UPDATE: DNA testing of a descendant of William Umsted shows no blood relationship to Hans Peter Umstat. This means that either there is no connection or that there was an unrecorded adoption somewhere in the line. Descendants continue to research, but we may never know. I suspect that it's the latter. In any event, the descendants of this line are still UMs and we will continue to consider them cousins.
WILLIAM UMSTED was born about 1818 in Maryland, and died Before
1860. He married Margaret Etherton (possibly her first married
name) December 26, 1843 in Greene Co, Tennessee. She was born
Bet. 1808 - 1809 in Tennessee, and died in In Clay Co, Illinois.
Greene Co, Tennessee Marriages, 1783-1868, page 137
1850 Census Greene Co, TN
Page 315 Part A
SCHEDULE I.--- Free Inhabitants in the 10th Subdivision E. D.
in the County of Greene State of Tennessee
line 40 333 333 William Umsted 32 M Laborer born MD
line 41 Margaret 41 F born TN
line 42 John 5 M
Page 315B continues with Richard, age 3 M and Phillip age 11/12
M on lines 1 and 2
The above website shows a transcript only. Images are available on Ancestry.com (by paid subscription). William Umsted appears in the index without a link to the image (as of January, 2003). Find it in 1850 Census > Tennessee > Greene Co> Unidentified Townships > Image numbers 356 and 357.
Migration of Greene County Families
Former Greene Co, TN Resident Migration Destination
Umsted, William - Last Date Known In Greene Co: Unknown/1850 -
Source cited: Family was in 1850 census - Migration Destination:
Lawrence, Jasper, Clay IL - Approx. Arrival Date: Bef 1860 - Source
Cited: Margaret in 1860 census Clay Co, as Olmsted. Son Richard
joined Civil war in Clay Co, IL in 1863
A descendant reported: "When I found his widow in IL (1860 Census), name was spelled Olmstead."
As of 07/10/02, my Olmstead family contact reported: "I
can find no connection between the Umsteds in Greene Co, TN and
any Olmste(a)d."
1. John Umsted was born October 3, 1845 in Greene Co, Tenessee, and died Aft. 1860.
Age 5 in 1850 Greene Co, Tennesee census shown above. Additional information from descendants.
2. Richard Umsted was born July 4, 1847 in Greene Co, Tennessee, and died March 24, 1889 in Newton, Jasper Co, Illinois. He married Emily Caroline Potts August 1870 in Bridgeport, Lawrence Co, Illinois. She was born February 14, 1852 in St Francisville, Lawrence Co, Illinois, and died December 18, 1925 in Hymaera, Sullivan Co, Indiana.
Pic and source information
on Richard
According to a descendant, an 1852 list, Settlements of Greene Co, TN 1840-1855, page 414, microfilm roll 148, under a listing for Francis F. Fowler, shows the name Richard H. Umsted. Richard is owed $6.50. This cannot logically be Richard, son of William and Margaret. He would only have been five years old in 1852. Who was the Richard in Greene Co in 1852???
3. Phillip Umsted was born August 1849 in Greene Co, TN. He married Margaret Reynolds September 14, 1873 in Clay Co, IL6. She died January 4, 1911 in Newton, Jasper Co, IL.
A descendant adds: Margaret (Reynolds) married John Ream, a soldier of the civil was who died soon after the war ended and then 14 Oct 1873 married Philip Umsted. I found this info at Newton in the Court House.
All documentation obtained and submitted
by descendants.