"Umstead (Umstadt) Loux-Drissel-Pennebacker Genealogy," compiled by 1965, Laura Valeria Fry and Della R Ulmer, 1965
Included in this material is a copy of a map of "The German Township 1683-1800," and a printed graph "Original Land Distribution, Germantown 1689," the latter showing its source as Grund und Lager Buch, lot plan.
On the lot plan, Lot THIRTEEN West of the Great Road is shown as having 19 town lot acres, 14.4 linear perches on the main road, 50 side lot acres, for a total of 69 acres.
There is also a copy of what appears to be a newspaper clipping, undated, which reads: "Hans Umstad of Germany settled in Germantown in 1685, on Lot No. 13. Where? -- (L.U.F.) Lots in Germantown in 1689 were plotted according to whether they faced towards Bristol or towards Schuylkill. Lot No. 13 of Hans Peter Umstad was one of the Germantown Town-Lots towards Schuylkill, west side of Main Street. This would be near the present Germantown av. and Price st., below Poor House lane."
The copy I have of the map is not good enough to try to reproduce here. It shows the location of the town poorhouse and the surrounding township lines, including Bristol Township.
Page 8: "Hans Peter became a British subject on 7th May, 1691. Thomas Lloyd, Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, granted naturalization to 62 of the first settlers in Germantown, who were thereby made "freemen," a status which the law of England denied to foreigners. In return, they "solemnly promised faith and allegiance to William and Mary, and fidelity and lawful obedience to William Penn's Proprietary." Among the 62 naturalized were Francis Daniel Pastorius, Peter Schumacker, Hans Peter Umstadt, William Rittenhouse ... etc."
"In 1692 a petition for the defeat of a tax bill addressed to the Pennsylvania Assembly was signed by 262 freemen of the Province, among whom were 33 residents of Germantown, including Hans Peter Umstadt." (See a bit more on this in 1925 National Genealogical Society Quarterly).
"In 1693 the General Assembly passed the first law assessing and taxing the property of the inhabitants of Philadelphia County, which included 52 adult male residents of Germantown, among whom was Hans Peter assessed for 100 Lbs. and taxed 8 shillings, 4 pence. Only Pastorius, the Van Bebbers and Albrtt (sic) Brant had a larger assessment."
"Hans Peter attended the wedding of Heinrich Frey and Anna Catherine Levering ... at Germantown, the 26th day of the 2nd month (April) 1692." Hans Peter and his son Johannes, was two of the 32 witnesses.
I have a copy of the full wedding document and all the signatures. Hans Peter's signature is discussed elsewhere on this site (Passport).
The Fry/Ulmer material includes a sheet dated September 25, 1928, that shows "Quotations from the Family Bible of Hans Peter Umstat." It quotes briefly some of the material shown in History of the Bible elsewhere on this site, but attributes the material to Bevan A Pennypacker (Son of Samuel W Pennypacker), with source as "Copied from the original entries by Meredith Hanna September 25, 1928 ... " See also Bible History.
This page continues:
"9th generation -- Nicholas Umstat, born prior to 1653, died at Crefeld Germany October 1682.
"8th generation -- Hans Peter Umstat, born Germany prior to 1688. Died Pennsylvania after 1682, married in Germany prior to 1683 to Barbara, born in Germany.
"7th generation -- Heinrich Pannebacker born at Germany on 3/21/1674. Died at Pennslyvania 4/4/1754, Germantown, Philadelphia."
This page shows sources as the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, and Pennypacker Mills. (D Ulmer 1991)
I have no argument with the Umstat dates, but there may be better dates on Heinrich Pannebacker available from the Pennypackers.
I believe that the Fry/Ulmer material is available from the Montgomery Co, PA Historical Society and on LDS microfilm.
Note: there is much more to the Fry/Ulmer material than what's presented here, which is primarily on Hans Peter. Della asks that anyone using the material pay close attention to the dates. She has not re-researched her aunt Laura Fry's material, so any errors it may contain are Laura's. Once again, we are grateful to the earlier researchers who made tremendous strides in the UM genealogy without the research aids we enjoy today. We seek only to upgrade and improve on it with whatever newer data we can find.