Note from Eleanor Mayfarth and Clarence
Lee, members of the NC Research Team formed in 1994 and the Special
Umstead Research Team formed in 1998:
John of NC produced one of the largest lines of descendants
of Johannes and Mary Umstadt. This line has far more documented
descendants that are active researchers than any other. As many
of them have helped to chart the descendants of John of NC as
well as his parentage, details of the evolution of the research
will be intertwined into this report. Our special thanks to Special
Team members Barbara Wentz and Elizabeth Coles Umstattd. In June
2003, we, Clarence and Eleanor, visited the mill site at the corner
of John and Winifred (Gwenefred)'s land and Richard Umstead's
land with our spouses, guided by Roy and Barbara Wentz. It was
an experience that made all of the preceding 10 years of research
well worth it! Pictures
taken at the Grist Mill Site.
The 2005 DNA match between a documented descendant of Johannes Umstadt and a documented descendant of John of NC changes this report drastically. It verifies the research done between 1994 and 2004 that confirmed by firm circumstantial evidence that the land of Jacob Umstatt mortgaged by John and Winifred (Evans) Umstat in 1768 was sold to them by John's parents Jacob and Ann (Adams) Umstat in 1766.
See Map of Providence Twp Land of Jacob Umstatt 1737-1817.
No valid search for the parentage of John Umstead of NC was done through 1974. The ERROR, as discussed in JOHN "NS" LINE CORRECTIONS, from an article by Abram Clemmer in 1832, showing John of NC as the son of John "NS" and Deborah, was simply accepted. The widely-circulated 1950s research of E Ray Sullivan included this mistake. Richard Baxter Umstead, Jr of MD, descendant of John of NC, had a copy of Sullivan's research he'd received from W O Umstead Jr, a descendant of Herman Umstead and Ann Vanderslice, and Baxter circulated it through 1974 to the NC Umsteads. This mistake is still carried on the charts of many of the descendants of John and Winifred. The correspondence file of Richard Baxter Umstead, Jr from 1975 through his death in 1981 has not been found by his family. [Pre-1975 correspondence from the files of Richard Baxter Umstead, Jr, contributed by his son Richard Bryan Umstead]
The current research of the ancestry of John of NC began in 1994 when a team of NC Umstead researchers set out to verify the Sullivan research.
A search of the Philadelphia County records
quickly showed the following: Winifred Evans was the daughter
of Owen and Mary (Davis) Evans of Limerick Twp, but John of NC
was not the son of John "NS." So, whose son was he???
[Research of Eleanor Mayfarth, Family History Library, Salt Lake
City, 1994, as shown in JOHN "NS" LINE CORRECTIONS]
Our next find was the Revolutionary War Pension File submitted
by the widow of John and Winifred's oldest son David, which contained
the following family history record of John and Winifred and their
John Umstat and Winefred Evans were married the 19th Day of June,
David Umstat, son of John and Winefred Umstat, was born the 12th
Day of June, 1755.
Ann Umstat, daughter of John and Winefred Umstat, was born (day
unknown) September, 1757.
Mary Umstat, daughter of John and Winefred Umstat, was born the
19th Day of April, 1760.
Jane Umstat, daughter of John and Winefred Umstat, was born the
16th Day of March, 1762.
Jacob Umstat, son of John and Winefred Umstat, was born the 18th
Day of December, 1763.
Richard Umstat, son of John and Winefred Umstat, was born the
Day of March, 1766.
John Umsted, son of John and Winefred Umsted, was born June 30th,
[Pension File, Umsted, David N.C. R11801, National Archives, from
copy made at the National Archives by Clarence Lee, 1994]
A careful study of the names of the children showed that the only ones that varied from the names of the children of Winifred's siblings were Jacob, Richard and John. We could find no records of a Richard UM in the Pennsylvania Records except the descendants of Ann (Adams) Umstat, wife of Jacob Umstat, dau. of Richard and Gertien (Op den Graff) Adams.
