Umstattd Branch
John Blair of Armagh, Ulster, Ireland........................2
Thomas Blair & Sarah (Wolf)....................................2-8,
Mensuration Book......................................................9
William Wallace Blair & Cassandra (Hawkins).......10-17
Samuel Thomas Blair & Eliza (Sherwood)..............18-23
John Clark.................................................................24
Sarah (Clark) & Aquilla Standiford.........................
25, 49-52
Hendrick Enloes........................................................26
Abraham Enloes........................................................27
Christiana (Enloes) & William Standiford...............27,
47, 48
Jacob Evah................................................................28
Samuel Hawkins & Hannah (Standiford).................30-32
Samuel Pepper, Sr. & Elizabeth Ann (Holton)........33
William Pepper & Lucy (Smith)..............................34
Joseph Smith Pepper & Lucy B. .............................35
Nancy B, (Pepper) & George O. Umstattd............. 36, 101-105
Rebecca (Purnell) & John Sherwood.......................38,
Francis Sherwood....................................................42
Vincent Standiford..................................................46
William Standiford..................................................46
Israel Tully..............................................................54-59
Delaware Indian Encounter................................. ..63,
Harmon Umstatt.....................................................63-65
N. John Umstattd....................................................66-73
Benjamin Umstattd & Leah (Tully).......................74-90
Umstattd (?) Cabin House.....................................
Mitchell Branch
.... 160
Thomas Henderson & Ursula (Keeling).............. 161
Richard Henderson...............................................
Samuel Henderson & Elizabeth (Williams)......... 162, 163
Thomas Mitchell...................................................
Joab Mitchell & Mary (Henderson)...................... 164-169
Richard Mitchell & Elizabeth (Saunders).............170, 171
Stokeley Donaldson Mitchell & Alice Gale (Rodgers) 172-174
Clinton Armstrong Mitchell & Virginia Alice (Rodgers) 175-177
Alice Rodgers (Mitchell) & John WilliamUmstattd....178
Joseph Rodgers & Mary (Amis)........................... 180-182
John Williams & Mary (Keeling)......................... 152,
Umstattd Dscendency Chart.............................. 186-188
Umstattd Bible...................................................189-191
Mensuration Book.............................................
Waste Book........................................................199,
Summer of 1755................................................
Custer Connection ?..........................................
202, 203
P. O.W.s Journal................................................207-264
John Upton Umstattd & Elenor (Wood)................. 91-93
Cousin Elizabeth Perlina Umstattds Trek..............94-100
George O. Umstattd & Nancy B. (Pepper).......... 101-105
Benjamin Umstattd & Mary Elizabeth (Blair)..... 106-126
