November 7-1780 Rec.d of Abraham Umstad thirty three bushels of Wheat at twenty two Pounds tenn(?) Shillings (symbol, presumably for per - ?) Bushel for the use of Thomas Richardson Commissary for Montgomary County (???) - Joshua Gregg
Note that the spelling was Umstad as opposed to Umstattd in 1781.
Other reference(s) to the above:
World Family Tree CD133 "Revolutionary Patriots, MD and DE,
1775-1783, Montgomery County, Maryland," 2002: "UMSTATTD
(UMSTAD, UMSLADT), Abraham. "Abraham Umstattd or Umstad"
rendered aid by providing wheat for
use of the military in 1780 and 1781
[Ref: O-333, O-388]. "Abraham Umsladt" married Mary
Howard in Montgomery County on Dec. 28, 1780 [Ref: K-2:521].
15 October 2004