Mary m. abt. 1750 Herman DeHaven, son of Ann Op den Graff Dehaven,
grandson of Abraham Op Den Graff. Harmon De Haven was in Alsace
Twp. by 1752 when he appears on Tax list. Herman of Alsace
Twp. purchased 300A in Alsace Twp. (Berks Co.) 26 May 1759
from Richard Peters of Phila. City -. Harmon and Mary sold this
land in 2 parcels in 1759, as of Alsace Twp.. .Harmon
died abt. Oct. 1761 Berks Co. His brother Jacob Dehaven also shows
as married on the 1752 list, as does a single William
Davis. [The Dehaven family is interrelated to the John David/Davis
family of Limerick Twp. (St. James Episcopal Church)]
We have no record of Harmon buying the land in Amity Twp. Peter Dehaven, his son of Limerick Twp., blacksmith, sold Jan. 13, 1776 404 a. of land of Harmon DeHaven desd. 15 years, to David Weider...big corner post by Schuykill R., Nicholas Holston, great road from Phila. to Reading, George Laniscos, Nicolas Boyer. Wit. Henry Haffa, Nicholas Bunn. Harmons estate records are what tie the Berks Co families together, and also Nicholas Umstead of Maryland, via his father-in-law Enoch Davis Esq.
Estate Records of Herman DeHaven- When Herman died in 1761
he and Mary had 4 minor
children: Peter (eldest) b. by 1749, John b. by 1751, Mary b.
abt. 1755, and Jacob b. by 1761. These dates are calculated from
the following estate records:
(1) Oct. 9, 1761- Inventory taken by William How and Enoch
Davis. Includes cash in hand of William Davis of Amity
Twp.- 110 Lbs. He is now paying 20 lbs. A year until paid for.
Inventory shows 400 acres still in estate. Wm. How, Joseph Millard,
and John Umstead sign
(2) Nov. 12, 1761- Mary Dehaven, widow relinquishes her administration
in favor of Trusty friends Enoch Davis and JACOB UMSTAT. Wit.
John Umsted, Dereck Pennybacker. (Cousin and Uncle
were often implied by friend in such statements, even
if they were in-laws. Jacob apparently declined.) Dirck Pennypacker
m. Hannah DeHaven, niece of Harmon DeHaven.
(3) Nov. 14, 1761- Adm. Bond of Mary Dehaven of Amity Twp.,
widow, and Enoch Davis of Limerick, Esq., John Umstead and Derick
Pennybaker of Union Twp.
(4) Feb. 23, 1763- Petition of Mary Dehaven and Enoch Davis, Admrs:
Herman had 500 acres. 100 acres set off for another plantation.
They want to sell 100 acres for support -- four minor children
under 13. O.C. on petition of Mary DeHaven and Jacob dated Feb.
28, 1763 shows 100 acres sold.
(5) Feb. 28, 1763 - Account of Mary Dehaven and Enoch Davis
adminis. Among the persons paid money by the estate were:
Mordecai Millard, John Umsted, Derrick Pennybaker, DEBORAH UMSTED,
Nicholas Sneider, PETER UMSTED, Bridget Berd (Beard adm. of William
Berd Esq. Dec. Bond 50 lbs.
Money due Sundrey Persons:
PETER UMSTED, promisory Note (besides Interest hereafter to accrue
thereon. . .11 pounds, 7 shillings. (This is Peter, son of Johannes,
of Limerick Twp. and above Deborah is his sister in law, widow
of his brother John NS of Limerick.)
William Davis charges on estate for 41 lbs. , advanced to the
deceased in his lifetime, for land never conveyed.
(6) Feb. 15, 1775- Petition: Herman DeHaven died intestate, leaving a widow Mary (now married to Nicholas Schneider), and children, Peter the eldest, John, Mary (married to Henry Boyer), and Jacob a minor. Now Peter, the eldest, is requesting that the land be partitioned. Two of the men who viewed the land were Derick Pennabacker and David Davis. Decision was not to partition the property, and money was to be paid to the other 3 Children.
(7) Feb 23, 1775- Petition by Jacob Dehaven for a guardian.
The front of this petition states John Umsted chosen and appointed.
Above Umsted are the words uncle of the Petr .(r is
raised to indicate abbreviation of petitioner.)
Feb. 23, 1775 Orphan's Court Book II, p. 201, states Pet. of Jacob
Dehaven, minor above 14, chose John Umstead, his uncle.
(8) May 13, 1775- In three separate bonds to each of his
siblings, Peter DeHaven, with Nicholas Bunn, of Douglass Twp.
and David Widner of Amity Twp., was bound to pay them their share
of the land sale: John Dehaven of Limerick Twp., Henry Boyer of
Frederick Twp., who married Mary; and John Umsted of UNION Twp.,
guardian of Jacob Dehaven.
- - - - - - -
Mary m. 2nd Nicholas Schneider 1769. Tracing of land Recs. show
this is probably that family.
1760 a Nicholas Schneider gave money for Trappe Church
1772 a Nicholas Schneider bought land of Wm. Kendall adj. Peter
Umstead in Limerick Twp.
1772 tax list of Providence Twp. shows Nicolas Snider, 100A land
& dwelling. . .20 A land and dwelling in Limerick.
1797 Nicholas sells this land to George Boyer, no wife signs.
George is probably part of
the family of Mary (Magdeline) Dehaven, dau. of Harmon and Mary
Umstead, who married Henry Boyer of Frederick Twp. in 1775.