It has taken us 10 years of research to
be able to say in 2004 that Jacob
and Ann Umstat, "parents of John of NC" sold him land
in 1766. Due to a mistake in an informal
mortgage record signed by John and Winifred in 1768: Philadelphia
County Mortgage Book X-13:369-375, we were befuddled until
2003 research gave us answers. Who was "John" Umstat
married to Ann???? He was not John, son of Johannes, and there
was no other member of the family of Johannes married to an "Ann."
A careful analysis of the birth date of Ann (Adams) Umstat and
of John of NC ruled out John as her grandson. There was no record
of a John married to "Winifred" other than John of NC.
Why could we find neither a record of James Skeen buying the land
from John and Winifred nor a record of the mortgage of the land
by James Skeen??? Was the record wrongly worded or was there some
other relative of Johannes who had bought land from Jacob Umstat???
Unfortunately, in the winter of 2002 when Seth Warner submitted
our article to The Genealogist, we were not able to say
so positively, because we didn't yet know for sure that John of
NC was a grandson of Johannes and Mary Umstadt, not the son of
a relative of Johannes. He included the information about the
mortgage record, and the reasons we believed that "John and Ann" was in error
and should have been "Jacob and Ann."
Then he stated our status on the parentage of John of NC: "But
without the deed of the 1766 land sale, the identification of
John's father as Jacob Umstat remains conjectural." ["The
Umstead Descendants of William Evans of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania,"
by Eleanor Mayfarth, Clarence Lee, Ann Veazey Davis, and Seth
Warner, The Genealogist, Published for The American Society
of Genealogists, Picton Press, Vol. 18, No. 2, Fall 2004, pp.
In 2003 and 2004, much of the research revolved around two Special
Projects undertaken by Barbara Wentz and Eleanor Mayfarth:
(1) Working with Mandy Helwig in her futile attempt to save the
Collegeville Dam. This involved searching for and describing every
land sale from Edward Lane's 2500 acre tract, granted to him by
William Penn in 1701, to the early 1800s, so that Barbara could
plot maps of the land. This gave us a familiarity with the land
and its owners, including who was there and who wasn't!
(2) Making corrections and additions to the 1790 St James Pew
Chart. This involved looking closely at the interrelationships
of the early St. James families, including the Umstat family's
relationships with the Evans and Skeen families.
"The Umstead Descendants of William Evans of Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania"
Jacob b 1708, and Ann (Adams) Umstat b 1710-1714 had just sold
their land in 1736 and purchased land in Providence Twp. In 1746
Jacob "of Providence" purchased additional land from
Edward (grandson of the original grantee Edward Lane) and his
wife Ann Lane. It is probable that he lived there until 1748,
when he purchased land in Skippack/Perkiomen. [See also CORRECTIONS:
Lower Skippack Mennonite Church Cemetery; BIRTH DATE OF ANN ADAMS;
Richard and Hannah documented 1817]
1754 19 June, John of NC, b about 1732-1734 and Winifred Evans b 1732-33 were married. Neither the marriage of John and Winifred nor the marriage of her sister Ann is recorded in the Philadelphia Co records. This probably means that they were married at St James Church, Perkiomen, where their family were active members, and for which there are no extant marriage records for this period. (Ann Evans b 11 June, 1725, m about 1745, Edward Lane b 23 Dec, 1721)
1754 6 Aug, 85 acres Jacob Umstat purchased in 1746 from Edward and Ann Lane, sister of Winifred, were recorded. [Philadelphia Co will book L:115; 1753 will of Owen Evans; Bulletin of the Historical Society of Montgomery Co, PA, Vol III, Oct 1941-Apr 1943, "Records from Bibles in the Possession of the Historical Society of Montgomery County," Lane, p 157]
1755-1760 Three of John of NC and Winifred's children were born. By 1756 Jacob was shown on land he bought in Skippack/Perkiomen, but John of NC did not show up on the township list, although he was over 21. [Only township list available for that year]
1761-1762 John of NC was operating the grist mill on Jacob's Providence property, but was not in 1766. It is probable that his brother Richard Umstat [b 1743] was operating the mill by then. Road Petitions [Records from 1713-1784 PA Court of Quarterly Sessions items, Microfilm of negative appearing photocopy of original records at Historical Society of Montgomery Co in Norristown, PA, SLC film #0021595 items 9-13, pp 248, 249, 257; Philadelphia Petition Packet 29-289, 186, 1766, Philadelphia City Archives; 1848 map of Montgomery Co, Historical Society of Montgomery Co; Roads as shown on Map of Providence Twp Land of Jacob Umstatt, 1737-1817]
1766 2 Feb, Winifred was a legatee in the will of her sister Jane Evans.
