ON HANS PETER, pages 137-138
"The whole Germantownship comprises according to the foregoing patent or land warrent (sic) 5700 acres.
"Of the above mentioned 5700 acres of land there are
In Germantown 2750 acres
In Krissheim 884 acres
In Sommerhausen 900 acres
In Crefeld 1166 acres.
"Then after the 2750 acres or 55 city hereditary holdings in Germantown had been laid out and surveyed on the 29th of December, 1687, and following days, the purchasers and hereditary lessees, to whom the remaining 2950 acres in the Germantownship belong, distributed the same by lot on the 4th of April, 1689, into the said three separate villages, the northernmost of which, adjoining Germantown, was called Krissheim, the middle one Sommerhausen, and the furthermost Crefeld, as sufficiently appears from what is subjoined below:
"'To-day, the 4th day of the second month, anno 1689, those who still have land to take up in the Germantownship have drawn lots for the remaining 2950 acres and Peter Keurlis, Jan Lücken for his half, Abraham Tunnes, Gerhard Heinrichs, Peter Schumacher, Hanns Peter Umstatt, Heinrich Sellen, William Strepers for 100 acres, Johannes Bleikers, Jacob Schumacher for 50 acres, Jacob Tellner, Kornelis Sjoert, Andrew Griskum, and Abraham op de Graeff for 25 acres, have received the first next portion to Germantown as their lots and respective shares.
"Secondly, the Frankfurt Company has obtained by lot in addition to what it received in the furthest division, together with Frantz Daniel Pastorius for his own 200 acres the middle portion.
"Thirdly, Tunes Kunders, Govert Remkins, Lenert Arets, Reinert Tisen, Jan Lucken for his second half, Cornelius Bonn, Jan Strepers, Dirk op de Graeff, Herman op de Graeff, Abraham op de Graeff for his remainder, Jacob Isaacs, the Frankfurt Company for 287 1/2 acres, Jacob Schumacher for 25 acres and Willjam Strepers for 50 acres received by lot the last or furthest portion.
"That the foregoing drawing of lots took place openly and honestly, without deception or fraud, in the aforementioned manner, we, the undersigned bear witness, with this subscription in our own hand. Done in Germantown the 4th of the 2nd month, 1689.
"Frantz Daniel Pastorius for himself and the Frankfurt Company. Jacob Telner. Cornelis Siordts. Jacob Schumacher. Abraham op den Graeff. Hanns Peter Umbstatt. Hendrich Sellen. Herman op den Graeff. Jacob Isaacs.
Anno 1690, the 14th of the 11th month (January) the lines or boundaries were made through the said villages as indicated in the preface of this book.'"
If I'm reading this correctly, Hans Peter Umstatt, Gerhard Heinrichs, and Peter Schumacher each had all their land (100 acres each) in KRISSHEIM, which was presumably named for Kriegsheim. Altho some had land in Krissheim as well, it is interesting to note that the third section, CREFELD, went mostly to the Krefelders.
Note that in the document itself, Hanns Peter is spelled Umstatt, whereas in the signature, he himself appears to have spelled it Umbstatt.
There is no footnoted reference to the source document for this information, nor is there a copy of the original in the book.
Krefeld Immigrants and Their Descendants, Vol 20 #1, Spring 2003, page 4, recites the
above with source given and the Germantown Grund- und Lager
Buch. The article adds, "On page 1 is a copy of the Patent
or Warrant for the Entire Germantownship was included 1689 and
'Recorded in the Rolls office at Philadelphia the 26th day of
the 2d month 1689? Patent Book A page ye 245, 246, 247.' Signed
by David Lloyd, Deputy.
It goes on the list (from page 3) "In Germantown have land
as follows:" and Hanns Peter Umbstat is listed under "On
the West Side."
ON JOHANNES, pages 181-184
"The next record of Pastorius is found in the Raths-Buch of Germantown, where, as we have seen, he is mentioned again i 1700. It seems more than likely that Pastorius was the originator of the proposal to open a school in Germantown, which was approved by the General Court Dec. 30, 1701. This school was opened on the 11th of Jan., 1702, and taught by Pastorius. The first Overseers for the year, 1702, were Aret Klincken, Peter Schumacher and Paul Wulff. These were the original subscribers to the school: Anton Loof, Peter Schumacher, Paul Wulff, Jacob Simons, Jacob Delaplaine, Jonas Potts, Isaac Schumacher, Leven Herberdink, Johann Bleikers, Gerhard Ruttinghusen, Dirck Jansen, Dirk Jansen der Knecht*, Johannes Umstett, Heifert Papen, Jan Lenson, Peter Bon, Dirck Keyser, Claus Tamson, and two others whose names have not been deciphered. (50)
"The school was open
to both boys and girls. The voluntary contributors gave from 2
to 10 shillings a year. Those who paid tuition gave from 4 to
6 shillings a week.
The names of the patrons who sent children to the school the first
year were: ... " (Johannes's
name NOT included, but
his children would have presumably been too young at that time,
anyway, with the possible exception of John "NS").
"It will be seen from this list that very few of the original
voluntary subscribers sent children to the school the first year,
the most of them contributing evidently to encourage the undertaking."
"The growth of the school is clearly indicated by the increased list of patrons for the year 1706-1708: ... " (Johannes's name NOT included, but Johannes and his family were in Van Bebber's Township by that time.
"It would seem strange that a community like that of Germantown, with a highly educated man like Pastorius at the head, should not have had a school before 1702, nineteen years after the settlement of the town. Seidensticker (51) thought it likely that an evening school existed before 1702. It seems more likely that the instruction of children was given in the meeting even from the earliest assembling in private houses till the building of the church in 1686. (52)
*Knecht means farmhand or slave.
(50) "An important source for Pastorius' activity as teacher of the School in Germantown was his Cash-Book, which was consulted some years ago by both O. Seidensticker and S. W. Pennypacker, but seems to have disappeared since that time. The above account is based on Seidensticker's original notes from the Cash-Book printed in Der Deutsche Pionier, III, 36ff."
(51) "Cf. Der Deutsche Pionier, III, 56"
(52) "Cf. Beschreibung, p 34"
See also Hans Peter's Germantown Deeds
See also Grund- und Lager Buch
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last updated 23 March 2010