John William Umstattd & Alice R. (Mitchell)..... 127-137
William Earle Umstattd & Doris (Bowman)....... 138-147
William Bowman Umstattd................................. 148-151,
Reinhart Wolf & Elizabeth (Evah)...................... 153-155
17th Century Ships....................................42, 62
Amis, Mary..............................................180
Ardblair Castle............................................1
Balthayock Castle.......................................1
Blair Family Crest.......................................1
Blair Homestead........................................23
Blair, John Sherwood.................................22
Blair, Mary Elizabeth / Lizzie..................106-125
Blair Rocker...............................................19
Samuel Blair & Eliza (Sherwood).....18, 20
Grave Stone........................................21
Blair Spoon.................................................15
Bon House..................................................68
Bratton House...........................................119
Conestoga Wagon.......................................68
First Cousins.............................................137
Flat Boat.....................................................44,
Hawkins Cemetery.....................................31
Indians in the Forest...................................64
Johnson Creek............................................89
Jones, Lelia M..........................................176
Kriegsheim, Germany................................60, 62
Log Cabin on Johnson Creek.....................87
B. Umstattd Property, Metcalf Rd.....123
Holden & Warrensburg, MO...............93
Mayslick, Mason County......................8
Settlers Route PA .to MD...................71
Standiford & Hawkins Cemeteries......32, 52
Johnson Creek......................................73
Kings Mountain, Rogersville, etc......169
Licking R., Salt Works,Johnston Fk.,
Northern Br. of Licking, to Ohio R.....90
Perkiomen Worcester & Township......65
Lower Providence Township...............67
Maysville to Lexington Road..............88
Medley 3 District 1865........................70
Umstattd, Benjamin Franklins
White Co. to Hannibal.........................96
Zanes Trace & Wheeling to Limestone...75
McMinn Academy....................................170, 176
Mitchell, Alice Rodgers................158, 178
Mitchell Chair...............................173
Mitchell, Clinton Armstrong........175
Mitchell, Lynn..............................177
Mitchell Spoons...........................171, 174
Mitchell, Stokeley Donaldson.....172, 173
Pepper House.................................36
Pepper Birthday Group..................37
Poplar Run Cemetery.....................17
Pepper, Nancy B..........................101-103
Price, Robert Lyle &
Wilmer Cahill, Jr.................137
Pugh, Charles McCormick..........177
Rodgers, Joseph...........................180
Office Building....................182
Rodgers Big Tavern House.........182
Rodgers Old Tavern House.........181
Settlers Cabin...............................69
Skippack Creek..............................65
Spangler, Jessie (Bratton)............126
Standiford Cemetery......................25, 47
