This and the following documents are an update of the Special Research Team, Barbara Wentz, Clarence Lee, Betsy Umstattd, and Eleanor Mayfarth, with the aid of many other researchers, especially Cris Hueneke, compiled by Eleanor Mayfarth. Numbers i.e. Duffin #1 listed in this report refer to # in BIBLIOGRAPHY OF JOHANNES.
He came as a boy with his father Hans Peter Umstadt and
his wife Barbara ( ) from the Kriegsheim area to Germantown in
1685. It was here he lived as a boy and as a youth.
I. Here are the things we do know about
Johannes and the things we don't know!
1. He was born. abt. 1673, and died in 1747
2. He married Mary ( ) abt. 1700, who was born 1673 and died after
3. He owned lot #12 on the east of the street in the town of Germantown
and land in the side lands toward Bristol from 7 Nov 1694 through
28 Apr 1704.
4. He is mentioned in no extant church records.
5. He was a prudent man for his day, as he purchased abt. 900
acres of land between 1704 and 1729, thus insuring that all of
his sons would have land. He only recorded 2 of the land sales
to his sons. Others are recorded in later sales of the land.
6. We have 4 documents that indicate that he signed with his mark
in 1691, 1723, 1724 and in 1741.
1741: copy of deed of Johannes and Mary to "their son"
included in deed when Peter sold his land in 1775. (Phila. Co.
Deed Book : I:15:105-113, p. 9}
Marks of John (Johannes) and Mary
7. Presumably he was living in Germantown in 1704 when he sold
his land there. Between then and 1708 Johannes moved to Van Bebber
Twp. [later Skippack/Perkiomen] His sons and their descendants
are the only family of the Umstadt/Umstead surname who appear
in the land records, wills, and petitions of this "Perkiomen
Region" of what became part of Montgomery County, PA.
8. His two closest friendships were formed in Germantown: Henry
Pannebecker, who married his sister Eve in 1699, and Peter Bunn.
Gov. Samuel Pennypacker (#3) wrote that there seems to be a relationship
between Herman & Peter Bunn. A description by James Duffin
of a very early map of Germantown says that Herman Von Bon, Henry
Sellen, and Hans Peter Umstadt lived close to each other, with
Herman Von Bon on lot #14 across the street from them. He believes
that Herman came in 1685 when this area of the town was being
settled, although the first deed is dated 10th day of August,
1687 when he purchased the lot and 14 and ½ acres in the
sidelines toward Plymouth from Francis Daniel Pastorius, Co partner
and then lawful attorney of the Frankfort Company (Duffin, # 1
, pp. 5-15: footnote 26, p. 7, Bonn, p. 12: Hans Peter; History
of land in sale of Herman's land.)
These friendships are reflected in the marriages of the descendants
of Johannes for several generations and on the migration trail.
They are also reflected in the naming pattern of their children.
What was the strong connection between the Bon/Bunn family and
the family of Johannes and Mary ( )? That is a riddle we would
like to solve! In March of 2,000 Betsy Umstattd consulted with
Dr. David Faris, (# 2) about the results of his many years of
Umstead research. When asked about his thoughts on the surname
of Mary, his reply was, "I always figured Johannes married
the daughter of Herman Bon." [Bunn], but he could never find
proof and neither can we. We may never know the connection, but
have fun playing with it as you read the rest of the Umstead Story.
9. Johannes died in December of 1747 in Skippack/Perkiomen Twp.
(formerly Van Bebber Twp.) Even his estate records required "looking
for a needle in a haystack", as you will see later in Part
III of this document, which lists his children.
