This is a handwritten transcript of an article that apparently appeared in Die Heimat in 1937. A copy of this sheet was given to one of our UM cousins when she visited Krefeld. The stamp is that of NACHLAß (Nachlass) W. Niepoth. I assume that this is not Wilhelm Niepoth who wrote "The Ancestry of the Thirteen Krefeld Emigrants of 1683."
Die Heimat 1937 S[eite] 127 Umtzog [gemeint ist wohl: Umzug] in Germantown: Sohn von Nicolaus Umstat und... Anna Margaretha Eva Brief Karl Friedr[ich] v[on] Frank (Schloß Senftenegg)
v[om] 25.3.32 |
Die Heimat 1937 page 127 Moved to Germantown: Son of Nicolaus Umstat and... their Children: Anna Margaretha Eva (Apparent source): Die Heimat 1937 page 127 |
COMMENTS: Armin adds that Schloß Senftenegg is in Niederösterreich, which would mean "lower" Austria.
Weierhof bei Mauchenheim - Mauchenheim is very close to Kriegsheim and Flomborn. I assume that Weierhof is a very small town near Mauchenheim*, altho it is not listed in my atlas.
The most interesting item in this is the reference to Anna Margaretha marrying Gerhard Rettinghaus (Rittenhouse)!!! But since there is no primary document quoted, there is still nothing to prove the marriage. See additional information on this question elsewhere on this site.
The same old Krefeld error is shown. Otherwise, the information agrees with what we have.
*April, 2007, from Andreas Frohnhaus,
who found our web site and sent the following info:
"Weierhof is a very small place west of Worms and southwest
of Alzey. Today it is a part of a small village called Bolanden,
so its name today is Bolanden-Weierhof [and] ... there still exists
a Mennonite community (Mennonitengemeinde) and a Mennonite
research center (Mennonitische Forschungsstelle)."