Standiford Property........................51
Summers, Kitty............................103
Town Square, Gross-Umstadt........61
Umstattd, Benjamin.....................106-125
Family group.......................115-118, 122
Umstattd (John & Elizabeth
Campbell) Bible..................189-191
Umstattd, Clinton.........................135
Umstattd, Eliza Morgan...............111
Umstattd, Elizabeth Perlina.........100
Umstattd, George O.....................102
Umstattd, Jean.............................136, 176
Umstattd, Mildred.......................136
Umstattd, John Upton...................79, 91, 93
Wife & Daughters..................92, 93
Umstattd, John William...............127, 178
House, Bristol, TN...............133
Umstattd, Joshua.........................120
Umstattd, Leah Tully...................103
Umstattd, Mary Leah..................111
Umstattd, Roy.............................133, 134
Umstattd, William Earle.............138-145
van Buskirk, Amanda .................94
1887 House 109
1890 Journal 111
1936 car 146
2nd Cousins Once Removed 126
17th Century Ship 62
Adams, Abigail 66
Adams, Richard 67
Allen, William 33
Alexander 179
Alexander, Francis 179
Alexander, John 179
Alexander, Rhoda 179
Allison, Mary 72
Alston, wid. of Solomon 162
Amis, A. M. 159
Amis, Haynes 159
Amis, John 159, 170
Amis, Lincoln 159
Amis, Mary 159, 180-182
Amis, Rachel 159
Amis, Thomas 159, 180, 181
Amis, Willie 159
Amis, Willis 170
Anderson, Cassandra 46
Armstrong, Clinton 173, 180
Asbury, Francis 49
Athol, Duke of 1
Ballar, Elizabeth 29
Ballingall, Mr. 11
Barrett 184
Bartlet, Rebeckah 51
Bartlett, Elenizer 49
Bean Blossom, Indiana 94
Beckham, John 162, 165, 166
Bell, Elias 5
Bergman, Judith Ann 127
Billingslea, Eleanor 33
Blackburn, Rachel 153
Blair, Alexander 1-3, 7, 9, 157
Blair, Alexander (b. 16 Sept 1785) 2
Blair, Brice 2
Blair, Cassandra 12, 31
Blair, Charles 3
Blair, Daniel M. 10, 16
Blair, Elizabeth 2, 157
Blair, Elizabeth Cochran 1
Blair, Elizabeth S. 10
Blair, George Edward 10, 16
Blair, Hannah (b. 26 Nov 1779) 3
Blair, Hannah M. 10, 43
Blair, Hester 2, 157
Blair, Isabella 8
Blair, James 2, 3
Blair, James A. 10
Blair, James W. 2, 8, 9, 157
Blair, Jas 16
Blair, Jas., Sr. (b. 20 Sept 1775) 3
Blair, John 2-8, 157
Blair, John (Bedford Co., PA), 9
Blair, John H. 10, 16, 17
Blair, John of Armagh, Ulster 1, 2
Blair, John Sherwood 18, 22, 120
Blair, Joseph B. 10, 16
Blair, Lizzie 20
Blair, Martha H. 10
Blair, Mary 2, 5, 157
Blair, Mary B. 10
Blair, Mary E. 107
Blair, Mary Elizabeth (Lizzie) 18,
36, 101, 106-126
Blair, Mary/Margaret 2
Blair, Peter 4
Blair, Sabina M. 10
Blair, Samuel 6
Blair, Samuel Thomas 10, 13, 16-23, 43, 110, 127
Blair, Sarah 2, 7, 157
Blair, Sarah (Sallie) A. 10
Blair, Thomas 1-9, 81, 153, 157
Blair, Thomas, Jr. 2, 157
Blair, William 2, 3, 8
Blair, William Henry 14, 18
Blair, William W. , Jr. 10, 16
Blair, William Wallace 2, 4, 9-17, 30, 157, Catalogue of Books
Bonitatibus, Claudia Antonia 147
Bonitatibus, Elizabeth / Lisa Coles (Umstattd) 126, 147
Bonitatibus, Olivia Bowman 147
Bonitatibus, Stephen Alden 147
Boone, Daniel 162, 170
Bowman, Doris 127, 138, 147
Bowman, James Austin 138
Bowman/Umstattd Wedding 143