II. GERMANTOWN 1689-1704
1689-1691 GERMANTOWN
"On the 12th of the 6th month, 1689, Penn issued to Dirck
op den Graeff,, Abraham op den Graeff, Hermann op den Graeff,
called "Towne President," and eight others, a charter
for the incorporation of Germantown, and directed Dirck, Hermann,
and Thones Kunders to be their first burgesses, and Abraham, with
Jacob Isaacs van Bebber, Johannes Kassel, Heifert Papen, Hermann
Bon and Dirck Van Kolk to be the first committee-men." (Pennypacker
#.3, pg. 151)
On the 27th of 7th month, 1689, one of the first of the early
families leaves Germantown. Cornelius Herman Bon/Bom, the "Dutch
Baker", who came with Pastorius in 1683, has died. His widow
Agnes married Anthony Morris, a leader among the Quakers, as their
intentions are recorded in the records of the Philadelphia MM,
27th of 7th month 1689. Agnes died July 26, 1692, buried Quaker
Cemetery, Philadelphia. (Records of Phialdelphia MM.) We find
more about his family in the following land record:
30th day of 6th mo., 1691: "Know all men that Anthony Morris
of Philadelphia, Merchant, for the consideration of Twenty eight
pounds curr. money of PA to him payd by and upon the account of
Cornelius Bom, Abraham Bom & Cristian [girl?] Bom, The Receipt
whereof he doth hereby acknowledge.... A lot in Philadelphia."
But a note on the side says, "The memorandum that the Deed
is cancelled by another Deed granted to Jn ? Colers for this lot
which is recorded in this Book folio(?) 244. David Lloyd"
( Phil deed Book, E-3 pg 172)
The 28 lbs. paid out of each of their accounts indicates that
they were minors at that time, and that he was their guardian,
and may have put the money from the sale of the land into their
account. The Records of the Historical Society of Germantown show
no indication of a connection between Cornelius Herman, and Herman
Bon below. (E-mail from Edward Stackhouse of the HSG, Original
13 website) There is no evidence of his family being in Germantown
after 1689.
"Account of Rudolphus Varick, 1690", published in 1983,
gives a clear picture of Germantown. "I came to a German
village near Philadelphia where, among others, I heard Jacob Telner,
a German Quaker, preaching. (Later I lodged at his house in Philadelphia.)
The village consists of forty-four families, twenty-eight of whom
are Quakers, the other sixteen of the Reformed Church, among whom
I spoke to those who had been received as members of the Lutheran,
Mennonites, and Baptists, who are very much opposed to Quakerism
and therefore lovingly meet ever Sunday when a Menist, Dirck Keyser
from Amsterdam, reads a sermon from a book by Jobst Harmensen."
[Authors cite (Wenger, 87; the bracketed sentence from the version
in Smith.) for comments on the significance of the account which
include: "The mixed group with which the Mennonites at first
met for worship...the use of a book by a Dutch pietist ...the
role of Dirck Keyser at this time was not that of minister but
rather that of a lay reader. Not until 1698 was a minister chosen
by the Germantown Mennonites."] (Shenk and Gross: # 4, p.
[In 1709 Menist Arnold Van Fossen sold a small part of the land
that he had purchased in 1700 from Menist William Rittenhouse
adj. Menist Paul Engle Jr. for the Mennonite meeting house to
Menists Henry Sellen and John Neuws, adj.. to the land of Menist
Paul Engle Jr. (Phila. County Deed Book E 9:59; Johnson #21.)]
By late 1691 the Quakers in Germantown were far from peaceful,
as described by Wm. J. Frost He includes the following:
"An Account of Such as Have Formerly Frequented Friends Meeting
and Have Since Followed George Keith or Others": by an anonymous
author, transcript of which was provided to author by George Vaux."
The anonymous author has listed some Monthly Meetings according
to what he knew about who were no longer part of the Quakers.
For "German Towne" he lists:
Herman OpDenGraff; Abraham OpDenGraff and his wife; Cornelius
Sidcot and wife; Jacob Isaac Vanbiber and his wife; Isaac Jacobs
Vanbiber and his wife; Mathias Isaacs Vanbiber; Jan Doeden; David
Scherckjues. (Keith #.5, p. 373)
1691 7th of 3rd mo. the sixty-two citizens of Germantown who were
naturalized included: Francis Daniel Pastorius, Jacob Telner,
Herman Bon, Peter Schumacher, Wm. and Claus Rittenhouse, Lenart
Arets, Hans Peter Umstadt, Reinart Tyson, Johannes Kusters, Hans
Milan, Andreas Souplis, Heinrick Frey, Andreas Kramer,
Claus Jansen, Dirck and Heinrich Sellen, Abraham, Herman, and
Dirck op de Graeff, Isaac and Matthew Jacobs........... (Hull
# 6, p. 420)
1691- 26th day 2nd Month Johannes Umstat and his father Hans Peter
Umstadt were 2 of 32 witnesses to the marriage of Heinrich Frey
to Anna Catherine Levering. Hans Peter signed with his name, Johannes
signed with his mark. Also included was what appears to be Mary
Bon(es), who signed with her mark. The original document does
not include the shape of the marks.
