1981 Chronik Von Monsheim, Geschichte
eines rheinhessischen Dorfes

Chronicles of Monsheim, History of a Rhine-Hessen Village

Paul Michel, Druckerei Kunke GmbH, 6521 Monsheim bei Worms, Wormser Straße 22


Page 52

Beforchungsurkunde des Sturmfedergutes

Eine weitere große Beforchungsurkunde wurde im Jahre 1556 auf Verlangen der Frau Margarete, Witwe des Friedrich v. Sturmfeder des Alten, ausgestellt. Die alte Adelsfamilie der Freiherrn von Sturmfeder, in Wachenheim angesiedelt, war sehr wohlhabend. Ihr Besitz in Monsheim umfasßte, außer 250 Morgen Äcker un Weinbergen, eine Hofraite mit Zubehör, an der Oberpforte gelegen, sowie einen Turm im Dorf mit Kellern und Gärten. Obwohl diese begüterte Familie sicherlich in Wachenheim tonangebend war, ist sie von dem Chronisten von Wachenheim, dem Pfarrer Würth, überhaupt nicht erwähnt (1930). Es ist mir bekannt, daß der Freiherr von Botzheim aus Wachenheim 1745 von Frau Friederike Ernestine von Sturmfeder, geb. Kreutz zu Löwenstein, 58 Morgen Land in Wachenheim für 3200 Gulden käuflich erworben hat.

Man kann aus der Vielzahl nachstehender Anlieger schließen, daß damals die Fluren schon sehr aufgesplittert waren, weil nicht das Recht der Erstgeburt bestimmend war, sondern die Aufteilung unter die einzelnen Kinder.

Name des Gerichts - Schultheiss: Valtin Ebert
Namen der Gerichtsschöffen: Philipp Ebner, Peter Keller, Veltin Helchin, Peter Probst, Michel Scherrer


St Nicholausaltar (St. Nicholas's altar)
Kirche in Monsheim (church)
Pfarrer in Monsheim (pastor)
Jacob Scholl
Botzleuchter, Margarete
Peter Keller
Hans Quidenbaum
Wendel Engels Erben (Engel's heirs)
Moritz Schnabel
Niklas Hoffman
Wendel Müller (Mueller)
Junker Peter
Michael Lauermann
Barthel Jakob Sohn (son)
Hans Hennegin
Peter Gans
M. Veidschen
Wendel Müller
Wendel Römer
Hans Müller der Junge (the younger)
Veltin Helchin
Hansen Umstadt
Bauers Erben (Bauer's heirs)
Niklaus Schilling
Pfarrer in Monsheim (Pastor in Monsheim)
Pfarrhaus Widum (Pfarrgut) (Pastor's house/parish estate)
Jakob Gelzenleuchter
Valtin Ernst
Peter Probst
Niklas Brand
Schlipper Gut (estate)
Lahrig (?) Dirst
Peter Conzgen
Michel Scherrer
Wendel Engel
Wendel Volksumel
Veltin Sonnenwengerer
Conrad Gilman
Junker Gelzenleuchter
Jakob Schell
Johan Weibmann
Hans Hilgenstätten
Peter Fauss
Philipp Epper (oder [or] Eppler)
Konrad Hoffman


Inventory Certificate (land and property) of the Sturmfeder Estate

Another large inventory certificate was issued in 1556 at the demand of Lady Margarete, widow of Friedrich Sturmfeder the elder. The old noble family of the Barons von Sturmfeder, who had settled in Wachenheim, was very wealthy. Their possessions in Monsheim included, besides 250 "Morgen" of fields and vineyards, a farm estate with equipment, situated at the upper gate, as well as a tower in the village with cellars and gardens. Even though this family with its many properties was certainly a leading family in Wachenheim, it is not mentioned at all by the chronicler of Wachenheim, Pastor Würth (1930). It is known to me [the author, Michel] that that the Baron von Botzheim from Wachenheim, in 1745, acquired 58 "Morgen" of land from Lady Friederike Ernestine von Sturmfeder, nee Kreutz zu Löwenstein, for 3200 Gulden.

From the large number of adjacent owners, we can conclude that the land was already fragmented, because the right of the firstborn was not determining, but rather the division among the individual children.