Bratton Gravestones 126
Bratton House 1918 118
Brothers, Flora 138
Brown, Col. Alex 2
Bunn, Peter, Jr. 66
Burns, Enos 11
Bush River, Lower Hundred 49
Buskirk, David W. 99
Buskirk, Elizabeth B. 95
Buskirk, Michael Thomas 95
Buskirk, William H. 95
Calloway, Eliza 164
Calloway, Elizabeth 162
Cameron, John A. 180
Campbell, Archibald 78
Campbell, Elizabeth (Betsey) 66
Campbell, Hugh 181, 182
Campbell, Patrick 6
Campbell, Terrance 6
Canton House 144
Casebeer, Catherine 153
Cawood, Stephen 74
Cawood, Virlinda (Linna) 66, 72, 74
Caywood, America 10
Caywood, Erasmus 11
Caywood, Stephen T. 11
Chaney, Tommye Joe (Dye) 18
Charing Cross 4
Charity, Charles 4
Chickawaw 164
Choctaw 164
Chord, Garnett 11
Chord, Sally A. 16
Chrisman, Jeremiah 9
Christian Church, Ewing, KY 106
Clark, Annabel 24
Clark, Hannah 24
Clark, John 9, 24
Clark, Mary 24
Clark, Sarah 24, 47
Clarke, Daniel Jonathan Thomas 34
Clarke, Jno. 5
Clarke, Mary 184
Coats, Lucretia Ann 180
Cochran, Elizabeth 2
Cochran, Sarah/Sallie 10
Cocke, Dr. William E. 180
Coleman, Virginia 2
Coles, Elizabeth Madison 138
Connor, Amelia (Millie) 33
Cord, Albert A. 14
Cord, Carvel 11
Cord, James B. 10
Cord, Thomas A. 81
Cordell, Alice Jean (Umstattd) 134, 175
Cordell, Benjamin Pettigrew 127
Cornelius Branch 48
Cowen, Amanda 53
Cravens, C. 12
Crawford, Robert C. 175
Crawford School 172, 175
Cordell, Benjamin Pettigrew 127
Crocket, Davy 180
Crooks, William and Elizabeth 11
Cuningham, Robt. 7
Custer Connection 199
Custer, Nicholas 199
Daniel, John 152, 184
Daniel, William 152
Davis, Polly 8
Deason, Rebecca 47
Dewey, Mrs. 11
DNA testing 70
Dobyns, Desire A. (Umstattd) 81
Dobyns, Henry 74, 81
Donelson, Colonel (Flotilla) John, II 170
Dougherty, Jimmy 127
Dorsey, Dr. 11
Dunnings Creek, Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ulster, 9
Durham, James 26
Durrett, Julia 74
Dyer, Frances 164
Dyer, Joel 164
Dyer, Nancy 165
Dyer, Robert Henry 165
Early, Elias J. 13
Elizaville Cemetery 124
Elliot, John 33
Enloes, Abraham 26
Enloes, Anthony Abraham 27
Enloes, Christiana 25, 27, 46, 47
Enloes, Elizabeth 27
Enloes, Hendrick 26
Enloes, Hester 26
Enloes, John 26
Enloes, Margaret 26
Enloes, William 27
Eva, Hans Adam 28
Evah, Barbara 28
Evah, Catherine 28, 154
Evah, Elizabeth 153
Evah, Jacob 28
Evah, Mary 28
Evah, Philip 28, 154
Ewing, Robert 16
Ewing, Robert, Sr. 13
Ewing, Robt H. 14
Farris, Belt 11
Fauquier, James 54
Fitzsimmons, Philip 66, 68
Flatboat 48
Fleming County 76
Fleming, Jno 16
Fleming, Ursula 152, 160, 184
Forgey, Ellen 180
Forgey, Margaret 180
Forster, Mary 24
Fox, Clairborn 34
Fuller, Esther 46
Gadd, Wm 46
Gaines, James Taylor 180
Gallaher, John D. 11
Galloway, William 26
Geohagan, Elizabeth 49
Gibbons, Thomas 181
Glascock, French 98
Glover, Hardy 165
Goode, Miss 161
Graves, Anne E. 74, 79
Graves, Henry 152
Graves, Henry White 184
Gregg 12
Grindal, John 165
Gunpowder Hundred 48
Gunpowder Manor 48
Gwain, Elizabeth (Betsy) 2, 157
Hagan, James 181
Haile, John 164
Hall , John 165
Ham, John W. 92
Hammond, Nathan 153
Hammond, Sarah 153
Hamptons of Rogersville 182
Hawkins, Addison 29
Hawkins, Ashton W. 29
Hawkins, Calvin 29
Hawkins, Cassandra 2, 10, 30, 157
Hawkins, Christiana 29
Hawkins, David 30