("Krefeld Immigrants", Vol. 7, #1 pp. 13-15, article
by Richard Sims, includes both an interpretation of the signatures
with * by those who signed with a mark, and a copy of the original
in German at Historical Society of Pennsylvania.)
1692- Johannes "subscribed" to the Friends' school in
Germantown, Francis Daniel Pastorius Teacher. (Germantown Court
Records 1691-1707, research of Betsy Umstattd.) We don't have
an exact time frame, but Hull shows, "From Holland:Haarlem:
Bom (Bon, Bonn, Van Bon), Hermann; charter member, 1689; committeeman;
subscriber to school; built prison and stocks, 1704. Bom (Bon,
Bun), Peter: subscriber to the school. (Hull # I.6, p. 401.) Duffin
says "the title to Lot 14 shows Bonn receiving a deed from
Pastorius on 10 Aug 1687. It is likely, however, that he occupied
it in 1685, when the lots in this area were being assigned."
(Duffin # 1 p. 7) See Learned # 7. It would appear from these
records and the ones above that Herman Bon and Hans Peter were
contemporaries, and Johannes and Peter were contemporaries.
1694, 9 May Henry Sellen to Joannes [viz] Umsted, for 25 A. in
the town and side lots toward Bristol. Acknowledged in Open Court
held at Germantown on the 21st day of the 1st month (March) 1703/4
1694, 5 Oct. Henry Sellen to Hans Peter Umsted, for 25 A. in the
town and side lands toward Bristol. Lot #12 [This is in Germantown,
where they lived. Referred to as Section A I think. Some acreage
is in Kreigshem Germantown Twp., which is where the Umstead farms
were referred to as Section B.]
1694 7 Nov. Hans Peter Umsted to Joanees [viz] Umsted, his son,
for the same.
Acknowledged in Open Court held at Germantown on the 21st day
of the 1st month (March) 1703/4. (Section B, Part 2 Containing
25 Acres (total)
1696 _ On 10 September, several Quakers and Mennonites in Germantown
reprimanded by the overseers for neglecting their fences. The
officials reported "as insufficient the fences of Herman
Op den Graeff, Abraham Op den Graeff, Isaac Jacob and others.
But Herman Van Bonn and Johannes Umstat, pretendin(g) they did
not know the several fences in their quarter, refused to perform
their duty." ("Pennsylvania German Society" Vol.
35, p. 114.)
1696 "Lot Nineteen, Frankfurt Company" [Gtn. Germantown]
"31d 1m (Mar) 1796 Transaction No. 3
Deed of Confirmation: Frantz Daniel Pastorius, attorney for and
co-partner of the Frankfurt Co., to Arnold Cassell, for same 50A.,
where he modifies the ground rent set in the 1686 contract to
4 pieces of 8 or 24s Pa. money.Witnesses: Aret Klincken, Johannes
Umstäät Acknowledged in open Court of Record held at
Germantown on the 19d 8m 1697. Recorded in the Grund und Lager
Buch, p. 253.
1697 2d 2m (April) Transaction No. 4 Deed: Arnold Cassell, of
Gtn., husbandman, with the consent of his wife Susanna, to Hans
Millan (signed by mark), of Germantown for the same 50A. Subject
to ground rent to Frankfurt Co. Witnesses: Aret Klincken, Johannes
(Umstatt?) [? Part of article] Acknowledged in open Court of Record
held at Germantown on the 19d 8m 1697. Recorded in [Phila. Co.]
Deed Book G, No. 2, p.396" ("Germantown Crier",
Volume 42, #4, Fall 1994)
1697 12(?) Aug. Engel Milan, Matthias Milan, and Margaret Milan,
heirs of John (or Hans) Milan, decd., to Joannes Umsted, for 50
A. in the town and side lands toward Bristol.
(Section A, Containing 50 Acres (total) Acknowledged in Open Court
held at Germantown on the 2nd day of the 3rd month (May) 1704.)