1799 Administration. for a Nicholas May 13, Frederick Twp., Montgomery Co. Benjamin & Nicholas Schneider Adm.
1. Peter DeHaven
b. abt. 1752 eldest son, 1763 minor under 13, 1775 of legal age
(Harmon DeHaven Estate File). Probably born Alsace Township, Berks
County, PA. Father Harmon appears on tax list there in 1753 ....
1774: Peter Dehaven is listed on the 1774 Tax for Limerick Twp.
adjacent to Nicholas Schneider who has 300A; Peter has no acres,
no horses, etc. This gives the impression he is living with Nicholas.
(Printed PA Archives) .... 1775 petitioned court for partition
of fathers land and it was refused. In three separate bonds
to each of his siblings, Peter DeHaven, with Nicholas Bunn, of
Douglass Twp.. and David Weidner of Amity Twp., was bound to pay
their share of the land sale... 13 Jan 1776 Peter, of Limerick
twp., blacksmith, sold the 404 acres of land of Harmon DeHaven
desd. 15 years, to David Weidner...big corner post by Schuykill
R., Nicholas Holston, great road from Phila. to Reading, George
Laniscos, Nicolas Boyer. in Amity Twp. , wit. Henry Haffa, Nicholas
Bunn .... Peter m. abt. 1776 Elizabeth Egner/Eigner, dau. of John
and Elizabeth Eigner, of Macungie, Northampton Co. PA. (now Lower
Macungie, Lehigh Co.)...Peter and Elizabeth moved to Lehigh Co.,
and after 1790 apparently settled in Columbia Co., PA, as 1790
is the last mention we have of the family in Lehigh Co. They came
with their children to Ross Co. OH abt.1805, and are buried near
Kingston, OH.
(Tax Lists: Printed PA Archives, 1775 Limerick Tax List copied
by Barbara Wentz, Philadelphia City Archives; Record Group 1:10
County Tax Duplicate; Berks Co. Deed Book 2:396; Genealogical
Abstracts of Orphans Court Records Northampton County Pennsylvania
Volumes 6-8 1795-1815 by Candace E. Anderson, Closson Press, 1999,
p. 22: 14 Jan 1797, John Egner, deceased, request for partition
inquest on messuage and lot in Northampton Town. Elizabeth listed
as child of John, widow Elizabeth, son Jonathan and Catharine
also named. [Northampton Town was an early name for Allentown
which is now in Lehigh County-Lehigh being formed from Northampton
County in 1812.]; History of Lehigh County Pennsylvania by Charles
Rhoads Roberts, 1914, Volume II, p. 300: History of Egner Family
shows Elizabeth, wife of Peter DeHaven.)
2. John DeHaven, son of Harmon
DeHaven and Mary Umstead, b. abt. 1754.... 1775 living in Limerick
Twp..... Shows on no tax list of Pennsylvania Co. or Montgomery
Co.... d. Limerick Twp. 1797. Estate File RW9815:
(i) Adm. Bond: Jonathan Feadley, Jacob Shantz, & John Peterman,
all of New Hanover Twp., bound for 1000 pounds, dated Mar. 20,
(ii) Inventory of John DeHaven, late of Limerick Twp., 3/19/1797.
Copper still, Surveyors
utensils, sundry accounts coming to him for Teaching
(iii) Paper showing payments. Includes payment to Jacob DeHaven
per receipt.
(iv) Paper listing notes and bonds due.
(v) Vendue List April 15, 1797 at dwelling house of Jacob DeHaven
of Limerick. Goods and effects of John DeHaven, late of Limerick.
Some buyers: Nicolas Shnyder, Jacob Deheaven,
Jacob Crous, John Umstid.
Conclusion: John was a schoolteacher (and perhaps surveyor), of
Limerick. Had neither widow nor issue. There is a John Deheve
buried at Faulkner Swamp Cemetery d. 14 Mar 1797, age 43 yrs,
2 mos.
(Marriages and Deaths of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania 1685
- 1800 by Charlotte Meldrum, Willow Bend 1999, Faulkner Swamp,
p. 166.)
3. Mary DeHaven, m. by 1775 Henry
Boyer of Frederick Twp., Mont. Co. No further info
4. Jacob DeHaven, b. abt. 1756-1761,
chose his uncle John Umstead of Union twp. Berks Co. (Fathers
estate records, under 21, over 14 1775)... Does not appear on
any tax list of Phila. Co.... 1785 appears on 1st Mont. Co. Tax
list- Limerick Twp. Single Tax List, and also on Fourth Battalion
Montgomery County Militia Captain Matthew Brooke, Third Company,
Sixth Class. [Mostly Limerick Co. men.].... 1786 on Single Tax
List, Limerick Twp.... 1787- 1793, on regular tax list (not single
list), Limerick Twp. 1790 Census Jacob in Limerick Twp. 2 men
over 16, 1 boy under 16, 2 females. [2nd man is probably his brother
John.].... 15 Apr. 1797 still living in Limerick Twp... 1797 tax
list of Limerick shows Jacob for the 1st time as paying taxes
on land- 140 acres, Hunsberger Est. .... 1798 Limerick list shows
him as Moved to Hanover [adj. Twp.], New Hanover tax
list shows him
as farmer.... 1799 New Hanover Tax List has a notation Providence
[another adj. Twp.]
(Tax Lists: PA Archives Tax Records, Montgomery Co. PA Archives,
microfilm of Tax Lists, Militia : PA Archives, Sixth Series, Volume
3, pp 661-662; Townships marked on census by Historical Society
of Mont, Co.)
This document comes from the UM research team and was compiled by Eleanor Mayfarth.
last updated 5 November 2010