Hawkins, David Sorrency 29
Hawkins, Elijah 30, 31
Hawkins, Elizabeth 29, 30
Hawkins, Elizabeth (Matson) 29
Hawkins Graveyard 31, 52
Hawkins, Gregory Farmer 29
Hawkins, Gregory R. 29
Hawkins, Hannah 31, 51
Hawkins, Hannah Bingham 30
Hawkins, Harriet 30
Hawkins, Isaac H. 29
Hawkins, James 29
Hawkins, James Samuel 29
Hawkins, John 29
Hawkins, John C. 29
Hawkins, John Milton 29
Hawkins, Lucian Isaac 29
Hawkins, Nancy 30
Hawkins, Nathan 30
Hawkins, Polly 30
Hawkins, Robert 29
Hawkins, Ruth 29
Hawkins, Samuel 10, 30, 31, 51
Hawkins, Squire 30, 31
Hawkins, Susan 30
Hawkins, Thomas 29, 30
Hawkins, Thomas Fletcher 29
Hawkins, William 29
Henderson, Anna 162
Henderson, Archibald 162
Henderson, Edward 161
Henderson, Elizabeth 162
Henderson, Heneretta 161
Henderson, James 161
Henderson, Jane 161
Henderson, John 161, 162
Henderson, John, Jr. 162
Henderson, Leonard 162
Henderson, Mary 162-165
Henderson, Nathaniel 161, 162
Henderson, Pleasant 162, 163
Henderson, Richard (Judge) 161-165
Henderson, Samuel (1700-1783) 152, 161-164, 184
Henderson, Sarah 161, 184
Henderson, Susanna 161, 162
Henderson, Thomas 161, 162
Henderson, Ursula 161, 184
Henderson, William 161, 162, Michael D. 15
Heylin, Marcus 7, 9
Higgins, James R. 54
Hildreth, Squire 49
Hilduth, Sarah 51
Holton, Lady Elizabeth Ann 33
Hood, William 8
Hopkins, Martha 8
Houston, Dr. 11
Howe, Dr. 11
Huff, Samuel 157
Hunt, Charles Taylor 17
Hunt, Henry Wallace 17
Hunt, James Buchanan 17
Hunt, Martha H. 16
Hunt, Sarah Hannah 17
Hunt, William H. 10, 17
Jackson, Bay Dempsy 11
James, John 47
James, Thomas (servant) 49
Jarvis, Mrs. Lida M. 182
Jefferson, Thos. 164
Johnson Creek 88
Johnston, John 182
Jones, James 11
Jones, Lelia/Leal M. 172, 176, 182
Jones, Mary 29
Jones, Thomas 54
Jones, wid. of Bute Co. 162
Jouett, Henrietta 184
Keeling, Elizabeth 162
Keeling, George 152, 161
Keeling, George (Capt.) 160, 184
Keeling, Mary 152, 160, 162, 184
Keeling, Ursula 161
Kemper, Joshua 34
Kenton, Simon 3, 5, 6, 9
King, Jane 161
Knicely, Jr., John 153
Knisely, Abraham, Sr. 153
Kriegsheim, German-Dutch border 61
Kuster, Nicholas 199
Kuster, John 66
Lacy, Elizabeth 72
Lamb, Captain William 2
Lamkin, Elizabeth 33
Langdale, Samuel 9
Little, Milcah 51
Little/Littell, James 49
Logan, Abner S. 34
Logan, Susannah 161
Louisa Land Company 167
Lowry, George G. 14
Lukins, Claude Pierceson 123
Manor of Gunpowder 48
Map: Ben & Lizzies property 131
Map: Ewing & Elizaville 105
Map: Holden/Warrensburg, MO 91
Map: Johnson Creek, Mason Co., KY 73, 86
Map (1865): Medley 3 District 70
Map: Ewing 34
Map: Johannes Umstats Acreage 64
Map: (1830) Maysville to Lexington Road 88
Map: Settlers; Migration Route 71
Map: Standiford and Hawkins Family Cemeteries, 32
Map: Standiford Graveyard 52
Map: Umst. lands Prov., Skip. Twp. 67
Marsteller, Daniel 64
Marsteller, Johann Daniel 66
Martin, Sarah 162
McCabe, Cynthia 49
McCarty, Mary 49
McClure, Henry 11
McCullough 170
McKinney, John A. 182
McMinn Academy 171-174, 182
McMullen, Rosannah 179
McMullin, Cornelius 153
McMullan, Elizabeth (Wolf) 4
McMullan, Neal 4
McRoberts, Lucy (Pepper) 36
Means, Capt. Robert 3
Mensuration Book 9
Mexican War 1846 94
Miller, Peter 153