1698, 10 Oct - 91 acres in Creveld, Germantownship, PA were conveyed
as a "Deed of Gift" by Abraham Op Den Graeff to "Richard
Adams and Gertien his wife, the daughter of the aforesaid Abraham
up den graef. This transcription shows also the 1703 indenture
of Thomas Williams and his wife Mary selling 81 acres of the land
"lying at Creveld in the Germantownshp, which had been sold
to them by Richard Adams and his wife Gertien 10 Oct 1701. A different
deed shows that Richard sold the other 10 acres to Gerhardt Rittenhouse
13 Oct 1702. (McAllister #13 pp. 3-5, quoting page 324 of Learned
translation of the Grund und Lager Buch, begun by Francis Daniel
Pastorius: 1703 sale; History of Land, Phila. Co. Deed Book H-5:606:1702
1699 Johannes' sister Eve b. 1 Mar 1673/74, married. Hendrick
Pannebecker, b. 21 Mar 1674.
(S.W. Pennypacker #20)
1701- 24th day 4th Mo. John Umstat served on a Jury with a number
of his Germantown neighbors..
(History of Old Germantown Vol. 1, Dr. Naaman H. Keyser, C. Henry
Kain, John Palmer Garber, Horace F. McCann, 1907, Research of
Betsy Umstatdd).
1702 22nd Feb. Matthias Van Bebber, now of Cecil Co. MD, was given
by William Penn a patent* to 6,166 acres of land, after negotiating
with the lawyers of Dirck Sipman of Crefield Germany for the remaining
5,000 acres of unlocated land in his possession, including the
unlocated land of Govert Remke of Germany, which Dirck had purchased
from Remke, and including the quit rents* previously paid to owners..
This turned out to be 6,166 acres, as recorded in Patent Book
A, Vol. 2:463-465. The patent included the land in Germantown
Twp. and "the Perkiomen area". Matthias immediately
started settling the part that lay in the "Perkiomen Area"
as his Van Bebber Twp. Henry Pannebecker was chosen as his "onsite"
surveyor and attorney for this new Twp. so moved there in 1702.
(# 2, Detweiler: Pennypacker p. 5.) *See GLOSSARY
1704 28 April: John Umsted to Humphrey Edwards, for 100 A. in
the town and side lands towards Bristol. Acknowledged in Open
Court held at Germantown on the 2nd day of the 3rd month (May)
1704. Recited in Deed Book E-4, No. 7, page 267 &c.
Note: The citing of Deed Book E4-7:267 for this land included
in the land record above is an invalid book and page number. Philadelphia
Deed Books E and F are not indexed. You cannot always rely on
citings of these books given in the history of the land in later
deeds, because the books were later rearranged. Some even got
"lost in the shuffle." I have looked through the E and
F books and this deed is not referred to in them. All of the other
Phila. Co. Deed books are alphabetized and on the main index of
grantors and grantees. This land of Johannes in Germantown is
not on the main index. In 1929 Charles Barker indexed all of the
land from these books that later lay in Montgomery Co. to the
numbers they carry now. Germantown, however, never was part of
Montgomery Co., so there is no extant index for the new citings
for Germantown. [Eleanor Mayfarth] See More
on Hans Peter's Germantown Land by Cris Hueneke.
1704 About this time Johannes and Mary moved to Van Bebber's Twp.
That is where Johannes resided until his death. [Hans Peter Umstadt
sold his land 14 Oct 1710, Herman Bon, Carpenter, sold his land
8th day of May 1711 and both of them disappeared. Probably both
joining sons in Van Bebber's Twp.? ]
Other Germantown families who had joined Johannes and his sister
Eve Pannebecker by 1714 were Hermanus Kuster/Custer, Peter Bunn,
Mathias Tyson, Arnold Van Fossen, Claus Jenson/Johnson, and Jacob
Christian Zimmerman. To nearby townships of this "Perkiomen
Region" came Abraham Opdengraff, Richard Adams, Arnold Kuster,
and Jacob Sellen, the son of Henry. All of these families played
a part in this continuing saga of the family of Hans Peter Umstadt.
THAT WERE IN THE FILE ARE THERE . In 1990 when Betsy Umstattd
checked the folder it was empty. A check made by Barbara Wentz
8 Mar 2001 revealed that it is still empty.
"William Plumsted Reg. Genl.