1766 March, John of NC and Winifred's son Richard was born. The will of Winefred's sister Jane Evans was probated. Winifred was her legatee and John of NC was one of her executors. [Philadelphia Co Will Book N:493; 1850 U.S. Census of Gibson Co, TN, sheet 137a line 30 shows their own surviving child, Richard, age 84 b PA]
1766 5 June John of NC purchased, by unrecorded deed, from Samuel Bell and wife Sarah Bell 62+ acres in Providence Twp. Samuel Bell had purchased this land as part of a 96-acre purchase from Valentine Shambough 25 May, 1765, and the land description shows the land as still adjacent to the land of Jacob Umstat. The description of the land from the sale of the 96 acres all show it as adjacent to Jacob Umstat: Edward and Ann Lane to John Gable, 2 Nov. 1763; John Gable to Valentine Shambough, 20 Dec., 1763. [History of Land Philadelphia Co. Mortgage Book X 13:169; Philadelphia Co. Deed Books: I-4:458, I-5:210, 211]
1766 27 Nov, John of NC signed a petition for a road across his 62 ½ acres. [Ibid as above 1761-62]
1766 28 Nov, John of NC purchased by unrecorded deed an adjacent 100 acre tract of the land of Jacob and Ann Umstat. [History of Land Philadelphia Co Mortgage Record X-13:169]
1768 John of NC and wife Winifred mortgaged the 100 acre tract and the 62+ acre tract to Hugh Roberts of Philadelphia. [Philadelphia Co Mortgage Record X-13:169]
1769 Tax
list shows four John Umsteads living in Philadelphia County: John,
a miller, in Skippack/Perkiomen with 70 acres; John, in Providence
with 160 acres; John, Jr. in Providence with 160 acres; John in
Frederick Township with 125 acres.
(1) John, the miller, was b 1744/45, and was the documented son
of Herman and Margaret, his wife was Susanna, with whom he mortgaged
the 50 acres in 1769. [Phila. Co. Mortgage Rec. X-14: 285]
(2) John of NC and Winefred
on 160 acres of land bought from Jacob Umstat and Samuel Bell
in 1766, adjacent to his brother Richard Umstat on 100 acres of
Jacob's land. [Philadelphia Co Mortgage
Record X-13:169]
(3) John, documented son of Henry and Gertrude, b 1747, m 1765
Sybilla Boorse. Between that time and 1769, his father sold him
160 acres in Providence Twp on the Schuylkill River (near Oaks)
that had been purchased from Henry Pawling in 1763. [Research
of Elizabeth Coles Umstattd]
(4) John, documented son of N John and Deborah, was still of Frederick
Twp, and signed a petition there in 1763 with same signature as
original land record of 1773, as "of Frederick Twp."
1770 26 May, James Skeen and wife Barbara sold 145 acres
in Gilbert Manor to Joseph Boys (Boyce). He is listed there on
the 1769 tax list with 130 acres in Providence Twp, and his son
Samuel Skeen is listed below him with no acres. 12 May 1762 James
had bought the land, adjacent to Arnold Van Fossen, Edward Roberts,
across Skippack from the land of Daniel Rees and Jacob Umstead, from the London Co. The Skeen
family had been living on this land as a lease from the London
Co by 1745.