Mitchell, Alice Rodgers 127, 158, 172, 175, 178
Mitchell, Amelia (Aunt Punch) Nott 172, 177, 182
Mitchell, Angelica 164, 165
Mitchell, Anna 164
Mitchell, Clinton Armstrong 172-179
Mitchell, Edward 164
Mitchell, Eliza S. 170
Mitchell, Elizabeth (Saunders) 164, 172
Mitchell, George Ellis 175
Mitchell, Hugh Walker 172
Mitchell, James Gaines 172
Mitchell, Joab (1721-1780) 162-167
Mitchell, Joab Jr. (1760-1780) 164
Mitchell, Joseph Rogers 172
Mitchell, Lynn 175
Mitchell, Mark 164
Mitchell, Martha Findley 172
Monroe County, Indiana 94
Moore, Ann 48
Moore, James 48
Moss, B. G. 16
Moss, Charles Kenneth, Atty. 147
Neal, Walt 36
Neale, Polly 49
Norman, wid. 162
Nott, Amelia (Mitchell) 177
Nott, Judge 165
Nott/Nutt, Abram 164
OBannon, Andrew 33
OBannon, Sarah Neville 33
Oldham, Elizabeth 33
Oldham, Richard 33
Pannebecker, Heinrich 63
Patton, Anna 179
Patton, Robert 179
Patton, Jinny 8
Pepper, Ann 33
Pepper, Ednah 34
Pepper, Elijah 33
Pepper, Elizabeth (Betsy) 33, 34
Pepper, Enoch L. 34
Pepper, Enoch S. 35, 36
Pepper, Evaline 34
Pepper, Frances 33
Pepper, George B. 35, 36
Pepper, Jeremiah 33
Pepper, Jesse 33
Pepper, John 33
Pepper, Joseph 35
Pepper, Joseph Smith 34, 35, 101
Pepper, Joshua B. 35
Pepper, Lethy 34
Pepper, Louisa 33
Pepper, Lucy E. 35
Pepper, Mary 33
Pepper, Matilda 34
Pepper, Nancy 34, 74
Pepper, Nancy B. 35, 36, 81, 101
Pepper, Samuel 33, 34, 35
Pepper, Samuel, Sr. 33
Pepper, William 35
Pepper, William H. 33, 34
Pepper, William O. 34
Peter Bonn House 69
Pettecalfe, John 11
Poor House Spring 22
Poor House tract 16
Poorhouse Farm 14
Poplar Run 22
Poplar Run Cemetery 17
Potts, Maggie P. 10
Patton, Anna 179
Patton, Robert 179
Prater, Jeremiah 13
Prater, Wm 16
Price, Elizabeth (Cowap) 137
Price, Wilmer C., Jr. 137
Price, Wilmer Cahill 127
Pugh, Charles McCormick 175, 177
Pugh, Lynn (Mitchell) 177
Purnell, Rebecca 18, 38, 43
Ralston, Polly Graham 29
Ratliff's Mills 102
Reddick, Caroline Eleanor 95
Reeves, Nelson 16
Rice School 172
Richardson, Katherine Belle 175
Riley, Catherine 153
Roberts, Cassandra 29
Roberts, General Isaac 29
Roberts, Nancy G. 29
Roberts, Roger 29
Robertson, Charles, Esq. 170
Robertson, Siomeon W. 34
Robinson, David 165
Rodgers, Alice Gale 170, 172, 179, 180
Rodgers, Anna 179
Rodgers, Charles Edward 179
Rodgers, Eliza M. 180
Rodgers, Frances G. 180
Rodgers, Hugh McMullen 179
Rodgers, Hugh Patton 179
Rodgers, Isabella 179
Rodgers, James 179, 180
Rodgers, James Alexander 179
Rodgers, John A. 180
Rodgers, Joseph 159, 172, 179-181
Rodgers, Lillie 179
Rodgers, Louisiana 170, 180
Rodgers, Lucy 180
Rodgers, Malinda 180
Rodgers, Margaret 180
Rodgers, Mary 182
Rodgers, Nancy 180
Rodgers, Rachel 180
Rodgers, Robert 180
Rodgers, Samuel Ramsey 179
Rodgers, Thomas 179
Rodgers, Thomas A. 180
Rodgers, Virginia A. 172, 179
Rodgers, Virginia Alice 175
Rodgers, Wallace Daniel 179
Rolls, Ann 46
Rouse, Rebecca 49
Samson, Isaac 46
Saunders, Elizabeth 164, 170
Saunders, James 183
Schooler, Sophia (Hildreth) 49
Sherwood 39
Sherwood, Eliza 10, 12, 13, 18
Sherwood, Francis 42
Sherwood, Hannah M. 16
Sherwood, Hugh 42
Sherwood, Jno. 10
Sherwood, John 13, 18, 38, 42, 43
Sherwood, Rebecca (Purnell) 13
Sherwood, Robert 42
Sherwood, Thomas 42
Shockly, James B. 16