To John and Jacob Umsted of Philada County yeomen Sons of John
Umsted yeoman deced Greeting". In between the lines of this
greeting are the words "the Widow havg renounced". "Memorandum
that Letters of Administration in Common form were granted to
John and Jacob Umsted above named, on the Estate late of the said
John Umsted deced Inventory to be exhibited on or before the 8th
day of February next, And an accot on or before the 9th day of
Janry Anno 1748. Given under the seal of the said Office the 8th
day of Janry 1747- Willm Plumsted Reg. Genl." In the left
hand margin is written, "#110/1747." (This is the number
of the File Folder)
Account by an anonymous early researcher:
"Be it remembered that I, Mary Umstatt widow and relict of
John Umstatt late of the County of Philadelphia yeoman being now
74 years of age and weak in body do renounce and declaim all my
right of administration to the estate of my sd. husband. As witness
my hand the fifth day of January Anno Domini 1747/8. Mary (her
mark) Umstatt.
In the Presence of Jacob Pennebecker and Thomas Bull." (110-1747)
(Betsy Umstattd, #14 p. 58.)
In 1899 John Eyerman #8 quotes from an estate record: John married
Mary and had "seven children now (1748) of full age , among
whom were John and Jacob."
FACT: In 1913 there was an extant original of a 1748 transfer
of remaining acreage of Johannes to his son Henry signed by his
other heirs and their spouses, as reported by Col. Calvin I. Kephart
in a 1959 lecture to the Historical Society of Montgomery County.
"In 1748 Mary, widow of Johannes Umstadt, John Umstadt and
wife Deborah, Peter Umstadt, Jacob Umstead and wife Ann, Herman
Umstead and wife Margaret, Elizabeth Hoover and husband Henry
Hoover, and Margaret Van Fossen and husband Leonard Van Fossen,
all heirs of said Johannes conveyed land to Henry Umstead, he
being also one of the heirs."
"The unrecorded deed was handed down with the land until
it came into the possession of a 'Mr.' Custer in 1913 who conveyed
it to Horner Kennett of Concordia, Kansas."
Our Umstead Family Chart shows that Henry's son Harman, to whom
he sold 205 acres of his land, had a granddaughter, Hannah, daughter
of his son Jacob Umstead, who married Thomas Kennett, and died
in KS 1908. Had sons Edward, William S. (Will), and Homer. Does
a descendant of this family still have the land record???
The notes taken at this lecture by Laura Fry, descendant of Jacob
and Ann (Adams) Umstatt, included the names in a paper she did
on the Umstead family. The circulation of her paper was to researchers
who were not able to attend the lecture as it was the first news
of the identity of the daughters of Johannes and Mary. These notes
first reached the descendants of John Umstat of NC in 1995 from
Richard Bryan Umstead, after he had searched the "Attic Box"
of his father Richard Baxter Umstead Jr., who researched the Umstead
Family in the 1970s prior to his death.
We later discovered the same list in the papers of Hannah Roach,
respected researcher of that area. Hannah's notes are on a sheet
where she is adding the names to her previous list of the children
of Johannes after reading the land record. She was having trouble
reading the exact spelling of Hoover as per signature.
("Montgomery Co. PA Families" M-T, T-Z, Hannah Benner
Roach Collection, Gen R078:19 at the Philadelphia branch of the
Historical Society of Penna.}
We do have a record of the sale of Henry to his son Harman, which
verifies the sale of the land to Henry in an unrecorded deed of
the sale of land from 2 tracts of the land of Johannes to his
son Henry by the heirs containing 78 acres + perches. Unfortunately,
the history of the land only gives a "Synopsis of the Title"
for these 78 acres at the end and does not name the heirs. To
avoid confusion, "John" below refers to Johannes and
John "NS" refers to his son, administrator of his estate.
(Montgomery Deed Book 9:219_221).
13th day of October 1788 [Henry d. Dec 1788], Rec. 9 Nov 1795
Henry Umstat of the township of Skippack and Perkiomen for the
love and affection he feels for his son Harmon and for the sum
of 420 pounds paid by sd. son... sells Harmon all that messuage
and plantation and tract or parcel of land situate partly in the
sd. township of Skippack and Perkiomen and partly in the township
of Worcester
Beginning at a corner in the line of the sd. Worcester Twp. thence
along the sd. line by land of Jacob Umstat [purchased from heirs
of Peter Bunn 1748 by Jacob, son of Johannes, and sold to his
son "P". Jacob in 1776.]
