The will of Mary Umstate was first transcribed by Eleanor Mayfarth from film at Salt Lake City from Montgomery County Will Book 4:73. It was corrected from a copy of the original will in Montgomery County Estate File RW 6906 forwarded by Barbara Wentz. You will note that the person who wrote Marys will for her had trouble with D and T," perhaps from Marys pronunciation.
"Be it remembered that I Mary
Umstate of Worcester township in the County of Montgomery
and State of Pennsy, being far advanced in years but of sound
disposing mind and memory do think fit this eleventh day of August
in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eight do
make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and
form following that is to say:
First I order my hereafter named Executor to pay my just debts
and funeral expences.
Second I give and bequieath to Mary
Driechler [presumably Treichler] taughter of Abraham Driechler
the sum of fifteen pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania and said
fifteen pound my Executor shall pay the said sum to my trusty
friend Henry Hunsicker which I have appointed Guardian for said
Mary and in case she should die before she has any lawful issue
or arives to the age of twenty one years then I order said guardian
to divide said sum to all the children of
Lydia Driechler share and share alike.
Thirdly I give and bequeath to John Nise,
Son of Anna Umstate the sum of fifteen pounds and said
fifteen pound shall be in the hand of my Executor and put on interest
until said John Nise arives to the age of twenty One years.
Fourthly I give and bequesath all my estate of every kind to my Three Brother's Children share and
share alike or if any of them should die before me then said share
my Executor shall pay to their lawful issue, and I further order
my executor to pay such legacies to the said children in one year
after my death as shall be twenty one years of age and the rest
of them when shall arive to said age.
Fifthly I constitute and appoint my trusty friend Henry Custer
Sole Executor of this My Last Will and Testament and lastly I
do herby utterly disavow revocke & disancellall and every
former wills lagaces Executors by me in any wise before this time
made Ratifying this to be my Last will and testament.
Signed sealed published and pronounced and declared by the said
Mary Umstate for and her last will and testament in the presence
of us the subscribers: Levi Custer aff. Henry Hunsicker aff
Mary X (her mark) Umstate.
Proven the 6th day of January, 1815, at which time Henry Custer
was affirmed as executor.
Inventory made Jan. 4, 1815 by Henry Hunsicker, Sr. and
Levi Custer of the estate of Mary Umsted, late of Worcester Township
Totaled $1,612.83. Included bonds, notes, and principle $1,008.57
Interest due 1 April on same $157.33
(Montgomery County Estate File RW 6906, copied by hand by Barbara
Last updated 10 June 2017