This is a handwritten document that has been transcribed and typewritten. It is available in both forms from the Alexander Mack Memorial Library, Bridgewater College, Box 147, Bridgewater, VA 22812. It was mentioned in an article called "Jacob Gottwals Francis" by David J Bachman, which appeared in Brethern Roots, Volume 36, Number 1, 2004.
"Our Umstead Kin," quoting Joseph Fitzwater, shows Nicholas Umstad (Umstat) dying in Germany 4th of October, 1682, which is correct, then adds, "You will notice that this is the year in which Wm. Penn laid out the city of Philadelphia. We are also of the impression that we have seen the statement that he was of the city of Creyfelt. If correct it would make us Umstad descendants eligible to membership in the Creyfelt Society."
COMMENT: Since Nicholas is unlikely to have died in Creyfelt (Krefeld), we are not eligible for the Creyfelt Society, if it even exists. Has anyone ever heard of it???
The information given regarding Hans Peter "Umstad" is substantially correct, altho it spells his daughter's name as Anna Margarita. It says she died Feb. 10, 1776, then adds: "(The record of Samuel Umstad secured by Mr. Charles Majors of Norristown states Feb. 10 1696, which is likely the correct year)."
The material goes on to list some UM genealogy, with much confusion, particularly in the early generations, based on Majors' work.
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17 August 2004