1691 Hans Peter
Umstat's Naturalization
There are many sources of this item.
1979 TEPPER, MICHAEL, editor. New World Immigrants: A Consolidation
of Ship Passenger Lists and Associated Data from Periodical Literature.
Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1979. 568p. and 602p.
Repr. 1980. Vol. 1, (also available on CD170 "Immigrants
to the New World"), page 434:
1925 *Hans Peter Umstad appears on list of Naturalizations
of Germantown, PA 3/7/1691/92. Names marked * in this list appeared
in "Early land-owners, Citizens, etc. of Philadelphia, Pa,
1683, 1692, 1698. Census of 1720-1730" published in the National
Genealogical Society Quarterly. Vol XIV, Dec 1925.
Copia Naturalisationis of Francis Daniel Pastorius and of 61 Persons
More of German Town from William Penn, Esq." In National
Genealogical Society Quarterly, vol. 28:1, March 1940, page 7.
1941 Cushman Mrs Palmer H, "Justice
& Umstead Families of Frederick County Maryland 1685-1947,"
reprinted by Mr Harry M Ball, 1979, Montgomery County Historical
Society, Inc, from SLC film Q929.273J984c. Cushman quotes the
entire document and states that the original was written by Francis
Daniel Pastorius - Patent Book A folis 275.
1984 Tepper information shown in Krefeld Immigrants and
Their Descendants Vol 1 #1 (1984), p 9-10.
1980 Also listed in 1980 Boyer.
1922 Strassburger, Ralph Beaver, THE STRASSBURGER
FAMILY and ALLIED NAMES OF PENNSYLVANIA, privately printed Gynnedd
Valley, PA, page 387, shows the Copia Naturalisationis,
the list of those naturalized in Germanttown 7th May 1691. This
list, published in various books and magazines, includes Hans
Peter Umstadt.
1965 Laura Fry/Della Ulmer material states:
"Hans Peter became a British subject on 7th May, 1691. Thomas
Lloyd, Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, granted naturalization
to 62 of the first settlers in Germantown, who were thereby made
"freemen," a status which the law of England denied
to foreigners. In return, they "solemnly promised faith and
allegiance to William and Mary, and fidelity and lawful obedience
to William Penn's Proprietary." Among the 62 naturalized
were Francis Daniel Pastorius, Peter Schumacker, Hans Peter Umstadt,
William Rittenhouse ... etc.
1983 MILLER, MARCUS L. "Germantown Residents
Naturalized in 1691." In Mennonite Family History, vol. 2:3
(July 1983), pp. 102-104.
The following is shows the parchment in the
handwriting of Pastorius. It was sent to me by Adam Boyd (thanks,
Adam). The original is housed at the Beeghly Library, Juniata
College, Huntingdon, PA, in the Abraham Cassel Collection, in
the William Emmert Swigart Treasure Room. Andrew Dudash, Reference
Librarian, responded to my request for permission to use, saying
that he didn't believe anyone owned the copyright and that it
should be fine to post it here. "Hans Peter Umstad"
is on the sixth line down, right in the middle.
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Last Updated 31 Dec 2006