[Montgomery Co Deed Book 2:431; Perkiomen Region Vol 6,
1928, pp 66-77 by Ralph Johnson; Philadelphia Co Deed Book H 16:117;
An Index to Deeds Recorded at Philadelphia 1682-1743 for
lands now in Montgomery County, compiled by Charles R. Barker,
1924, Salt Lake City film #0021595; 1745 Road Petition]
15 Nov, James Skeen renewed the mortgage on the 100 acres of
John Umstat's land to Hugh Roberts of Philadelphia. This renewal
is noted on the mortgage of John Umstat above. There is no record
of the transfer of the land to James Skeen, nor a copy of a formal
mortgage record of James Skeen to Hugh Roberts. There is a 2nd
record that relates to the 1769 mortgage record, however. It is
just as confusing: Sheriff Docket A Page
74 Montgomery Co. You will note that the description of the land, including the mistake
in perches along the creek, is the same as the description on
John of NC's mortgage record, even though lots of the adjacent
land tracts had been sold to new owners during the intervening
22 years!!! (The mistake in the perches of land along the creek
made it impossible to plot John of NC's land accurately as written
in the mortgage, until the correction was found in a later sale
of the land.) [Montgomery Co Deed Book
22:395, 1806 sale by Samuel Skeen
showing correct 90 perches]
Note: To better understand these mysterious,
almost "handshake," land records, a knowledge of interrelationships
of the "cast of characters" involved both with each
other and with the St James Church is useful:
(1) James Skeen (St James) was the husband of Barbara (Van Fossen),
daughter of Arnold Van Fossen and Elizabeth (Sellen), sister of
Jacob Sellen, grandaughter of Arnold and Mary ( ) Van Fossen,
and of Hendrich and ( ) Sellen.
(2) Richard Umstead (St James), who was living on his father's
adjacent land in 1768, was married to Magdalena Tyson, daughter
of William Tyson and Alice (Nash), granddaughter of Mathias and
Barbara (Sellen) Tyson, sister of Jacob Sellen.
(3) John of NC and Richard Umstat were the nephews of Margaret
(Umstat) Van Fossen, wife of Leonard Van Fossen, brother of Arnold
Van Fossen. (Marriage shown
on paper in the 1747 estate file of Johannes Umstadt, no longer
in file, but seen and reported by earlier researchers)
(4) Samuel Skeen (St James), son of James, was married to Jemima
Newberry, daughter of Henry and Ann Newberry (St James), granddaughter
of Thomas Bull (St James) and Elizabeth (Adams), who was a sister
of Ann (Adams) Umstat. His brother Abraham Skeen (St James) was
married to Jemima's sister Rebecca Newberry.
(5) Winifred was the daughter
of Owen Evans (St James). In the same time frame that she and
John of NC left for Orange Co, NC, so did Jonathan Skeen (St James),
part of the family of James Skeen. He and his wife, Susanna Rees
appear in the neighboring NC records at the same time that John
of NC and Winifred appear. (Three of the
brothers of Winifred Umstat married into the Rees family)
["St James Episcopal Church of Perkiomen Pew Holders in 1790:
Their Parents and Children," by Jesse Davis, 1935, Revised
2004 with Additions and Corrections by Rita Gerardine, Gene Rooks,
Joe Patterson, Barbara Wentz, and Eleanor Mayfarth; NC Research
of Debra Dotson, NC Research Team)
The payment of all monies owed by John Umstat to Hugh Roberts
was recorded. This is last mention of John of NC in PA. (No extant
tax list for 1771)
1772 Richard Umstat is on the tax list with 120 acres and the grist mill. James Skeen and his son Samuel are on the land that was bought by John of NC. John is in Orange Co, NC pre-1778 with his family. The Orange Co. land office was closed for several years before 1778, so it is unclear exactly when John and Winifred came to NC and settled on the land.
1778 John "Umpsted" received a land grant in Orange County, NC (#866) of 100 acres on Flat River. The entry date on this grant is 14 Dec 1778 and the issue date is 10 July 1788. It is recorded in book 67, page 514. On the same dates he received grant #898 for 200 acres on east side of Flat River. The dates are the same as #1, but it is recorded in book 67, page 530.
David Umsted, Son of John and Winefred, received grant (#1214)
totaling 18 acres beside Flat River adjoining the mill house and
John Umsted's line. Adjoined his own corner in the "bent"
of the river.
