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Mary Ann was the daughter of John Umstead (Umstadt) who was born
May 8, 1813, in Limerick Twp, Montgomery Co, PA. He died August
15, 1890, Montgomery Co.
He lived near Fruitville, PA. His parents were Joseph Umstead
and Elizabeth Tyson Hunsberger. He married, May 22, 1836, at New
Hanover/Falkner Swamp Lutheran Ch, New Hanover Twp, Montgomery
Co, Catherine (Kalb) Kolb, born January 15, 1814, died November
11, 1895. Both are buried at New Hanover ELC, New Hanover, Montgomery
The above certificate proves that Mary Ann was their daughter,
and that she was born October 21, 1836, in Limerick Twp, Montgomery
Co, PA. She died March 24, 1911. Mary Ann married her uncle*,
Abraham Umstead, born May 11, 1827, Limerick Twp, Montgomery Co.
He died August 20, 1902. Both are buried at New Hanover ELC, New
Hanover, Montgomery Co. Abraham's parents were Joseph Umstead
and Elizabeth Tyson Hunsberger*.
John and Mary Ann are said to have had five children, sons Irwin Umstead, born July 6, 1861, died February 9, 1912, and Abraham Umstead, born October 18, 1862, January 29, 1911. Both are buried at New Hanover ELC, New Hanover, Montg Co. Their three other children are unknown.
*Ulmer/Fry S32 identifies Mary Ann Umstead as daughter
of Abraham's brother John, making her his niece. Abraham's parentage
has not yet been proven to my satisfaction.
Barbara Wentz found this certificate at a flea market and shares it with us. Her comments:
It is really too bad about
the damage at the top, but I guess better there than on the writing.
The top of the certificate says Geburts- und [Taufschein
would have been on
the other side if the bugs had not eaten it]. Birth and Baptismal
Allentaun, PA. gedruckt
bie A. und W. Blumer 1836 - ALLENTOWN,
PA printed by A & W Blumer, 1836.
On the back in pencil it says in English. "By H. C. Walt
Limerick April th 19 1858" Second line: "For Abraham
There were lots of Walts in Limerick and I found a Henry C. Walt,
27, carpenter (there was a word in front of carpenter that I could
not make out).
The frame appears to be hand made, based solely on the fact that
the dovetails are not uniform in size. One can see two dovetails
on each side of the frame, which is what holds the frame together.
There do not appear to be any nails holding the mitered corners
together (even though they could have been countersunk and filled
in (there are no signs that this is the case). I don't know what
kind of wood it is but it is veneered on the front only and lifting
in places. I don't know what kind of veneer it is, but it is somewhat
striped. It is not oak or walnut or mahogany because I usually
can tell those woods. There are small square/rectangular nails
holding the back boards on, which is what the fraktur lies on.
That is why it has been eaten by bugs!
Fraktur/fractur is technically a style of writing, but around here (Philadelphia area) fraktur generally means any old hand-drawn/lettered document, bookplate, house blesssing, marriage certificates, baptismal certificate, etc, done by Pennsylvania Germans.
Here is a definition found
at Google.com: "Fractur is a term referring to a style of
writing as well at to the illuminated documents on which it was
executed. Brought to Pennsylvania by German scribes, fractur was
an art form peculiar to the Pennsylvania Germans. Fractur writing
was based upon the sixteenth-century fractur typeface, a loose
imitation of bold, rigid Gothic lettering. In the German manner,
fractur painting followed the tradition of medieval manuscript
illumination. The fractur writer held several positions within
the Pennsylvania German community. As the representative of learning,
he was often the schoolmaster as well as clergyman. With his skill
in drawing and writing, he performed such services as illustrating
books and hymnals, and drawing up important documents."
The Berks County Historical Society says this: The word Fraktur
refers to a type of German lettering or typeface used from the
fifteenth century until World War II. Fraktur lettering is decorative
and is often compared to our Old English Gothic. Americans use
the word fraktur to refer to decorated manuscripts
made by and for Pennsylvania Germans and German-Americans.
Most fraktur are Geburts- und Taufscheine (birth and baptismal certificates). They were made primarily for Lutheran and Reformed families, for whom baptism is a sacrament. Most fraktur were made about 1745 to 1920 in southeast Pennsylvania. Following the Revolution, the demand for Taufscheine soared. Many schoolmasters, artists, and scriveners turned to printed forms to expedite production.
Berks County families preferred personalized forms. In this respect, Berks County held onto the fraktur tradition longer than did neighboring counties. Not only does Berks County fraktur represent a cornucopia because of sheer numbers of fraktur that came from this region, it also represents a microcosm of the history of American Taufscheine made possible by a mutually beneficial trade among schoolmasters, printers, and scriveners.
last updated 23 May 2006