Page 289 ff.
"But after the alien Quaker preachers had departed, the Friends of Krisheim had still to meet the church-tithes and the Turkish-war taxes which were demanded of them, both of which they steadfastly refused to pay as being contrary to their religious principles. Their refusal also to stand sentinel at the town's walls was the last straw which broke the patience of the electoral steward at Hochheim, Herr Schmal by name, who was spurred on by it to petition the government to order the banishment of 'the foolish sect.' (365) The influence of the Princess Elisabeth at the electoral court was evidently still too strong in behalf of the Quakers, and the edict of banishment was not issued. But Steward Schmal was rejoiced to report on the 9th of May, 1685, that three Quaker households (Hausgesässe), to the great joy of the community, desired to sell their belongings (das Ihrige) and betake themselves to Holland or England. Schmal enclosed with this report the following request of the Quakers:
"'We, the undersigned, herewith make known to the Hochheim administration under which we reside, in so far as it can be permitted us by the administrator (Amtsschaffner) and not forbidden by God, to transport ourselves and our households to Holland; therefore it is our request that the administrator supply us with a certificate (Attest) permitting us to pass unhindered through the customs; for we would gladly depart in good will with our neighbors and acquaintances, and we earnestly hope (verhoffen) that we have conducted ourselves towards them and they towards us in such fashion that no one has any complaint to make on that account; and we hope that it may be granted to us.'
"Gerhardt Hendricks Hans Peter Cassel (WRONG!!!)
Peter Schuhmacher, widower, aged sixty years (Witmann in die 60
Jahre), Kriegsheim, 8. Mai 1685. (366)
Footnote 365 "There is a brief memorandum in the Karlsruhe archives, dated Kriegsheim District, Florsheim, August 11, 1684, as follows: 'The Quakers at Kriegsheim, formerly Mennonites but now Quakers: Henrich Gerhards, Peter Schumacher, Georg Schumacher's widow, Johannes Castle, Stofel Morett, Johannes Gerhard's widow." Pfals Generalia, 4337 (quoted by C. H. Smith, op. cit., p.94, footnote)."
Footnote 366 Hubben, p. 71
COMMENT: Hull quotes Hubben as the source of his error showing Hans Peter CASSEL versus Hans Peter Umstadt.
Page 253 ff: "Benjamin Furly, a Hollandized Quaker OF ROTTERDAM, aided largely the escape of both the Quaker and Mennonite colonists from the Rhineland and their colonization in Pannsylvania. He became Penn's chief land-agent on the Continent, and sold for him nearly 50,000 acres in the colony before the year 1700. Telner appears to have received his grant from Penn in person. But Jan Streypers and DIRCK SIPMAN bought 5,000 acres each from Furly under the date of March 10, 1682 [?1683?]; and on the 11th. of June, 1683, Furly sold 1,000 acres each to three more Krefeld residents, namely, Lenart Arents, Govert Remke, and Jacob Isaacs Van Bebber.
"Govert Remke was a Mennonite, and did not go to Pennsylvania, but sold his land on January 14, 1686, to Sipman. Sipman did not go to Pennsylvania, but appointed Herman Isaaks op den Graeff his agent and sold his Germantown land in 1685 to Gerhard Hendricks and Pieter Schumacher of Krisheim, and Hans Peter Umstat of Krefeld; and the balance of his 6,000 acres in 1698 to Matthias Isaacs van Bebber. The last named was a brother of Isaac Jacobs van Bebber, who arrived in Germantown in 1684, and a son of Jacob Isaacs van Bebber whom he brought with him to Germantown in 1687. The Van Bebber estate finally included more than 6,000 acres, in the vicinity of Germantown, and it was rapidly settled by German and Dutch Mennonites during the next quarter-century. It was long known as Bebbers Township; but in 1704, the two Van Bebber brothers removed to "Bohemia Manor" (or "New Bohemia"), in CECIL COUNTY, MARYLAND. Sipman, Remke and the Van Bebbers appear to have remained Mennonites; or, if they were at any time Quakers, to have returned to the Mennonite faith.
