, Return and Assessment Berks
1784, single freeman, PAR 3:XVIII 684
1784 Herman UMSTEAD, PA Berks Robeson, Return and Assessment Berks
1784, 200 ac, PAR 3:XVIII 661
1784 Werner UMSTEAD, PA Berks Robeson, Return and Assessment Berks
1784, single freeman, PAR 3:XVIII 662
1785 Jacob UMSTEAD, PA Berks Union, Assessment Taxes Berks 1785,
1785 John UMSTEAD, PA Berks Union, Assessment Taxes Berks 1785,
"The Limerick Township tax returns for 1734 listed
21 residents and landowners, accounting for 4,827 acres of the
approximately 14,000 acres within the township's boundaries:
Peter Umstead 250
See Clifton S. Hunsicker, 'Montgomery County, Pennsylvania - a
History' New York, N. Y.: Lewis Historical Publishing Company,
Inc. 1923. v. 1, p. 307"
EARLY RECORDS, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY VIRGINIA 1. Hampshire County census returns, alphabetically arranged. It is suggested that if in 1782 a man and his family are listed, but are gone in 1784, that the 1790 census for Pennsylvania be consulted, and the counties in the western part - Alleghany (sic), Bedford, Fayette, Washington, and Westmoreland - be especially noticed. It is quite likely that the names will be found there. The census takers had contiguous territory, therefore the same initials following two names indicates that those families were neighbors. The names of these men, and the initials used, are as follows: .... AJ- Abraham Johnson ... In 1782, census figures following names indicate free whites;
sl denotes slaves. In the 1784 census, the first figure is free
whites, the second, dwellings, and the third, other buildings.
[EARLY RECORDS, HAMPSHIRE COUNTY VIRGINIA, NOW WEST VIRGINIA, Including at the start most of known Va. aside from Augusta District, Compiled by Clara McCormack Sage and Laura Sage Jones, 1969 Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc, Baltimore Maryland], page 97 ADDITIONAL PETER RECORDS IN THIS BOOK: Alphabetical Index of Deeds, Leases, Mortgages and Other Instruments: GRANTOR - GRANTEE 1785, 11-7, Higgins, Robert (w. Hannah) to Peter Umstot, both of Hampshire Co, 240 a. in Hampshire Co; reec. 11-10-1785. Wit: Robt. Higgins, John Higgins, Andrew Wedrew (sp?). 1791, 11-19, Hersman, Casper (w. Mary) to Peter Umstot, both of Hampshire Co, 100 a. on Beaver Run; rec. 6-26-1792. Wit: Thos. Leasenby (sp?), Christopher Hersman (sp?), James Watts. 1792 Peter Umstot witnesses a transaction between Fink and Watts. 1796, 8-20, Peyet, Cornelius (w. Elizabeth) to Peter Umstot,
both of Hampshire Co, 50 a. on Beaver Run; rec. 6-20-1796. Wit:
none |
Back to Peter of Frederick and Hampshire Counties
Last updated 7 april 2010