S 51 & ½ deg E 205 and ½ perches to a corner,
thence by John Clemant's land N38 ½ deg. W, 98 and 2/10
perches to a heap of stones in the land of Providence Twp. Thence
along the sd. line
N 49 and 1/4 deg. W, 205 and 1/4 perches to a heap of stones.
Thence by land intended to be conveyed to Henry Umstat Jr .the
5 following courses and distances viz;
N 38 and ½ degrees E, 44, & 9/10 perches to a corner
and N 66 deg. W, 107 perches to a corner and N 56 and ½
deg. W, 24 perches and N 41 and 1/4 deg. E, 14 perches and N 33
and ½ deg. W, 37 perches and N 41 and 1/4 deg. E, 68 and
8/10 perches to a stone Thence by the sd. Jacob Umstat's land
S 50 and ½ deg. E. 161 perches to the place of beginning
Containing 205 acres.
Signed and delivered in the presence of Jacob Umstead ["P."
Jacob] and Israel Jacobs
Received on the day of the date of the above written. Indenture
of the above Harman Umstat the sum of four hundred and 20 pounds
it being the full consideration money mentioned.
his mark
Henry H Umstat [The mark is the same style as the "N"
in John "NS" his brother.
On the 10th day of April 1790 Israel Jacobs of Providence Twp.
appeared before J.P. Anthony Crothers and gave his solemn oath
that he had seen Henry Umstat, now deceased, sign the deed.
[Note that the day after this land was sold it was mortgaged to
Harmon's sister Mary Umstat, spinster. The mortgage was cleared
in 1796.]
"Synopsis of the Title of the within lands first in Skippack
Perkiomen Township...
1st Patent Wm. Penn to Mattias Vanbebber for 6166 acres date 22
Feb 1702.
(Recorded in Patent Book A Vol. 2 p. 463 }
2nd M. Vanbibbers to John Kosters for 204 acres out of sd 6166
date 19 12 mo. 1702.
3rd John Kosters and M. Vanbebbers to John Umstat for sd 204 acres
date 9 June 1708
(recorded in Book E Vol 7)...." [cites p. 188, but that was
one of the early mistakes, it is p.233]
1st M. Vanbebber to Henry Pannebecker 204 acres part of sd 6166
date of June 12 1708
(recorded Book Vol E_7 p_188)
2nd Henry Pannebecker to John Umstat 29 acres part of sd, 204
acres date March 6th
3rd John Umstat to Henry Umstat for 69 acres 138 perches part
of his 204 acre tract and 11 acres 22 perches of said 29 acres
date of March 10 1743.
4th: John "NS" Umstat, and others (heirs of first John
Umstat [Johannes] who died intest.), to
Henry Umstat for 48 acres and 99 perches as part of sd 204 acres
and 18 acres 76
perches part of said 29 acres date May 2nd 1748
5th: ditto to ditto for 12 acres and 21 perches of said 204 acres
date November 28, 1748."
Second that part in Worcester
1st Wm. Penn to James Claypool 1,000 acres unlocated 30 April
2nd James Claypool to Wm. Smith 26 June 1683
3rd William Smith to William Chadwick 16th Nov 1714
4th Wm. Chadwick to Wm. Allen & Thos Shute 30 Dec 1718
5th Warrant granted to Allen and Shute for surveying sd 1000 acres
dated 30 Dec 1718
6th Release William Allen to Jas [James] Steel for one moiety
of 1,000 acres 30 Dec 1718
7th Deed Thomas Shute and James Steel to Jno Umstat for 119 acres
part of 1,000 acres
May 18th 1720
8th Deed of John Umstat & wife to Henry Umstad for sd. 119
acres date Feb 22, 1739"
And another deed regarding this land:
6 Nov 1795 Herman Umstead of Skippack Perkiomen and Barbara his
wife sell Thos Craig of Norristown for 337 lbs.14 acres and 30
perches in Worcester Twp., "part of 205 acres which Henry
UM by indenture 13 day of Oct. 1788 did grant to this above son
of Herman."
Wit: John Rees and Benjamen Rittenhouse. (Mont. Co. Deed Book
Last updated 5 May 2017