Cris Hueneke
Nicholas Umbstatt was born about
1625 and died 4 October 1682.
There are several ORIGINAL
DOCUMENTS in existence that give us information on Nicholas. THE
"OUR" NICHOLAS, father of Hans Peter, which we know
because Hans Peter brought the Bible with him from Germany.
that either the 1661 Kriegsheim list or the 1663 Monsheim confirmation
record refers to our Nicholas, father of Hans Peter, however Hans
Peter's Kriegsheim Passport Requests and Rotterdam deed create
a reasonable probability that they both do. My intention here
is only to make available the information that exists from original
I have in my possession copies
of these original documents. Due to copyright considerations,
I will not reproduce them here. I've listed source information
below so that anyone may obtain copies for themselves.
Krefeld Immigrants and Their
Descendants, Volume 6 #1, p 4, Spring, 1989, published a translated
version of this list, with all the individuals' names. Due to
the death of Iris Carter Jones (2006), I don't know whether back
issues will be made available in the future.
The original, which is housed
at the Fürstlich Leiningensche Verwaltung, Amorbach, Germany,
under A6/15/5, and is written in old German script, reads:
"Verzeuchnus (old form
of Verzeichnis) der Kriegsheimer Gemeinsleut und wie selb mit
Namen und Zunamen heißen. 1661."
Translation: "Register of the community members of Kriegsheim
and how they are called with (Christian) name and family name.
Nickel Umbstatt is listed
with NO religious affiliation shown after his name, as it is on
others. Note that the Umbstatt spelling is the same as in the
1663 Monsheim confirmation record below.
Others on this list who are
of interest to us:
Petter Schuhmacher, Menist (Mennonite)
Gilles Cassel, Menist
Görg Schuhmacher, Menist
Arnold Schuhmacher, Menist
Note that "how they are
called" is a literal translation, but it would imply that
the names as listed were common names or nicknames. In the case
of Nickel Umbstatt, this was probably Niclaß (Niclass) Umbstatt,
the father of the Johannes Nicholas Umbstatt who was confirmed
in Monsheim in 1663 at age 15 (see below). Kriegsheim is located
right next to Monsheim and can be considered the same place.
The Krefeld Immigrants article
states: "Kriegsheim near Worms was one of the places where
the German settlers of 1683 came." (Sic) This Kriegsheim
list includes surnames of several emigrants known to have come
in 1685 or later. I have compared the 1661 Kriegsheim list with
the Krefeld immigrants of 1683 and I find none of the surnames
appearing on both lists. This may be very important to the question
of whether or not Hans Peter and family were "of" or
were ever in Krefeld.
Monsheim, Dekanat Worms, Germany.
LDS Film #1195874 Item 1, Volume KB01, page 381, Konfirmations.
Microfilmed by the Genealogical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah,
at the Zentralarchiv der E.K.H.N. (Central Archive of the Evangelische
[LUTHERAN] Kirche Hessen-Nassau), in Darmstadt, Germany, May 1984.
The record reads:
"Anno 1663 In Festo Pentecost" Translation: Year 1663
in (during the) celebration of Pentecost ...
"Johannes Nicolaus Umbstatt, Niclaß Umbst. Fil: Alt
15" Translation: "Johannes Nicolaus Umbstatt, Niclass
Umbstatt's son, age 15"
In Festo Pentecost is Whitsuntide,
which, in 1663, was June 7 in the Protestant regions of Germany.
This is an E.K.H.N. (Evangelische Kirche Hessen-Nassau, LUTHERAN)
church record.
From this we can determine
that the son Johannes Nicolaus was born between June 7, 1647 and
June 7, 1648, his having been 15 years of age on that date in
Niclass the father, could
have been born any time between about 1613 and 1631. This COULD
very well be OUR Nicolas Umstat who died October 4, 1682, and
who traditionally has been thought to have been born about 1625.
If he was born in 1625, he'd have been age 38 in 1663, and he'd
have been age 57 at his death in 1682, both of which are reasonable.
However, as of this writing, I have NOT seen firm evidence that
this is in fact "OUR" Nicholas, father of Hans Peter.
