1929 Hubben
Wilhelm Hubben, DIE QUÄKER IN DER
DEUTSCHEN VERGANGENHEIT (The Quakers in the German Past), 1929
Quäker-Verlag, Leizig. Written in German.
On pages 71 and 72, Hubben shows a transcript
in German of the first passport request, made 8 May 1685, naming
as signers Gerhardt Hendrichs, Hans Peter CASSEL*, and Peter Schuhmacher. For the most part, his
transcript reads the same as Michel's with the exception of the Cassel error
and the transposing of some words, presumably in an effort to
correct the German grammar in the original.
I have only the pages in question and
there is no evident source quoted for this section, so for the
time being, we can blame Hubben for Hull's and Bender's errors.
Hubben may have an earlier source listed elsewhere in his book.
Hull does footnote Hubben's book and page number as his source,
as does Bender. However, it's probably fair to suppose that Samuel
W Pennypacker's insistence in various published material (ca 1899)
that Hans Peter was from Krefeld likely influenced Hubben. Johannes
Cassel's full name may have been Johannes Peter Cassel and if
so, Hans Peter would be an informal version of Johannes Peter,
which would help explain how he may have been assumed to be the
signer of the passport requests.
Page 71:
"Die weitere hartnäckige
Weigerung der Quäker, den Kirchenzehnten und die Türkensteuer
zu zahlen un auch die ortsüblichen Wachen zu stellen, veranlaßte
1684 den Amtsschaffner Schmal in Hochheim zu Eingaben an die Regierung,
die Ausweisung der "närrischen Sekte" zu verfügen.
Der amtlich ausgeübte Druck wurde stärker und stärker,
und am 9. Mai 1685 meldete Schmall: "Welcher Gestalt drei
Haußgesäß Quäker zu der ganzen Gemeinde
großen Freude das Ihrige verkaufen und nach Holland oder
England sich begeben wollen, zeiget der Beischluß. Ob ich
ich sie nun nach Erlegung des Zehnpfennigs ziehen lassen und ihnen
willfahren solle, frage ich an." Das beigefügte Gesuch
der Quäker lautete:"
Translation by Lou and Cris
The further stubborn refusal
of the Quakers to pay the church tithes and the Turkish war tax
and also to stand watch over the town induced 1684 official (Amtschaffner)
Schmal in Hochheim to submit to the government a report of the
expulsion of the"crazy sect/cult." Official pressure
became greater and greater, and on May 9, 1685, Schmal advised,
"It appears that three Quaker households, to the great joy
of the entire community, are selling their belongings and want
to betake themselves to Holland or England, as shown in the attached.
My question is, should I let them go and bid them farewell if
they pay the ten pennies?" The attached request of the Quakers
reads:" (Hubben then quotes the first, May 8, 1685, passport
request made by Schumacher, Hendrichs, Umstatt, altho he names
Cassel instead of Umstatt).
Copies of these pages were obtained
from the Friends Historical Library of Swarthmore College, 500
College Avenue, Swarthmore, PA 19081-1399, phone 610-328-8496,
fax 610-690-5728.
and Cope, 1881, page 22:
1,20,1686. "The Jeffries," Thomas Arnold Mr.(master)
from London. Johannes Cassel, a German; his children, Arnold, Peter, Elizabeth,
Mary and Sarah.
Sarah Shoemaker of the Palatinate, widow; George 23 years old,
Abraham, 19, Barbary, 20, Isaac, 17 Susanna, 13, Elizabeth, 11,
Benjamin, 10 - allher children. Joseph Ransted, Gardner, from
London." (Submitted by Dottie Witkop)