Skelton, Margaret 46
Skippack Creek 64
Smith, John 49
Smith, Joseph, Jr. 33
Smith, Lucy 33, 34
Smith, Mary 51
Snider, Joseph 28
Sousley, Melinda 10
Spangler, Jesse Doris (Bratton) 126
Stanburys Company 48
Standeford, Aquilla 51
Standeford, Elijah 51
Standeford, George 51
Standeford, John 51
Standeford, Sarah 51
Standeford, William 48
Standeford, Wm, II 27, 48
Standford 48
Standford, John 48
Standford, Skelton 48
Standforth 48
Standifer 48
Standiford, Abraham 27, 47, 49
Standiford, Alvilla 27
Standiford, America 49
Standiford, Anne 47
Standiford, Aquilla 24, 27, 30, 47-49
Standiford, Arvilla 47
Standiford, Benjamin 47, 48
Standiford, Cassandra 49
Standiford, David 47, 48
Standiford, Delah 48
Standiford, Delilah 47
Standiford, Eleanor 47
Standiford, Elener 48
Standiford, Elijah 49
Standiford, Elizabeth 47, 48
Standiford, Ephriem 46
Standiford, George 14, 49
Standiford Graveyard 51
Standiford, Hannah 10, 30, 49
Standiford, Hutchings/Hutchens 47
Standiford, Israel 46
Standiford, James 46-49
Standiford, Jarvis 49
Standiford, Jemima 46
Standiford, John 46-49
Standiford, Mary 46-49
Standiford, Milcah 49
Standiford, Nathan C. 49
Standiford, Priscilla 47
Standiford, Rebeckah 49
Standiford, Robert 49
Standiford, Samuel 46, 49
Standiford, Sarah 47, 48, 49
Standiford, Susanna 47, 49
Standiford, Susannah 48
Standiford, Taylor 49
Standiford, Vincent 46
Standiford, William 27, 46, 47
Standiford, William & Christiana 48
Standiford, William II 46, will 48
Standiford, William, Jr. 48
Standiford Cemetery 25, 47
Standiford Property 50
Standifords Claim 48
Stanford 48
Stockdale, Wm 2
Stout, William P. 66, 72
Summers, Catherine/Kitty 74, 101, 104
Summers, Elizabeth Bell 104
Summers, Lewis 104
Summers, Thos. T. 11
Summers, William 104
Swain, Bennett 11
Taylor, Charles 10
Taylor, George A. 14
Taylor, Sibina M. 16
Thompson, Andrew B. 34
Thompson, Margarett 11
Tibbs, Sarah R. 34
Tilton, Dr. Robert D. 11
Todd, Agness 5
Todd, Hannah 5, 9
Triplett, Mrs. 11
Tulley, Catherine 54
Tulley, John 54
Tulley, Leonard 54
Tulley, Mathew 53
Tulley, Stephen 53
Tulley, Thomas 53
Tulley, William B. 54
Tully, Ann 53
Tully, Anne 53
Tully, Catherine 54
Tully, Charles 53
Tully, Edward 53
Tully, Elisabeth 53, 55
Tully, Ellenner 53
Tully, Israel 54
Tully, James 53
Tully, Joane 53
Tully, John 53
Tully, Leah 53, 66, 72, 74
Tully, Mary 53
Tully, Mary Young 54
Tully, Michael 53
Tully, Rebecca 53
Tully, Samuel 53
Tully, Israel 54
Tully, Stephen 53
Tully, Thomas 53
Tully, Walter 53
Tully's Delight, 53
Tully's Fancy 53
Umpstaddt, John Allison 72
Umstadt, Barbara 62
Umstadt, Elizabeth 63, 91
Umstadt, Eva 62
Umstadt, Hans Peter 62
Umstadt, Harmon 63
Umstadt, Henry 63
Umstadt, Jacob 63
Umstadt, Johan 62
Umstadt, John 63
Umstadt, Leah Francis 91
Umstadt, Lucy Leah (Lutie) 91
Umstadt, Madison 91
Umstadt, Margrethe 62
Umstadt, Mary Ellen (Mollie) 91
Umstadt, Peter 63
Umstat, Abigail (Adams) 64
Umstat, Abraham 64
Umstat, Elizabeth 63
Umstat, John 63
Umstat, John and Susannah 64
Umstat, Mary 63
Umstatt, Abraham 71
Umstatt, Harmon 66
Umstatt, John 71
Umstatt, Nicholas 72
Umstattd 1905 Photo 117, 122
Umstattd, Abraham 70
Umstattd, Alexander Campbell 74, 78, 80
Umstattd, Alice 127, 134
