In early 1998, in conjunction with plans for the reunion, which was held in July, 1999, to celebrate the 300th Anniversary of the marriage of Hans Peter's daughter Eve to Heinrich Pannebecker, UM researchers began to connect with each other, share material, and form a team. This site is a culmination of twenty years of work and could not have come about without all the dedicated cousins who shared in creating it.
These are the main team members, but there are many, many others who contributed bits and pieces along the way. We are grateful to each and every one! We fondly remember those who have gone on to the great reunion in the sky.
It is only fitting that a special tribute be paid in memoriam to Eleanor Mayfarth who worked tirelessly and relentlessly to gather and collate information on the early American roots. Eleanor instilled in me a determination to work with proof documents and not to just believe everything I found out there. Thanks, E. I miss you like crazy! Cris
Another person whose work contributed to early UM and other family research is Iris Carter Jones (deceased) who published "Krefeld Immigrants and Their Descendants,"Links Genealogy Publications, for a number of years. Some of perhaps all of the issues may be found online.
Last updated 4 May 2017