1894 Pennypacker, Samuel W, "Hendrick Pennebecker, Surveyor of Lands for the Penns, 1674-1754," Philadelphia, 1894, page 14, as quoted in The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, issue unknown, pages 231-32, source WFT CD #213.
"Nicolaus Umstat, whose son, Hans Peter, came to Germantown in 1685, noted in his Bible: 'In the year 1658 the snow was so great that even the Rhine was frozen up. On the 31st of January so great a snow fell that it continued four days. There was no snow so great within the memory of man.'"
This is the only time so far that I've seen this PENNEBECKER spelling, which is the traditional spelling used for the unproven and unlikely Mary "Pennebecker," wife of our Johannes. See 1913 Jordan for the source of this myth.