Name of the Gerichts-Schultheiss (presiding person for the court having jurisdiction in Monsheim, like a mayor): Valtin Ebert

Name of the Gerichtsschöffen (“Gericht” meant a mixture of communal government and court. The leading person was the Gerichts-Schultheiß, and these would be members): Philipp Ebner, Peter Keller, Veltin Helchin, Peter Probst, Michel Scherrer

Adjacent Owners: the list includes Hansen Umstadt



Hansen may simply be his first name, but it is possible that the writer of the original document could have slipped into the possessive case when thinking "the land of Hans," which would be written "des Hansen Land" in German, and then shortened it to Hansen. The fact that this form is not used with any of the other names makes it hard to determine whether his actual name was Hansen or Hans.

This is a listing of known Monsheim residents in 1556, those owning land adjacent to that of the von Sturmfeder family. From this, we can determine that Hans(en) Umstadt was a land owner in Monsheim as early as 1556. He could have been born anywhere between about 1486 and 1536. He could not have been the father of our Nicholas (born between 1613 and 1645), but was probably Nicholas's ancestor. Certainly the name Hans(en) follows the pattern of Hans/Johannes (John) back a few more generations. This firmly establishes the Umstadt family as landowners in the Monsheim/Kriegsheim/Hohen-Sülzen area, which further contradicts any idea that the UMs were from or of Krefeld.

The Word “Beforchung” seems to have been used only in the Rheinhessen (Rhine-Hessen) and Pfalz (Palatinate) regions.

"Morgen" is a term of surface measurement, with different conversion to acres depending on the area in Germany.

The multiple listings of several of the names would indicate that they owned more than one piece of property, which would further indicate that these were owners of adjacent land, as opposed to residents on the land.



Also mentioned in the book (dated after Hans Peter UM left in 1685):


Page 60
Namenliste aus dem Gerichtsbuch von Monsheim 1616-1797

Ein im Staatsarchiv Darmstadt befindliches Gerichsbuch von Monsheim enthält eine Liste, beginnend mit dem Jahre 1616, endend mit dem Jahre 1797, über die Schulden Monsheimer Einwohner gegenüber dem Grafen Philipp von Leiningen wegen "hinterständiger Kontributionen" (rückständiger Steurschulden). Es sind hier nur die Namen heute noch lebender oder den Älteren bekannter Namen in Monsheim oder umliegender Orte gennant.

Auf der Titslseite befinden sich die Namen des Gerichtsschultheiss Peter Weyss und der Gerichtsschöffen Hans Jakob Kautz, Hans Wirt, Hans Niklas von Aldum, Hans Quittelbaum und Hans Adam. Nochmals auf der dritten Seite die Gerichtsschöffen Hans Niklas von Alldum, Peter Heimann, Hans Bersch und Ottilie, Peter Weissens Hausfrau. Anscheinend fand in damselben Jahr eine Neubesetzung statt. Die Namen sind nachstehend chronologisch aufgeführt. Sebstverständlich besagen die Eintragungen nichts über die Zahlungsfähigkeit heutiger Nachkommen aus, selbst der steinreiche David Möllinger hatte Steuerschulden.

Andreas Pleickhard 1764
Conrad Rasp 1792
Carl Ludwig Schmitt 1792
Conrad Gräf 1768, 1782
Christian Wilhelm 1768, 1793
Christian Bös 1759, 1770
Christian Pleickhard 1797
Carl Pleickhard 1792
Elisabetha Schellenschläger 1781, 1787
Michel Kissling, Kirchenschaffner (church steward)
Friedrich Hess 1774, 1767
Catharina Elizabeth Umstatt, Witwe von Friedr. U. 1780
Georg Jakob Schellenschäger 1762, 1768, 1787
Georg Ludwig Scherrer 1776, 1778, 1780
Paul Scherrer 1777
Georg Wilhelm Meng 1793
Heinrich Amborn jun. 1766, 1770
Heinrich Amborn sen. 1770
  Heinrich Wagner 1711, 1777
Heinrich Börger 1769, 1781, 1790, 1791
David Möllinger sehr oft genannt (frequently named)
Heinrich Ludwig Schellenschläger jun. 1788
Heinrich Ludwig Schellenschläger sen. 1788
Johannes Haussmann 1759, 1762, 1764
Johannes Splindler 1769
Jakob Molter 1777, 1783, 1787
Ludwig Riesemann 1776
Philipp Frantzreb 1776
Philipp Adam Schalk 1776
Philipp David Gräf 1781, 1786, 1789, 1793
Valentin Frantzreb 1751
Valentin Graf 1764, 1777, 1780, 1782
Valentin Amborn 1792
Wilhelm Graf 1750, 1771
Wilhelm Welker 1771, 1777
Wilhelm Winter 1787, 1778, 1797