COMMENTS: Herman Isaaks op den Graeff was already in Pennsylvania in 1683. See page 395 of Hull for confirmation of this. Per Pennypacker book page 119, Herman Isaaks op den Graeff handled things once the immigrants got to Pennsylvania.
Hull's book was written in 1935, and since Pennypacker wrote his SETTLEMENT OF GERMANTOWN in 1899, it is reasonable to assume that he was a source for some of the Hull material and in particular that Hans Peter Umstadt was "of Krefeld." The Krefeld error and resulting assumptions continue in the following ...
Page 397 ff: "One year later (October 12, 1685), Hendrick Boekwolt (or Heinrich Buchholtz) and his wife, and Hans Peter Umstat, his wife Barbara, his son Johannes, and his daughters Anna Margaretha and Eva, joined the other Krefelders in Germantown. Between 1685 and 1690, Krefeld sent to Germantown Jacob Isaaks and Matthias Isaaks Van Bebber; Willem Hosters; Arent (or Arnold), Hermanus, Johannes and Paulus Koester (or Küster); Jan van Lovenigh; Jan and Mattheis Neusz; Dirck, Hendrick, and Martin Sellen (or Seelen); Jacob Seimens; and Jan Streypers. The records refer to wives and children of most of these fifteen later settlers; so that they probably numbered about sixty, making a total of about 120 from Krefeld and Kaldekerk.
"The second stream of pioneer settlers in Germantown came from Krisheim. The vanguard of these settlers arrived in October, 1685, and numbered twelve persons. These included three men (Gerhard Hendricks, Peter Schumacher and Heivert Papen); two women (Maria and Sarah, the wives of Hendricks and Schumacher); and seven children.
"The next year (in March, 1686), two more families, including fifteen persons, came from Krisheim. The heads of these families were Johannes Kassel and his wife, and Sarah Schumacher, a widow; and their children were two sons and three daughters, and four sons and three daughters, respectively.
"The migration of twenty-seven pioneers from Krisheim nearly exhausted the spring; but during the next few years, we find n the Germantown records the names of four more men from Krisheim and one from Flomborn, a neighboring village. These sent children to the Germantown school, and presumably brought their wives with them, thus adding to the population perhaps a score of persons, and making a total of about fifty-two from Krisheim and Flomborn.
COMMENT: Hendrick Pannebacker
"Adding together the pioneer settlers in Germantown from 1683 to 1690, we find the population in the latter year to have been about 175, of whom all but a few were Dutch. "
(Page 406):
"Umstat, Anna Margaretha: daughter
of Hans Peter.
Umstat, Eva: daughter of Hans Peter; married Hendrick Pannebecker.
Umstat, Hans Peter: in Germantown, 1685; weighmaster; wife was
Umstat, Johannes: son of Hans Peter; subscribed to the school;
removed to Bebber's Township, 1702."
(page 417 ff):
"On the 15th May 1693, the General Assembly passed the first law assessing and taxing the property of the inhabitants of Philadelphia County, which included 52 adult male residents of "German Town Pet Knerless (Kuerlis, Assessor)" as follows (Source: "The Pennsylvania Magazine," Vol 8 (1884), pp 98-100
Included in the list:
Gerrit Henrix
Paul Castern (Kästner)
Herman van Bon
Claws Rutting Heysen
Peter Shoomaker
Hance Peter Upstead (Umstad) 100, 8, 4
(Page 420, 421):
"The sixty-two naturalized in 1691 were as follows: Francis
Daniel Pastorius,
Herman Bon,
Peter Schumacher,
Wm. Rittenhouse, Claus Rittenhouse,
Lenart Arets,
Hans Peter Umstadt,
"Twenty-six of these survived to be re-naturalized in 1709 and fifty-seven new names were added in the latter year " (Hans Peter Umstat does not appear on the 1709 list.)