P[ost] S[criptum] Auch gn[ä]d[iger] Graff undt Herr [etc.]
Seindt [ = es gibt ] zu Griesh[eim] 5 Hausgesäß [ = die mit einem Hause angesessene Familie] Quaeker, welche in dem Orth nicht nur, wie gnugsam bekandt, viele Ärgernuß geben, sondern auch viel Unruhe undt Mühe veruhrsachen; dann zu geschweigen, daß sie nun und dan[n] einige in Holl- und Engellandt gedruckte Tractätlein, ihre Secte betreffendt hie[r] bevor ausgeben habenn, undt also ihren Gifft anderen beyzubringen sich bemühen, so achten sie keine Obrigkeith, wollen durchaus gnedigster Herrschafft kein Schutzgeldt undt dem Hohen Dhumbstifft Worms in gleichen des Orths Pfarrern az ordentlichen ?matore keinen Zehenden geben, difficultirem die Türckensteuer zu erlegen [ = bezahlen], thun auch ihre Huth und Wachten nicht wie andere Gemeinsleuthe, über dieses wann mann ihnen ihres schuldigen Schutzgeldes oder [gestrichen: anderer] anderer ohnumbgängl[ichen] Ursachen wegen, ein Stück Vieh, Wein oder Früchten angreifen undt verkaufen thut, tragen sie keine Scheu zu sagen, man habe es ihnen gestohlen, oder zu denen, so es gekauft, sie hetten gestohlen Guth gekauft, dahero dan und weilen an diesem Orth ?ohl die Güter sehr angenehm, und nicht wohl vor Geldt zu haben seind, diese Leuthe aber, die mehrste und beste besitzen, habe hiermit höhere Anweysung anheim geben sollen, ob nicht billig diesen Leuthen anzubefehlen seye, daß sie wie andere Underthanen praestanda praestieren [Latin = die auferlegten Abgaben entrichten], oder aber ihre Gütter verkaufen, und das Landt räumen sollen.
Hochh[eim], d[en] 5. July 1684.
Euer Hochgnädigsten Excellenz
Underth[änig] Treu
Translation by Lou and Cris Hueneke
P. S. Also, Gracious Count and Sir (or Lord)
There are in Griesheim (Kriegsheim) 5 households of Quakers who, not just in this town, as is well known, give much aggravation, but also cause much unrest and bother; ...
not to mention that they now and then have given out some little tracts, printed in Holland and England, introducing their sect, and have also tried to teach their poison to others
they respect no authority, and throughout (your) gracious reign, have been unwilling to pay any protection money, or to pay tithes to the high-domed cathedral in Worms or to recognize the town pastors' authority
it is difficult to get them to pay the Turkish War tax and they refuse to stand duty as night watchmen as do others in the community, and above all this, when (the authorities) confiscate some livestock or wine or fruit for back taxes or other unavoidable reasons, and sell them, they are not afraid to say that the goods were stolen from them or to accuse those who buy them of buying stolen property
then, here in this town, these goods are desirable and can't (otherwise or normally) be bought with money
but these people, who own the most and the best, might better have listened to higher instructions, (i.e.) that it might have been cheaper to instruct these people to be subject, like other faithful (citizens), or else to sell their belongings and leave the country.
Hochheim the 5th of July 1684
Your high-gracious Excellence (referring to the Count whom
he is addressing),
Faithfully true,
This is apparently an addition to an earlier letter. Of the three Schmal documents I have, this one was written first, in July, 1684, then "Hochgebohrner" in August, and finally the letter of November regarding the Mennonites.
There are several Griesheims in Germany today, but none of them is in Rhineland-Pfalz, the state in which Worms and Kriegsheim are located. It appears to have been determined by others that Griesheim is an archaic spelling of Kriegsheim. Schmal spells it Kriegsheim in "Hochbebohrner." He does not mention Kriegsheim in the November letter. There is no reason to think the he is referring to a town other than Kriegsheim in this letter.
Copyright 2002 Cris Hueneke
Updated 7 April 2002