List of names from the Court Register (Gerichtsbuch) of Monsheim 1616-1797

A Court Register for Monsheim, located in the Darmstadt State Archives, contains a list of debts owed to Count Philipp von Leiningen by the inhabitants of Monsheim. These are tax debts in arrears. The list starts in 1616 and ends in 1797. Only family names still found in the Monsheim area today [1981, when Michel wrote this book], or those names which, although no longer found, may still be recognized by older residents, are included [in Michel's listing].

On the title page are the names of "Gerichtsschultheiss" (presiding person for the court) Peter Weyss and of the "Gerichtsschöffen" (court members) Hans Jakob Kautz, Hans Wirt, Hans Niklas von Aldum, Hans Quittenbaum and Hans Adam. Again on the third page we find the "Gerichtsschöffen" Hans Niklas von Alldum, Peter Heimann, Hans Bersch und Ottilie, and the wife of Peter Weiss. That year the court was apparently newly constituted. The names are listed chronologically. Naturally, there is no implication that descendants living today are obligated to pay. Even the very rich David Möllinger had tax debts.

Included in the list: Catharina Elisabeth Umstatt, widow of Friedr(ich). U. 1780.

Comment: Apparently there are in fact more names listed in the original court registers than those Michel shows.



Page 65
Einwohnerliste vom 5.XII. 1789 [List of residents 1789)

Auf der Grundlage eines Registers über die "Beed" von 1789, angefertigt von dem durch das Ortsgericht bestellten Erheber Caspar Graf aus Monsheim.

"Bede" ist eine Steuer an den Landesherren. Ein Kreutz hinter dem Namen bedeutet, daß der Steuerpflichtige eine Angabe über 2 Gulden leisten muß. Die Erben von David Möllinger hatten 23 Gulden zu entrichten.
Peter Stahlheber
Philipp Graef
Christian Pleickhard
Michael Schulz
David Graef
Jakob Molter
Andreas Day
Jakob Wilhelm
Christian Bösen Ww. (Bös's widow)
David Möllinger Söhne x (Möllinger's sons)
Wilhalm Früauf x
Valentin Riesemann
Anna Elisabeth Müllerin (surname is Müller)
Carl Eichelberger Ww. (Eichelberger's widow)
Wilhelm Graefen Ww. (Graef's widow)
Maria Catharina Graefin (surname is Graef)
Ev. Kirchenschffner Kissling x (Evangelical church
steward Kissling)
Johann Adam Kissling
Friederich Hessen Ww. (Hess's widow)
Melchior Brennemanns Erben x (Brennemann's
David Fuchs
Heinrich Andreas
Philipp Andreas
Christoph Wagner
Christoph Linse
Heinrich Weyer
Wilhelm Graef
Philipp Kern
Conrad Schmitt
Georg Hauser x
Georg Knickel
Konrad Rasp
Daniel Schaulings Ww. (Schauling's widow)
Johannes Fuchs der Alte (the elder)
Leonhard Fuchs
Sebastian Pleickhards Ww. (Pleickhard's widow)
Wilhelm Welkers Ww. (Welker's widow)
Jakob Schallers Ww. (Schaller's widow)
Catharina Schallerin (surname is Schaller)
Caspar Schneiderin *
Ludwig Weyer
Johannes Wolf x
Johannes Spindler
Henrich Schaulings Wittib (Schauling's widow)
Henrich Krämer
Abraham Seitz
Conrad Eberhard
Wilhelm Schütz
David Moses Ww. (Mose's widow)
Valentin Winters Ww. (Winter's widow)
  Ludwig Riesemann
Johannes Müller
Wilhelm Müller
Jakob Kraushaar
Philipp David Graef
Anna Catharina Graefin (surname is Graef)
Jakob Kissling
Wilhelm Winter
Christoph Reinhard
Peter Hofmann x
Philipp Riesemann
Georg Andreas
Michael Wagner
Henrich Linse
Philipp David Graef d. Mittlere (Surname is Graef;
the middle, i.e. not the elder or the the younger)
Franz Spindler
Joh. Philipp Schellenschläger
Friederich Umstatts Ww. (Umstatt's widow -
presumably same as in the above list)

