Ulle, Robert F, "Research Notes - Materials on Mennonites in Colonial Germantown," Mennonite Quarterly Review, Vol LVII, #4, October, 1983.
"Descriptions and Accounts of Germantown Mennonite Meeting
"Account of Rudolphus Varick, 1690
"'I came to a German village near Philadelphia where, among others, I heard Jacob Tellner, a German Quaker, preaching. [Later I lodged at his house in Philadelphia.] The village consists of fourty-four families, twenty-eight of whom are Quakers, the other sixteen of the Reformed church, among whom I spoke to those who had been received as members of the Lutheran, Mennonites, and Baptists, who are very much opposed to Quakerism and therefore lovingly meet every Sunday when a Menist, Dirck Keyser from Amsterdam, reads a sermon from a book by Jobst Harmensen.' [Wenger, 87; the bracketed sentence is from the version in Smith.]"
This is only five years after the arrival of Hans Peter Umstatt in Germantown. Altho it does not mention him directly, it certainly shows that he had options other than Quakerism.
Ulle, Robert F, "The Original Germantown Families," from Mennonite Family History, April 1983, page 51.
"These were the 'first' Germantown families, after the Native Americans, Swedes, and occasional wanderers who had preceded Penn to his province. Others came in the years after; the following is a partial list for 1684: (Included is) Hans Peter Umstatt of Crefeld."
We now know that Hans Peter came in 1685 from Kriegsheim, not from Crefeld (Krefeld). Copies of the full article, which discusses many of the "Original 13" (Krefelders), may be obtained through PERSI (Allen Co, IN Library).
2 December 2002