At St James Church in Montgomery
Co, PA, Richard Umstat, brother of John, was sharing a pew with
Owen Evans, nephew of Winifred.
Note: The four lines above are written to the right of the text, and there are 2 comments written sideways on the page under them as follows:
(1) "The 7 day of December 1771 before
me Wm. Parr recorder of Deeds sd. Hugh Roberts the mortgagee in
this record named acknowledged to have had and received of and
from John Umstat the mortgagor herein also named all the mortgage
money and interest thereon and surcharge of the mortgagee here
entered in full satisfaction and mortgage discharge here sealed.
Witness the hand of the said mortgagee. Acknowledged and signed
before me Wm. Parr. (Signature) Hugh Roberts."
(2) Below this is written: "This Mortgage renewed by James
Skeen's mortgage on the same lands Nov 15, 1770"
Text of Deed:
"This indenture made the 27th day of July 1768 between John "Umstat" of New Providence
Township in the County of Philadelphia, yeoman and Winefred his
wife of the one part and Hugh Roberts of
the City of Philadelphia gent. of the other part. Whereas the
said John Umstat in and by a certain obligation or writing--obligatory
under his hand and seal duly executed bearing even date herewith
standeth bound unto the said Hugh Roberts in sum of four hundred
pounds lawful money of Pennsylvania conditioned for the payment
of two hundred pounds lawful money aforesaid on the twenty seventh
day of July next ensuing. Together with interest for the same
as in and by the said recited obligation and condition thereof
relation being thereunto had more at large appears. Now this indenture
witnesseth that the said John Umstat and Winefred his wife for
and in consideration of the aforesaid debt or sum of two hundred
pounds and the better securing the payment thereof, with its interest
unto the said Hugh Roberts his executors administrators and assigns
in discharge of the said recited obligation and for and in consideration
of the further sum of five shillings unto the Said John Umstat
and Winefred his wife in hand paid by said Hugh Roberts at or
before the sealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof is
hereby acknowledged have granted bargained sold released and confirmed
and by these presents do grant bargain sell release and confirm
unto the said Hugh Roberts his hears and assigns two certain [adjacent]
tracts or parcels of land situated lying and being in the township
of New Providence aforesaid....'
(1)One tract of 62+ acres, formerly land
of Jacob Gyslers/Geislers/Goislers, sold to John and Winifred
by Samuel and Sarah Bell 5th day of June, 1766. This land begins
at post in the line of Michael Bard's land, thence along the same
and George Christman's land SE 139 Perches to a post in the land
heretofore Jacob Gysler's,
thence along the same SW 68 Perches to a Black Oak in the Line
of the tract hereinafter particularly described, (his own land,
tract #2 below)
thence by the same NW 37 Perches to a Hickory Mardt for a corner
in the said Land herein after described, (his own land, tract
# 2 )
thence by the same SW 13 perches and 1/4 to a post,
thence by land of John Bull/ (heretofore Samuel Bell's) and Edward
Lanes NW 90 perches and 3/4 of a perch to a Post in said Lanes
thence by the same NE 80 Perches to the place of Beginning . .
(2) One tract of 100 acres, "being the same tract which "John"
Umstat and Ann his wife the father and mother of the sd. John
Umstat did grant unto the sd. John Umstat in
Fee by Indenture dated the twenty eighth day of November, 1766...
" This land was:
Beginning at Marked Hickory a corner of the above described tract.
Thence by the same and land of John Bull SW 118 Perches to a post.
Thence by land of Jacob
Umstat, SE 168 Perches to a Post
Thence by the same N 37 degrees East, 18 and 3/4 Perches to a
post by the west side of the Creek called Skippack.
Thence up the said Creek according to the several courses thereof
226 perches to a post by the west side thereof
thence by land heretofore the said Jacob Gyslers and the first
above described Tract NW 113 perches to the place of Beginning.
"Together also with all and singular the messuages tenements buildings improvements..... Two tracts here granted as mentioned so to be with the appurtenances. thereof to have and to hold the said two tracts of land , Hereditaments, and premises hereby granted or mentioned so to be with the appurtances to the only proper use and behoof of the sd. Hugh Roberts his heirs and assignees forever.