Gerichsschultheiss (person presiding over court)
Henrich Butterfass
Johannes Schauling
Henrich Helfenstein
Johannes Fuchs der Junger (the younger)
Jakob Beckers Ww. (Becker's widow)
Barbara Welkerin (surname is Welker)
Henrich Gramm
Elisabetha Schallerin (surname is Schaller)
Adam Kräuterin *
Henrich Ludwig Schellenschläger
Philipp Rosskopf
Löser Löb
Philipp Schlick
Sebastian Schall
Wilhelm Wilden Ww. (Wilden's widow)
Caspar Trumpler
Jacob Friederich-Kleinen Erben (small heirs)
Adam Klein
Friederich Klein
Carl Pleickhard
Valentin Hammen
Christoph Kolhaus
Conrad Weinheimer
Salomon Levi
Johannes Schmitt
Wilhelm Klein
Martin Marzall
Georg Ernst Schalk
Christoph Riesinger der Junge (the younger)
Burkhard Graef


Henrich Hoffmanns Ww. (Hoffman's widow)
Valentin Amborn x
Peter Jacob Scheuer
Johann Michael Kissling
Christian Hofmann
Henrich Heusers Ww. (Heuser's widow)
Georg Sartorius
Johann Adam Graf
Reinhard Häuser x
Leonhard Wagner
Georg Ludwig Scherrers Ww. (Scherrer's widow)
Conrad Apell
Wilhelm Meng
Catharina Baumin aus Gölheim (Catharina Baum
from Gölheim)
Christian Wilhelm
Jakob Krebül
Sophia Magdalena Bankartin v. Mannheim, d.
Andreas Pleickhards Tochter (surname is Barkart;
from Mannheim, Pleickhard's daughter)
Margarete Elisabeth Wildin (surname is Wild)
Johannes Link
Christoph Schneider
Martin Klein
Andreas Pleickhard
Schulmeister (schoolmaster) Sartorius
Caspar Wagner
Philipp Adam Schalk
Philipp Jakob Stallmann x
Peter Schmitts Ww. (Schmitt's widow)
Philipp Jakob Klein
Philipp Hofmeister
Christoph Bernhard
Christoph Riesinger
Christian Wörths Ww. (Wörth's widow) x
Wolfgang Schmitt
Johannes Hofmann x
Henrich Worth
Caspar Andreas
Valentin Hofmann
Georg Paul Scheuer
Gabriel Zink
Elisabetha Marzallin (surname is Marzall)
Caspar Graf
Henrich Graf
Schultheis (presiding person) Molter x
Sophie Kleinin (surname is Klein)
Wilhelm Wilhelm
Nikolaus Marzall
Henrich Amborn x
Henrich Adam Wilhelms Ww. (Wilhelm's widow)


Inhabitants list of 5. XII. 1789 (5 December 1789)

On the basis of a register concerning the "Beed" in 1789, which was created by the collector of the taxes, Caspar Graf from Monsheim, who was appointed by the local court. The "Bede" is a tax owed to the lord of the manor (realm). A cross (x) added behind a name indicates that the taxpayer had to pay 2 Gulden. The heirs of David Möllinger had to pay 23 Gulden.

Included in the list: Friederich Umstatts Ww. (Umstatt's widow)


* The "in" ending at the end of a surname is generally the feminine, used with the name of a woman. I don't know what the ending on the two men's names means - possibly that their mothers were unmarried?

The surname Graef/Graf is seen frequently in Monsheim and is not a title.



On page 189, Michel states that Hans Peter Umstadt was the son of Nikolaus Umstadt from Krefeld. He quotes a number of published sources, including 1929 Hubben, which is most likely his source of this misinformation. He does not list S. W. Pennypacker or any other sources that were written in English. Since I don't have the entire Hubben book, I don't know for sure.

Michel's article, "Täufer, Mennoniten und Quäker in Kriegsheim bei Worms - das Täufertum bis zum 30 jährigen Krieg," as published in Der Wormsgau, 7, 1965, is appended on page 185 of CHRONIK VON MONSHEIM. The 1965 article contains footnotes not shown in the 1981 book. The article is quoted in various other places on this site.

The book is written in German and contains no index.


Many, many thanks to Klaus Hein, who's not even an UM, for finding a copy of this book, ordering it for me from Germany, and translating the above material. Additional thanks to Armin Roether for helping define archaic words.

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Last updated 15 April 2017


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