Niclass, the father, can reasonably
be believed to have had other children. The son Johannes Nicolaus
of this record would not be our Hans Peter who came to the US
in 1685. It is possible that they were brothers. We are showing
Hans Peter as having been born about 1650 and we know from the
Bible records that his father was Nicolas. This fits well with
Johannes Nicholaus's birth year of 1647-1648. Johannes Nicolaus
MIGHT have been the firstborn son, and as such, received his father's
name as his middle name, which, IF they were brothers, would help
confirm Hans Peter's date of birth as about 1650. The Bible record
does say "OUR father died," which would indicate that
Nicholas, father of Hans Peter, had more than one child.
Hans is a nickname for Johannes.
Our Hans Peter may have been named Johannes Peter and known casually
as Hans Peter. It's quite possible, considering German naming
practices of the time, that Johannes may have been the first name
carried by all the sons, and could perhaps have been their grandfather's
name. It is possible that other grandsons of a grandfather Johannes
might also have been named Johannes, such as Johannes/Hans Valtin,
whether or not they were not sons of this Niclass.
There has been no record of
Hans Peter's birth, baptism, or confirmation found in the Monsheim
records. I will address the other MONSHEIM RECORDS separately
at a later time.
Hans Peter's Bible has remained
in the Pennypacker family for over 300 years, and is currently
housed at Pennypacker Mills in Schwenksville, PA. Hans Peter's
daughter Eve married Heinrich Pannebecker in 1699.
The word KREFELD does NOT
appear in the notation!!!!
UPDATE: Looking at a clearer
photo of the page containing the the handwritten notations, which
comes from Pennypacker's book, I am now less certain that the
wording on Nicholas's death is "um8" rather than "umb
4 Uhr." For more info, see Bible.
UPDATE #2: See also comments
in Blurb from "Pottstown Daily Ledger/MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH." This may place Nicholas in the Kriegsheim area
are early as 1652!!!
I have had each of the original
records listed above checked by a professional German archivist
whose specialty is deciphering and translating old German script
documents in conjunction with church and German history.
Wasn't Nicholas born and didn't
he die in Krefeld (Crefeld)? It seems unlikely. Hans Peter's Passport
requests and land purchase in Rotterdam both show Kriegsheim as
his place of residency in 1685. I have seen no original documents
so far showing that either Nicholas or Hans Peter were from or
ever lived in Krefeld.
It is with deep gratitude
that I acknowledge the following:
Betsy Umstattd,
who has brought so many pieces of
information to my attention, and whose work on the UM family over
many years, and her willingness to share it, has provided me with
a foundation from which to work.
Iris Carter Jones
of Links Publications, publisher
of "Krefeld Immigrants and Their Descendants," who was
always wonderfully and cheerfully helpful.
Eleanor Mayfarth,
who obtained copies of the Monsheim
records for me, and whose determination to use only firm documentation
has been my inspiration.
Armin Roether,
archivist at the Evangelische Akademie
in Germany, whose help in deciphering the Monsheim records and
in answering numerous side questions, has been invaluable.
Ella Aderman
of Pennypacker Mills, always willing
to help.
Clarence Lee, who sent me
my first copy of the Bible page showing Nicholas's death.
The late Governor Samuel W
Pennypacker, for reasons too numerous to list. Although I may
argue with many of his premises, his work has provided an outstanding
foundation for further research.
The LDS church for filming
the old records and making them available to anyone.
Krefeld Immigrants and Their
Descendants (Iris Jones, deceased)
Links Genealogy Publishing Company
8125 Arroyo Vista
Sacramento, CA 95823-5935
Dr. Wolfgang Meister M.A.
Fürstlich Leiningensche Verwaltung
Postfach 11 80
63916 Amorbach
Pennypacker Mills
5 Haldeman Road
Schwenksville PA 19473
Family History Department
35 N West Temple Street
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150-3400
Betsy (Elizabeth Madison Coles)
Betsy's book, THE RHINE TO SKIPPACK & BEYOND ~ The Route of
a German Settler's Family, privately published 1999, is available.
The price is $35 plus shipping and it may be ordered via email
to Betsy Umstattd <[email protected]>.
Note: Information on this site may in some instances supercede
information in Betsy's book due to its having been determined
after publication of the book. I highly recommend the book and
suggest combining information from the two.
Hans Peter's
Passport Requests
Hans Peter's
Rotterdam Deed
to Generations
Back to U Variants
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Last updated 15 April 2017