Provided Always Nevertheless That If the
Said John Umstat His Heirs Executors Administrators or Assigns
Shall and Do Well and Truly Pay or Cause to Be Paid unto the Said
Hugh Roberts His Executors Administrators or Assigns the Aforesaid
Debt or Sum of Two Hundred Pounds on the Day and Time Herein Before
Mentioned and Appointed for Payment Thereof, Together with lawful
interest for same according to the condition of sd. recited obligation
without fraud or further delay an without any defalcation or abatement
to be made for or in respect of any taxes charges or assessments
whatsoever that then and from thenceforth as well .
Wit.: Henry O'Neal and Ann
("A" her mark) Adams
Jno. Bull examined Winifred "the contents thereof first made known unto her."
[Philadelphia County Mortgage Book X-13:369-375]
Road Petitions
(1) Petition for Road 7 Sept. 1761 Page
248-249. ..
Petitioners listed below say... there is from Wells's Ferry on
Delaware a laid out road across the Country westward as far as
Northwales road to the plantation of Isaac Rawls in Towmensen
Twp. and from thence on the same course towards Schuylkill and
Chester County there being no direct , nor laid out Road, for
the want of which, the public labour under many difficulties.
We want to tell you that we think it very necessary to have a
publick Road laid out from the above said road into Skippack Road
near to Robert Jones's and from thence on the South Side of Skippack
Creek by Henry Pennypakers grist Mill & John Custer's Falling
Mill into Manatawny Road, and from thence down the Sd. Creek by
Stephen Kime's saw mill to John
Umstatts Griste Mill, from thence down
the same Creek near to Riner Vanderslice's sawmill into a road
leading from Thomas Rees's grist mill on Parqueoman, thence along
the said creek into a road near Schulykill leading into Chester
Co. towards Canistoga Road.
They ask that the court appoint men to view the same.
Signatures (not all readable)
John Umstat
Lawrence Miller (pg. 249)
Daniel & Thomas Rees (pg. 249)
Page 248:
Paul & Samuel Hendricks, Christopher Heebner, Peter &
Benjamen Johnson, Robert Jones, John Lefever, Henry Panebecker,
Henry Bean, and others.
(2) Petition for Road June 3rd 1762 (p.
The Petition of John Umstat and diverse others inhabitants of the Township of
Providence ask:
Knoweth that your said petitioner hath a grist mill in said Township
which is of great use to Divers inhabitants and that the customers
to said Mill and divers others who could be customers are greatly
discommoded(?) for want of a convenient Road to pass by and from
the same..
So they ask the court to appoint men to view and lay out a road....
Beginning at the Manhatawney Road between Perkiomy Creek and the
English Church, called St. James, thence by the said mill into
a Great Road laid out from the Dwelling house of Henry Pawling
Esq. to the said Church.
[Signatures are very dim, and one line blank but visible are:
Samuel Lane, Edward Lane, Henry Marple...., Michael Casels, Jacob
Heebner, Maris Lewis, Elisha Davis]
(3) Petition for Road 25 Nov 1766 (p. 289)
Petition from the diverse inhabitants of Providence Township asks:
Knoweth that some years past there was an open road from the Manhatawney
Road near St. James Church in the sd. Township to Herman Reeses
Mill on Perquiomy Creek, which was of great help not only to the
neighborhood, but to many others who had to travel across the
country. There being a laid out Road from the sd. mill to French
Creek Ford on Schulykill, and from thence to the sign of the White
Horse on the Lancaster Road in Chester County. Which first mentioned
Road being of late very intricate and almost impassable, we are
of the opinion that there is great occasion for a Road from the
Manhatawney Road at or near the place aforesaid to the said Thomas
Reeses Mill. They ask that the court appoint men to view lay it
Signatures: Thomas Rees, John
Umstat, Joseph Jacobs, (?) Vanderslice.
