"Unter den Eingewanderten des Jahres 1684 befanden sich
aus Mühlheim, Wigard und Gerhard Levering, Hermann op de
Trap, Ennecke Klosterman, Jan Lindermann, Levin Harberdinck, Michael
Renberg, Evert In den Hoffe, Rennier Hermanns, und Klas Jansen.
aus Krefeld Walter Seimens, J. J.
und Matthias Van Bebber, Hans Peter Umstat,
Willem Hosters, Kornel Tyson (Thieszen), Herman Dors, Paul Kuster,
Jean De La Plaine, (einer der vielen Hugnenotten, die nach Krefeld
ingewandert waren), aus Mörs Thomas Rutter, Kornelius Siverts,
David Scherkes, H. J. Van Asken (Schwiegersohn Jan Streypers),
aus Neuwied Hubert Brouwer, aus Köln Jan Neusz (ein berühmter
Silberschmied) weiter aus dem Rheinland, ohne dasz festzustellen
woher: Gerhard Hendricks Elsen, Hendricks Bucholtz, Arnold Vossen
und Philipp Hanselmann."
TRANSLATION BY MILO CUSTER (with a few minor fixes)
During the immigration of the year 1684, [we] find that from Muehlheim came Wigard and Gerhard Levering, Herman Op-de-Trap, Ennecke Klosterman, Jan Linderman, Levin Harberdinck, Michael Renberg, Evert In-den-Hoffe, Rennier Hermans, and Klas Jansen; from Crefeld Walter Seimens, J. J. and Mathias Van Bebber, Hans Peter Umstat, Willem Hosters, Kornel Tyson (Thieszen), Herman Dors, PAUL KUSTER, Jean De La Plaine, (one of the many Huguenots who had immigrated to Crefeld); from Moers, Thomas Rutter, Kornelius Siverts, David Scherkes, H. J. Van Aaken (son-in-law of Jan Streypers); from Neuwied Hubert Brouwer; from Cologne, Jan Neusz (a celebrated silver smith) also from the Rhineland-the particular locality not being ascertained; Gerhard Hendricks Elsen. Hendricks Buchholtz. Arnold Vossen and Philip Hanselmann.
Custer, Milo, THE CUSTER FAMILIES, Illinois, privately printed, 1912.
I am working on getting a copy of the original of this article, hoping that it might show a source. I strongly suspect, however, that the source will prove to be the 1880 and/or 1899 writings of Governor Samuel W Pennypacker, whose work, as we've seen, influenced even German historians, when it came to Hans Peter. As another example, I chased an article written in 1903 by Einhard Schierenberg that mentioned the name Pannebecker, only to discover that his information had come from Governor Pennypacker's writings. With all the proof of Hans Peter's residing in or near Kriegsheim just prior to his coming to Germantown, there is no longer any reason to believe he came from Krefeld.
When this article first came to my attention, the source shown, according to research by Ruby Umstattd Byland, ca 1972, is COLONIAL FAMILIES OF PHILADELPHIA. However, since the article was written in 1908 and Jordan published COLONIAL FAMILIES OF PHILADALPHIA in 1911, it's more likely that Jordan was quoting the article.