Umstattd, Alice Jean 127
Umstattd, Alice Rogers (Mitchell) 127, 134, 172, 175, 178
Umstattd, Amanda 74
Umstattd, Anne 66, 72
Umstattd, Asa Caywood 74, 79, 80
Umstattd, Ashtin 134
Umstattd, Benjamin 20, 36, 53, 66, 72, 74-89
Umstattd, Benjamin (b. 1845) 101, 106-126
Umstattd, Benjamin F. 81
Umstattd, Benjamin Franklin 74, 79
Umstattd, Clinton Lee 127, 135
Umstattd, Desire Ann 74
Umstattd, Doris (Bowman) 134, 146
Umstattd, Earle 134, 136
Umstattd, Eli C. 74
Umstattd, Eliza Morgan 108, 110, 111
Umstattd, Elizabeth 74
Umstattd, Elizabeth Perlina 94
Umstattd, Emanuel 66
Umstattd Family Photo 1913 118
Umstattd, George O. 35, 36, 74, 80, 81, 101-105
Umstattd Gravestones 125
Umstattd Group Photo August 1905 116
Umstattd Home, Bristol, TN 133
Umstattd, Isaac Benjamin 95, 99
Umstattd, James Mitchell 137, 138, 146, 147
Umstattd, Jimmy 127, 134
Umstattd, John 66, 72, 81
Umstattd, John & Elizabeth (Campbell) 66
Umstattd, John Preston 98
Umstattd, John Samuel 36, 101
Umstattd, John William 127-137, 175, 178
Umstattd, John William obit. 130
Umstattd, John Upton 74, 91-93
Umstattd, Joshua Aldridge 36, 81, 101
Umstattd, Judy (Bergman) 134
Umstattd, Katherine 74, 80
Umstattd, Kendrick Moss 147
Umstattd, Kristen Coles, Atty. 147
Umstattd, Leah (Tully) 36, 74-89, 101, 103
Umstattd, Lucy A. 101
Umstattd, Lucy Alice 36, 110
Umstattd, Mary 74
Umstattd, Mary Leah 108-111
Umstattd, Mildred Blair 127, 136
Umstattd, N. John 66, 72
Umstattd, Nicholas 66
Umstattd Original Log Cabin 86
Umstattd, Roy Lynn, Jr. 127, 131, 134
Umstattd, Roy Lynn, Sr. 134
Umstattd, Rusty 134
Umstattd, Scott 134
Umstattd, William 81
Umstattd, William Bowman 138, 146-149, P. O. W. Journal 201-258
Umstattd, William Earle 127, 138- 147, 1917 letters home 139,
obit. 145
Umstattd, William Smith 36, 101
Umstattd's Church Window 107, 115, table made on the farm 123
Umstead, Russell 70
Union Furnace 9
Vestle, Martha 53
Walker, Dr. Hugh 180
Wallace, Mary 162
Walton, Lucy S. 34
Ward Tavern 5
Washington, Elizabeth 152, 184
Waste Book 4, 6
Watkins, Ann 184
Weare, Hazel 11
Weiss, Jacob 155
Whipple, Emma F. 10
Whiskey Rebellion 5
White County, Indiana 94
Wilkerson, Sarah 161
Wilkerson, Thomas & Judith (Fleming) 161
Williams, Ann 184
Williams, Anne 152
Williams Chance 48
Williams, Daniel 152, 184
Williams, Elizabeth 161-164, 184
Williams, Hannah Mary 164, 184
Williams, James (Col.) 161, 184
Williams, John (Col.) 161
Williams, John 152, 163, 184
Williams, John (atty.) 163
Williams, John, III 152
Williams, John, Jr. 160, 184
Williams, John, Sr. 152
Williams, Joseph 152, 184
Williams, Mary 152, 184
Williams, Nathaniel 152, 184
Williams, Sarah W. 152, 184
Williams, Elizabeth 152
Wills, Eleanor 54
Wold, Sarah 153
Wolf, Andreas 155
Wolf, Barbara 155
Wolf, Barnard 153
Wolf, Clara Elizabeth 153
Wolf, Daniel 154
Wolf, Edward 153
Wolf, Elizabeth (Evah) 3, 154
Wolf, John 153
Wolf, Mary 9, 153
Wolf, Michael 155
Wolf, Phebe 154
Wolf, Philip 154
Wolf, Rachel 153
Wolf, Reinhart 2, 28, 153, will 155
Wolf, Rose 153
Wolf, William 153
Wolf, Sarah 1, 2, 3
Wolfe, Philip 5
Wood, Mary Ellen (Elenor) 74, 79, 91
Wright, Bloyce 27
Wright, Elizabeth 27
Wright, Thomas 27
Young, Mary B. 16
Zanes Trace 74
last updated 15 April 2017