(4) Report of Petition request by "road
committee" 19 Dec 1766 [Sent by Barbara Wentz from Philadelphia
Petition Packet 29-186 1766, Philadelphia City Archives]
In pursuance of an order of Court dated the third day of this
present month requesting us the subscriber to view and if we say
occasion to lay out a road from the Manhatawney Road at or near
St. James's Church to Thomas Rees's Mill. We have accordingly
viewed and saw occasion to lay out a road beginning at the Manhatawney
Road a little to the Eastward of St. James's Church and running
thence along a line between the church land , and Land of Jacob
Goiseler South 40 Degrees West 50 perches thence upon the sd.
Church Land and Land of John Umstadt South 74 deg. West, 64 per:
thence upon the sd. John
Umstadt's Land South 47 deg. West 63 perch,
thence the same course upon land of John Bull Esq. 34 pers thence
along a line between Lands of the sd. John Bull and Edward Lane/
land South 40 deg. West 170 perches Thence upon Land of Lawrence
Miller South 41 deg West 561/2 pers and S 69 deg West 21 perches
Thence upon Land of John Stadtler the same course 29 per thence
along a line between lands of the sd. John Stadtler and Henry
Rinier South 41 deg. West 75 pers. to a white Oak marked for a
corner of sd. lands thence upon Land of Thomas Rees South 41 de.
West 47 per South 3 deg. East 12 per and North 30 deg. West 12
perches to said Thomas Rees's Mill.
Signatures: John Pawling, Joseph Richardson, Philip Fitzsimmons,
Robert Curry, Wm. Bull.
George Roberts & al' ) A Levari facias
Retble June Term 1790
Executor of Hugh Roberts)
vs. ) Debt L 200 Costs 76/
James Skeen & Uxr. )
And now to wit the thirteenth of October in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety Francis Swaine Esquire high Sheriff of County of Montgomery Acknowledges in open Court a Deed Poll under his hand Seal bearing Date the twenty first day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety conveying unto Samuel Skeene Two certain Tracts or Parcels of Land situate in Township of New Providence in the county of Montgomery; One of them Beginning at a post in a line of Michael Bard's land thence along the same and George Christman's land South East one hundred and thirty nine perches to a Post in the land of Jacob Geislers along the same South West sixty eight perches to a Black Oak in the line of the line of the Tracts herein after particularly described thence by the same North West thirty seven perches to a hickory marked for a Corner in the said line herein after described thence by the same South West thirteen perches and a quarter to a post thence by land of John Bull (heretofore Saml Bell's and Edward Lane's) North West ninety perches and three quarters of a Perch to a post in said Lane's land thence by the same north East eighty perches to the place of Beginning Containing Sixty two acres and three quarters of Land, and the other of them Beginning at a marked Hickory a corner of the above described Tract thence by the same land of John Bull South West one hundred and eighteen perches to a post, thence by Land of Jacob Umstat South East one hundred and sixty eight perches to a post thence by the same North thirty seven degrees East eighteen perches and three quarters of a perch to a post by the west side of a Creek called Skippack thence up the said Creek according to the several Courses thereof two hundred and twenty six perches to a post by the West side thereof thence by the land heretofore the said Jacob Guisler's and the first above described Tract North West one hundred and thirteen perches to the place of Beginning Containing One hundred acres be the same more or Less. Seized and taken in Execution of the suit of George Roberts & Heirs of Hugh Roberts and by the said Sherriff after due and public notice given of the time and place of Sale which was on the thirteenth Day of JUNE in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and NINETY.
Exposed to Sale and Sold to Samuel Skeene
(By public vendue) for the sum of five hundred and sixty seven
pounds he being the highest and best bidder. To hold to the said
Samuel Skeene his Heirs and Assigns to the only proper use and
behoof of the said Samuel Skeene his Heirs and assigns forever
Exd Deld to Order of Francis Swaine JAN 8, 1794
Read at Montgomery County Archives, Norristown
by Barbara Wentz, March 2003.
(Note: Although the indenture says that there are 226 perches
along Skippack Creek, later records prove it was really only about
90+ perches; EX superscript D, and DEL superscript D above stands
for executed and delivered.)
Note: James Skeen and Joseph Skeen mentioned as adjacent land
holders in 1806 are brothers of Samuel Skeen.
1806, 3rd day of April Mont. Co. Deed Book
Deed Book 22:395
Between Samuel Skeen of Providence, yeoman and Jemima his wife
to Jacob Johnson, yeoman, of same place,:
"Whereas James Skeen, LATE of the township aforesaid, by
virtue of certain conveyances in the law duly made or assurances
in the law duly had and executed became lawfully seized in his
demesne* as of fee of and in, a certain messuage a tenement and
two tracts and parcels of land situated in the said Township of
Providence by marks and bounds therein particularly described
containing one hundred and sixty two acres and three quarters......."
"And whereas Francis Swaine Esquire,
High Sheriff of the County of Montgomery aforesaid, by Deed Poll
under his hand and seal bearing date the twenty-first day of September",
...1790.. "did by virture of a certain writ of Levari Facias*
therein recited grant and confirm unto the said Samuel Skeen...
the said messuage and tenement and two tracts of land aforsd recited
with the appurtenances ..."
(*Levare Facias from Black's Law Dictionary: "Lat. A writ
of execution directing the sheriff to cause to be made of the
lands and chattels of the judgment debtor the sum recovered by
the judgment.")
Now Samuel and Jemima his wife for and in consideration of 1, 000 pounds sell to Jacob Johnson.75 acres and 39 perches more or less. Wit. Andrew Todd (J.P.) and Joseph Tyson.
Description of Land:
Beginning at a stake in a corner of this plantation and the line
of Richard Umstead,
Thence by the same NW forty nine degrees west 116 and 3/10 perches
to a stake,
Thence by land of James Skeen and Samuel Bard north 55 degrees
East 54 and 3/10 perches to a stake,
Thence by the land of the sd. Samuel Bard north 2 degrees East
24 and 4/10 perches to a stump .
And by the same South 84 ½ East 45 and 6/10 perches to
a cherry tree stump.
Thence by the land of James Skeen, North 64 degrees East 23 and
5/10 perches to a stake.
Thence by the land of the sd. Samuel Bard South 49 degrees East
fifty five perches to the middle of Skypack Creek,
thence down the sd. Creek South 10 and ½ degrees West 12
Thence South 12 and ½ deg. west 4 perches and south 39
deg. west 12 perches
and South 56 deg. west 16 perches and
south 5 degrees east 8 perches and
south 19 perches and
south 16 degrees east 10 and 5/10 perches and
south 10 degrees west, 8 and 2/10 perches to a corner in the middle
of sd. creek.
Thence by land of Joseph Skeen north 78 and 1/4 deg. west 24 perches
to a stone
Thence by the same south 36 and 1/4 degrees west 41 and 6/10 perches
to place of beginning.
Note: James Skeen and Joseph Skeen mentioned as adjacent land holders above were brothers of Samuel Skeen. It is an interesting fact that Joseph bought from Samuel and Jemima Skeen 10 acres on the West side of Skippack Creek 2 Jan 1808, adjacent to the land of Richard UM (former tract John of NC). Joseph died intestate, and 20 Jan 1829 the Orphan's Court awarded the land to his son Elijah. 30 Dec 1828, Elijah had married Sarah Heiser. Sarah was the daughter of Jacob Heiser, Jr and Susanna Smith, and the granddaughter of Jacob Smith, Sr and Deborah Koplin. Deborah Koplin was the daughter of Christian Koplin and Deborah Umstat and the granddaughter of John Umstat, brother of Jacob Umstat, who had purchased the 10 acres in 1737. In 1866 Elijah and Sarah Heiser sold this land to John Heiser, Jr, a member of the same Heiser family. Jesse Umstead, grandson of Jacob and Ann (Adams) Umstat was a witness. So those 10 acres remained in the line of Johannes Umstadt for many years!!! [Mont. Co. Deed Book 142:335, recorded Apr 4th, 1866, History of Land included, no record of 1808 sale nor 1829 transfer prior to that time]